FuzzieDice KR Site Moved! Update Your Bookmarks!

Archive for discussions from 2006. Please post new discussions in the appropriate forum.

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FuzzieDice KR Site Moved! Update Your Bookmarks!

Post by FuzzieDice » Mon Feb 13, 2006 3:07 am

Just want to let everyone know that my Knight Rider stuff has moved to a nice, new site:

Rebel Knight

Yup, mostly KARR, but some KITT and maybe KIFT too, depending. Basically, I put all the KR stuff I had on FuzzieDice.com (which is getting a new look) into this new site (which is on the same domain).

I'm splitting up my stuff on that domain so that there'll be a different site for my model kits, Knight Rider, my car and just a home page site.

The model kits that were KR are on the new site too. I don't have the modeling tips up yet, but those will become active again when I get the models area moved. You can still get the modeling tips on the fuzziedice.com site by clicking on the Kit-Garage or FuzzieDice images.

Have fun! :)
