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The most UNrealistic/daft scene/episode in Knight Rider

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 11:23 am
Going on from the other topics I thought i'd make this post,

What do you think is the most unrealistic or stupid scene/episode in Knight Rider?

I personally found the bit at the end of Just My Bill to be a bit unrealistic of KITT to say to Maggie "Go get them Maggie".

Just my view though

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 12:58 pm
by Arroww'
In my opinion, it's very unrealistic the scene in which KITT falls with a parachute.... :roll: :wink:

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 4:50 pm
by Michael Pajaro
Most Unrealistic: KITT did a lot of techno-magic to move physical objects, such as spinning a dial on a safe to open it. But the worst in my opinion was how he could alter the dice rolls in "Goliath". Somehow he just zapped them so Michael would win? I don't get it.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 9:47 pm
by Lost Knight
Michael Pajaro wrote:Most Unrealistic: KITT did a lot of techno-magic to move physical objects, such as spinning a dial on a safe to open it. But the worst in my opinion was how he could alter the dice rolls in "Goliath". Somehow he just zapped them so Michael would win? I don't get it.
I think K.I.T.T. supposedly calculated just the right amount of high-frequency sound through the comlink, which allowed the dice to land a certain way. But yes, waay too far fetched.

Re: The most UNrealistic/daft scene/episode in Knight Rider

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 9:49 pm
by James_kr
MLAM wrote: I personally found the bit at the end of Just My Bill to be a bit unrealistic of KITT to say to Maggie "Go get them Maggie".
I found that quite strange too in that episode I think he sounded most like a robot like when he said "back up there's a space behind you" also for some strange reason the colours on the voice modulator are different

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 10:43 pm
by Lyn
Uh, didn't KITT say "Give 'em hell, Maggie?" instead of what you had said? I think so.
Most of the scenes were unrealistic, but all of that added to the show, not taken away in the episodes, and the show was ahead of its time.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 10:45 pm
by FuzzieDice
In Race for Life at the end when KITT's got his lights going off and on, and opening and closing his doors. I never liked that whole episode at all anyway. There were much better ones.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 10:57 pm
by knightridergundam
Michael Pajaro wrote:Most Unrealistic: KITT did a lot of techno-magic to move physical objects, such as spinning a dial on a safe to open it. But the worst in my opinion was how he could alter the dice rolls in "Goliath". Somehow he just zapped them so Michael would win? I don't get it.
Arroww' wrote:In my opinion, it's very unrealistic the scene in which KITT falls with a parachute.... :roll: :wink:

And the scene in "Blind Spot" where Michael's tries to speak Spanish to the people poorly. I mean he didn't even try.... He kept saying the same 3-4 words over and over again.

I have some views about the Knight Rider 2000 movie, too. But that is for another time.....

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 1:05 am
by rulloa81
THE CAMERA ANGLES!!! Where does KITT get all those camera views from. I can understand that KITT can see what is in front of him but there are some scenes that are rediculous. In some scenes KITT brings up images on his screen that are from a totally different camera angle.

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 2:01 am
by James_kr
rulloa81 wrote:THE CAMERA ANGLES!!! Where does KITT get all those camera views from. I can understand that KITT can see what is in front of him but there are some scenes that are rediculous. In some scenes KITT brings up images on his screen that are from a totally different camera angle.
One possibilty: He can hack into traffic carmera's service station camera's things like that could be possible and some could be hidden like when you see michael driving the camera could be hidden on the cowl induction part of the hood.

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 3:30 am
by HungarianKnight
Have you ever read the scipt for the unproduced episode The Wind Devil? Hell, that's more Tolkien than Knight Rider...
More ridiculous stuff: that spy guy in Mouth of the Snake with his superhuman jumps etc. Was he a mutant, or what? :?
And for TKR: all episodes were ridiculous, stupid, cheap copies of original KR concepts (Karr/Kro). I was so infuriated when I watched that stupid spinoff!

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 11:29 am
by AtariKnight
"Big Iron"

The bad guy sliding in the oil

You would need an unreal amount of oil to make someone even slide slightly on asphalt?

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 1:08 pm
rulloa81 wrote:THE CAMERA ANGLES!!! Where does KITT get all those camera views from. I can understand that KITT can see what is in front of him but there are some scenes that are rediculous. In some scenes KITT brings up images on his screen that are from a totally different camera angle.
YES!!!!! I know what you mean, I started a thread awhile ago about how can people see crap on there tv with no cameras. Like in 'Golith" when they travel to red bluff, how is there a camera in red bluff showing them shooting people, and Goliths wheel driving done the street, stupid crap!!! Agreed as well about if the angel is in Kitt's view you can see it on the monitor, but from 100 miles away!!!, that's stupid!

