On the state of this Fandom, and why I may be leaving

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On the state of this Fandom, and why I may be leaving

Post by SacValleyDweller » Thu Jan 01, 2009 11:55 pm

I dont know if I'm posting this in the right place, but feel I need to get this off my chest as a newer, I'd like to call myself a fan, of the show:

Shows with any plot intensity and richness in the universe excite me and make me feel hungry for more. So much more in fact, that I join fansites in order to discuss my likes about the show and speculate on the future of elements of the story, and glean information about the show that I may otherwise miss. After an episode, I like to see if my feelings about that night's episode are valid by reviewing the episode discussions and seeing if others share my likes or dislikes. This enhances my enjoyment of the show.

Knight Rider 2008 comes along, and fits my bill with some plot intensity and a somewhat rich universe. I had hoped that by being a member here, my enjoyment of the show would be enhanced, as it was with Heroes when I joined 9thwonders and HeroesWiki, and Lost when I joined Lostpedia, especially because I have very little frame of reference to go by with KR 08.

The opposite has happened. :(

The majority sentiment of the boards, from looking at those episode review threads and live discussion threads, seem to say that KR 08 is junk. Frequently cited reasons, amongst what I've seen around here, is a lack of verisimilitude (the virus in Knight fever, the transformations), substandard dialogue between characters, and lack of ties to TOS.

Because of this, I feel my excitement during the episodes is not valid, and that watching the show is a waste of time. I want to like the show, but a lot of the experts I've been seeing on these boards are telling me not to via their criticizing posts. I come in here liking the show and what I've seen :good: , and leave hating it. :evil:

Therefore, my presence here may not last much longer. If I get any responses here, I may change my mind. If not, this may be my last post.

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Re: On the state of this Fandom, and why I may be leaving

Post by Kitzira » Fri Jan 02, 2009 12:59 am

The KR fandom is based on TOS... this is a fact.

People generally hate change.. that too is a fact.

Put them together and you get what yer reading on this board.

Although, as the series has progressed, more and more members are warming up to it. But we keep getting burned everytime someone links to another news blog/site that downs new KR2008.

The Heroes and Lost fandoms weren't born in 9 episodes either.

I was hoping that the new fandom would be built upon with fanfic, so I opened up a KR fanfic archive in March. After known writers filled it up with original KR fic.. the 2008 part has been rather empty. Even on fanfiction.net, it's been slow going new material mixing in with the old KR. The new fandom is having a very rusty start with all this old backlog.

My suggestion would be to find TOS to watch. If the universe interests you, learn about it. There a few bad episodes that you can miss, but there's also a few good episodes that should be watched. The special effects won't be as special and the dialog even more hokey in places, but it's a good starter block.
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Re: On the state of this Fandom, and why I may be leaving

Post by 1982 » Fri Jan 02, 2009 3:51 am


The best thing you should do is, not to compare your likes and dislikes, or opinions, with those of others. Like or dislike something for your own reasons alone. After all, it is about how it affects you. That is all that matters. If you like it, why dilute your experience of it listening to those that don’t.

Develop your own opinions based on deductive reasoning, rather than those of speculation that tend to be the norm of the present day Bipod. By all means, don’t let those, as well as media based opinions, pollute your perspective.

I don’t know which “experts” you refer to, but I doubt their resume would qualify them as such.

Stick around and observe. Of course, you will find people that you agree with, and other you don’t. Those that don’t, take note of their reasoning and how they back it up (or don’t). Then choose who or what to ignore. Ultimately, any response, if you choose to, will put you in a classification of being, what is commonly referred to as, “another one of them.”

The funny thing is, many of the complaints of the new series, can be said about the original, with the same excuses given.

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Re: On the state of this Fandom, and why I may be leaving

Post by Michael Pajaro » Fri Jan 02, 2009 6:20 pm

It's always easier (and more fun) to complain than to praise. Especially on the internet. So yes, the voices that dislike the new show are going to sound louder than the fans of the show. But if YOU enjoy watching it, that's all the more reason to stay and share your opinions. You are being swayed to dislike the show; did you consider the possibility that you might sway people to enjoy it?
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Re: On the state of this Fandom, and why I may be leaving

Post by Sue » Fri Jan 02, 2009 7:31 pm

I know exactly how you feel SVD. Trust me I’ve thought the same thing. But no one here is an expert except the people whose names you see in green. We are all just fans as you are. As a community we have to welcome both people who like the show and people who don’t. But that doesn’t mean we can’t all get along. I know we can as long as we respect one another’s differing points of view. Some people would like to imagine perhaps that there is a war between TOS fans and 08 fans but it’s not true. Troublemakers are troublemakers no mater what it is they support. They are people who attack other people and other people perceptions and ideas without any consideration of people’s feelings. They attempt to build themselves up by belittling and insulting others. And yes attacking back, however much you want to or it would make you feel better makes one a troublemaker too. Sadly that doesn’t leave the rest of us with much option other than ignoring them and carrying on, and as Mike says let our own enthusiasm sway them. Or then there is the option of leaving and throwing in the towel.