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 2:33 pm
by KentuckyKITT
The most unrealistic scenes I can recall are the "Poltergeist" scene. I can't for the life of me remember the name of the episode (somebody help me here) but it is where Micheal is trapped inside of a closet because two people come into the room and begin making out. Now, while I understand how KITT could turn the lamp off and on to scare the heck does he move a glass figurine back and forth across a table..and cause a door knock to move?? Then there's Halloween Knight...where the "witch" is walking past potted plants and they fall over as she walks by them?? That's about cheesy and SUPER unrealistic.

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 4:04 pm
by KARR 2000
The episode would be Diamonds aren't a girl's best friends.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 2:43 pm
by LadyV2000
I just remembered a scene I thought was incredibly lame. It's in a first season episode, can't remember which one, where KITT's in an impound lot and pushes a car in front him out of the way in order to escape. What's completely unrealistic about it is that there are somehow two people making out in the back seat of the car and the guy says "Did it move for you too?" I know they were there for humor but it wasn't even funny. It was just dumb. There's noway two people would be in the backseat of a car in a locked impound lot. :?

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 2:50 pm
by rulloa81
In one of the first few episodes Michael parks KITT in a parking lot and a huge garbage truck parks right behind KITT and refuses to move after Michael tells him that he has to leave. So KITT just pushes the truck out of the way. That was very stupid...

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 10:23 pm
by cloudkitt
I agree with Michael Pajaro. It drives me nuts when he unlocks dial safes, or unlocks padlock doors.
Electronically locked doors and electronic safes and I can fully understand how he does it, but not the manual ones. Now in one episode. Michael turns the dial and KITT watches and says "There." when he hits a number, that makes sense to me too, but not when he turns it.

Same thing with the dice, there's no way. I'll even grant him the roullette wheel in that 4th season episode because the roullette wheel was probably rigged anyway and KITT just messed with it, but no dice. lol

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 2:19 am
by Knightwolf
Return to Cadiz...Kitt (or should I say the model of Kitt) driving on the water, enough said.

When I was a kid watching KR I didnt notice how obvious the model of Kitt was. I understand they did a lot with the model that they couldn't do with a real Trans Am, but they could have spent a little more time and effort making the model look a little more realistic.

One more thing, how could KITT spin the dial on a safe and unlock a deadbolt lock, but not be able to lower an automotive lift?

And just a funny sidenote, did anyone else notice that when Bonnie would add something to KITT, Michael and KITT would always be impressed with Bonnie's new addition...In contrast when April added something to Kitt, Michael and KITT would be impressed if the new function actually worked properly!


Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 8:59 pm
by pdennis93
how is it kitt can unlock handcuffs, open doors, microjam trunk locks (buyout) and the like, but if he gets stuck in the air by something as simple as a hydrolic floorjack, he is immobilized (specifically the one in buyout)

yeah the dice also annoy me as well....

and how come in junkyard dog, when kitt is lifted up in the air, why didnt he just microjam the forklift ? if he can stop whole cars (knights of the fast lane, the rotten apples, countless outhers) why not the forklift?

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 9:12 pm
by James_kr
he could microjam the trunk lock if it was an electric one which cadillacs probably had

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 9:54 pm
by pdennis93
he could microjam the trunk lock if it was an electric one which cadillacs probably had
that may be true if he was pressing the button on the dashboard to release the trunk, but jamming the power trunk lock would not disable the key.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 2:25 am
by fred
I never liked the model car shots either, in some episodes it is so obvious it is a crap model. The scene in junk yard dog where kitt is sinking is just one example.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 4:43 am
by James_kr
fred wrote:I never liked the model car shots either, in some episodes it is so obvious it is a crap model. The scene in junk yard dog where kitt is sinking is just one example.
That was the WORST model I have ever seen and the scanner looked like it had white lines between it with a weird LED moving I think they used the same model in the episode where KITT is on the train tracks "RACE FOR LIFE SEASON 2" Its got the same funny scanner I think they used that for both of them.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 1:20 pm
by LadyV2000
I'll agree with disliking the models. Those things were so damn cheap looking. :x