I hope you do stay. But I thank you for admitting your feelings. (And for doing so without attacking anyone.) Because at times I think there are people who don’t see who they are hurting and don’t see the harm in what they do because the hurt stay quiet and let things go so as not to cause trouble.
Please stay :D
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Re: On the state of this Fandom, and why I may be leaving

Post by DevonStyles » Fri Jan 02, 2009 8:13 pm

This site is a small chunk of the actual picture. I don't know how many members we got here, but the Knight rider fans are in the millions.

We Knight rider nuts as I like to call myself, think of this show as our baby in a sense. We love it and we want to see it do well. Thinking in this frame of mind, when we see our show or our child do something bad or if it is not living up to it's potiential then we are only trying to help it and guide it in the right direction. Offer it our guidence and experience regardless if it helps it or not. That's our job so to speak. Were yelling at our scripts writers and directors much like we would yell at our child's football coach for having a crappy game plan and not letting our child shine in the spotlight. What you have is a community of people who care alot about this show or child. Were all rooting for it. Were just offering our opinions trying to help out, hoping someone is a position of power agrees with us.
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Re: On the state of this Fandom, and why I may be leaving

Post by Scott Kirkessner » Fri Jan 02, 2009 8:23 pm

Hey now...

A lot of us have been around this fandom for over ten years. We saw the birth of TKR, false calls for movies and resurrections, and we stuck it out. Through all the drama, weirdness, namecalling, etc... us longtimers never wanted to give up.

We'd like you to stay too... :)

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Re: On the state of this Fandom, and why I may be leaving

Post by KnightINSTINCT » Fri Jan 02, 2009 8:31 pm


I've been visiting KRO off and on for the past 13-14 years, and just as of late (since the 1st episode of KR08) I registered an account to voice my opinion. I've bashed and praised this new show, only for the intention that maybe someone else is listening. I've loved Knight Rider my whole life....literally! There is a show for everyone that is cherished, and this is mine. This nerd board is the only nerd board I've visited for a show, and I've been a fan of LOST, BTTV, ANGEL, and QUANTUM LEAP, only because I love Knight Rider :P

One thing for certain is this community couldn't get any better. We have diversity in opinion. And for as much guff that we all have to read from those who insult others or the show alone, it's for a good reason. I hate to say this, but a lot of us if not all, are WAY too dedicated to Knight Rider. I for one, can't help it. I say a lot of things on here, and I'm sure you've seen me as one of those who may throw off a quip towards others on here who go against my own opinion. It's like CNN's FIREBALL for me. As for you, take what you can from here if you're sincerely interested in getting more involved on this show. So far, you're right, there has been little knowledge present in the updated threads that regards TOS, and more instead about the production of KR08. I believe in time, if there is still time, you will see more and more positive feedback related to the story of KR08, and not something as vital as the script writing. We are all rooting for this show to stay and not disappear. THAT IS THE COMMUNITY'S BIGGEST FEAR.

The choice is yours, but I hope if you get any more disgusted with us to say something. Don't leave :good:

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Re: On the state of this Fandom, and why I may be leaving

Post by My_Friend_KITT » Sat Jan 03, 2009 5:03 am

Hey SVD, this is kind of what I learned after being here now for a little over 3 months.

With the good comes the bad, you are going to find sugar and vinegar. The sugar keeps me coming back. :) There are going to be things and people that you are not going to like or agree with and vise versa. However, you have to interpret exactly how you want to react to it, if you react at all.

I find that I have learned to ignore bashers (especially when they just want you to react to a blatently negative comment with no supporting evidence) and constant negative media.

Enjoy the show for what you want it to be and do not let an outside influence cloud your judgement. Share what you liked and tell about how you think it can improve.
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Re: On the state of this Fandom, and why I may be leaving

Post by CJaguar442 » Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:37 am

Dear SacValleyDweller

I agree with my friend KITT and other members. Don’t leave because of some imbeciles harassed you. Just ignore them. I really hope you stay. :kitt: :good:
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Re: On the state of this Fandom, and why I may be leaving

Post by KITT Season 4 » Sat Jan 03, 2009 12:05 pm

And there are people who like a lot of it. I loved every spin off (except code of vengeance because i never saw it)I really don't know why people don't like it. I don't really pay attention to what they say. Wait till the end of the the season or the next three episodes before you make up your mind. I doubt there will be anything negative about it. And it takes a while getting used to. Before a lot of people had a thing against the Mustang, now pretty much nobody. I hated the new Attack Mode when i first saw it, but seeing it in action changed my mind. Eventually there's gonna be enough people who liked it.

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Re: On the state of this Fandom, and why I may be leaving

Post by _K3000_ » Sat Jan 03, 2009 12:26 pm

Oh trust me dude we will always have haters of the old show and new, and fans who love the old show and the new show. But don't let people get to ya :good: just stay with what your mind is telling you and please stay :) :good: :kitt2:
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Re: On the state of this Fandom, and why I may be leaving

Post by Rockatteer » Sat Jan 03, 2009 5:36 pm

KITT Season 4 wrote:Before a lot of people had a thing against the Mustang, now pretty much nobody. I hated the new Attack Mode when i first saw it, but seeing it in action changed my mind. Eventually there's gonna be enough people who liked it.
I actually think the new Kitt looks better than the old kitt. It looks meaner.. stronger, gruntier. Now if they would just make it act that way! :lol:

I don't think we're actually helping anything by referring to Haters and Lovers of the show. All that is doing is reinforcing the divide in the fandom. I agree that there does seem to be a lot of negativity towards the new show, but you have to remember, that even the so called haters are fans, they don't like the new show because they feel it doesn't meet the standards of Knight Rider. I would say there are very few among us who actually hate the new show. Most people can find good and bad and whether they find more good or bad determines their approach, but even seeing more bad doesn't mean they hate the show, just means they have more things they would like to see changed.

So I think we need to all adjust our approach and stop referring to the people with concerns as haters.

I'm not sure what the ratings are like, but if they are low... then obviously the show isn't being watched, so maybe the nay-sayers have some valid points.

I'm hopeful that some changes can be made to the focus of the show to bring it more in like with the Kitt and Micheal kicking butt aspect which we all loved in TOS... and maybe lose the changing ot other vehicles thing.

I think if they can do that, most "nay-sayers" will come around to like the new show.
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Re: On the state of this Fandom, and why I may be leaving

Post by Sky_Blue_Civic » Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:20 pm

SVD, you should stay.Every fandom will have a problem like this popping up sometime.It probably already happened,or it will happen.All you should do is try your hardest to support your fandom.One person can make a difference.
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Re: On the state of this Fandom, and why I may be leaving

Post by Knight-Armen » Mon Jan 05, 2009 9:07 am

SVD - The worst thing that can ever happen this community is to loose members, i.e. fans like you and me. There's nothing that can prepare you from loosing a friend so what you need to do is to put the cards on the table and ask yourself - why did I join KRO? - pros and cons with the board? - possibilites of change?
As Kitzira said, this board is based on TOS. We all have good memories from it and whether the new Knight Rider series is better or worse shouldn't make any difference for those who wish to discuss either. If you joined this board because of your devotion to TOS I ask you to evaluate your decision again. If your registration on this board was only to discuss the new Knight Rider you might want to weigh the positives and negatives before you make a final decision. One thing that you should keep in mind is that there will always be two groups of people battling on the board. Although the rules doesn't make space for insulting and swearing you will sooner or later come across that. I don't want to put fuel on fire here but Knight Fever was no different from the other episodes (i.m.o.). A simple computer animation to create a main plot for the episode was very weak. Seriously, what are the chances of making a great episode with a simple animation to be the ground basis of your plot?

As a friend or whatever you want to call it I advise you to wait until after the reboot. The reboot is on January 7th, that's this week!!! All of us expect some major changes that may change our opinions about the show. If nothing happens as far as characters, plot, developement is concerned you might stumble on people bashing the show over again. Only then you should choose whether or not to stay but for now just wait and see what happens.
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Re: On the state of this Fandom, and why I may be leaving

Post by PHOENIXZERO » Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:08 am

Just to clarify, I don't think the next three or four episodes are the "reboot" itself, they're the episodes that transition into the series revamping to tie up loose ends and all that so things just don't suddenly happen without an explanation.
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Re: On the state of this Fandom, and why I may be leaving

Post by Knight-Armen » Mon Jan 05, 2009 2:00 pm

Phoenixzero - That is precisely what I think. What I meant was simply that from January 7th and onwards we're going to notice som major changes in the show.
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Re: On the state of this Fandom, and why I may be leaving

Post by Josch Schulz » Mon Jan 05, 2009 5:29 pm

A lot of us have been around this fandom for over ten years. We saw the birth of TKR, false calls for movies and resurrections, and we stuck it out. Through all the drama, weirdness, namecalling, etc... us longtimers never wanted to give up.
That was very good, it touch my heart very much and speak the thoughts from my mind. Thank you for that :kitt:
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Re: On the state of this Fandom, and why I may be leaving

Post by K2000kid » Wed Jan 07, 2009 7:55 pm

Don't give up the ghost yet
All i had for the new show was hate when i watched it back in september
I wanted the old formula back the overdone dash, the smart alec
car and yeahh I miss super pursuit mode too

But i had to realize this show was happening 25 yrs later and what was cool 25 yrs ago won't cut it today
So i watched every episode of TOS and began to let go of nostalgia
and let the new show stand on its own
guess what i will be upset if they do cancel the new series

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Re: On the state of this Fandom, and why I may be leaving

Post by SacValleyDweller » Thu Jan 08, 2009 1:17 am

Well, after what Ive seen in this thread and if Don't Stop The Knight is any indication, I think sticking around will be less hazardous to my enjoyment of the show than it has been :good:

Besides, I've got a source for TOS on TV, so I can gain an appreciation for it, too.

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Re: On the state of this Fandom, and why I may be leaving

Post by vespurrs » Thu Jan 08, 2009 9:45 pm

All I know is, I love the original, I'm gaining an appreciation for the new series, and I'm not going to let the naysayers spoil either for me. And you shouldn't either, SVD. :)
