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Post by knightstand » Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:07 am

I think that when KITT becomes Tracuers buddly like KITT did with MK we will see more of what we want with the car being an equal star to the humans. I too, want the car to what drives the series, not just a talking prop.

I think the series will give us what we want. It feels right.

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Post by optimus » Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:47 am

Well they gave it an AWFUL try so it won't make a series. The execs wanted to taylor it today's young crowd just like Bionic Woman and half the shows are which is why 'toss it'. They'll just pour another bourbon and bag a 'whatever'. You never, ever, ever saw Micheal Knight in bed with a woman. I remember one episode of them catching him in bed at night by himself but that's it. HERE you have a complete whack out job in bed with two women and a FBI lesbian, complete disgrace.

Let's compare both original premier's to get this going.....

We were blown away by KITT's upper and lower dash. His voice was human. It didn't wait for the garage door, just bashed though it. Micheal flipped out when KITT was driving while he was alseep then KITT told Michael to act as though he had a disability to get out of a ticket. There's more following humorous and serious Michael and KITT interaction including Micheal's sheer will to stop the bad guys even though he's seriously hurt. He turbo-boosted through a semi then jumped over one. KITT took out a plane's wing on the runway then finally ricocheted her bullet to her death too. IN short, KITT was the FUTURE!

Now, the new premiere......

This KITT is just plain, nothing else. Dash is just a revised ONSTAR with his voice box resembling a heartbeat monitor on life support lol. That's one quick-ass garage door opener that KITT should have just plowed through. Cars do not squeal tires on wet pavement nor does ONSTAR know where every vehicle is unless all driver's needed emergency. A morphing? Where cause I didn't see it other than bad colors. IN short, KITT used other computer's abilities instead of having it's own supercapabilites and couldn't outrun a 5000lb SUV so it barracaded it. PLUS, Michael is a complete whack out job compared to dad. For a former Navy seal(or whatever special unit it was), he humiliates it with that hairdo and awful apartment. Wakes up with women in bed, gambler, and very suprised they didn't have him wearing earrings too. FBI lesbian??

The old KITT blew the new one away again! Glen Larson should be ashamed at himself for executive producing this one! The old KITT was pure cinematography while the new one has too much green-skinned filming.

3 out of 10. It was a huge disappointment.

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Post by Kram061-1 » Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:00 am

I tried getting this post in already, but couldn't, needless to say, b/c of the busy-ness of this site, I guess . I don't care about the lesbian stuff or any of that crap. I am only gonna talk about the car:

#1. The plane was STUPID. It was STUPID enough 10 years ago (TKR) and it is STUPID now.
#2. Was there an actual point to the change in color of KITT's voice box? Mood?
#3. I am under the impression that the "Attack KITT" is more of a modern version of SPM, than an actual "ATTACK" Mode.
#4. I liked the car changing color, should've touched on that in the original show. Didn't care at all for the "Morhping". If I wanted to see that, I'd watch Transformers.
#5. The car-- Not enough physical car stunts, as the original. Too much CGI forced into the movie here. And they never really showed you what the car is capable of. They were too busy showing it driving FAST over and over and over again. Enough is enough. The original pilot showed more of the K2000's capabilities than this one did. But OK.

#6. (OR #5b.) I agree with alot of you that this car seems to be a step back from the original. It's capabilities are not futuristic, I have GPS In my car!

#7. What would it have really hurt to throw a Turbo Boost in there somewhere, or a Ski Mode scene. Even if it was Mike saying, "Hey KITT what's this button do?"

BUT, since I was not expecting anything out of this at all, it was better than I anticipated. I did like the nods to the original that were thrown in ther, very nostalgic, and I liked the new voice, for the most part. I also have to say, that I very rarely see a sequel that out does its original. :kitt2:

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Post by Garthe Knight » Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:01 am

optimus wrote: We were blown away by KITT's upper and lower dash. His voice was human. It didn't wait for the garage door, just bashed though it. Micheal flipped out when KITT was driving while he was alseep then KITT told Michael to act as though he had a disability to get out of a ticket. There's more following humorous and serious Michael and KITT interaction including Micheal's sheer will to stop the bad guys even though he's seriously hurt. He turbo-boosted through a semi then jumped over one. KITT took out a plane's wing on the runway then finally ricocheted her bullet to her death too. IN short, KITT was the FUTURE!

The old KITT blew the new one away again! Glen Larson should be ashamed at himself for executive producing this one! The old KITT was pure cinematography while the new one has too much green-skinned filming.

3 out of 10. It was a huge disappointment.
Yeah, but that was 26 years ago. Y'know, there were times when people thought that a small gorilla figure with bad robotic moves was King Kong who climebed a skyscraper.

A car with hundreds of buttons is not futuristic anymore. So if you want your old KITT back, go watch the DVDs.
I liked how they reinvented KITT, I liked the story of the pilot, and if the FBI agent likes women... who cares?! This does not ruin the movie.

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Post by Kram061-1 » Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:10 am

Oh yeah, one more thing..............
Everyone was wanting to hear what happened to the original KITT and see if the parts in the garage were from the most recent season. When did they say KITT was dismantled?

Why couldn't the parts in the garage be SPARE parts from after all the rebuilds of the original KITT? You never actuall saw the Trans-Am, did you? Maybe they were all the parts taken out for replacement/upgrades!?

Maybe KITT was decommishoned with Michael Knight and they are retired together? :o

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Post by Lost Knight » Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:14 am

jup wrote:I am trying to remember if Knight Two Thousand was tatooed in one pilot episode shot upon the gull wing or not. Maybe, I'm thinking of it being on the voice modulator. Don't feel like hunting down the DVD right now.
The "Knight Two Thousand" lettering appears on the steering wheel and voice modulator in the 20-minute presentation footage that was intermixed in the original Pilot. So in some shots it's written there, but in all of the later shot scenes it's gone. It's the one and only episode where the lettering appears.
jup wrote:As for the dash, I seem to remember it becoming apart of the Sea Quest set, some years back. So, it's hard to say if it's around in one piece to still be found by props. At least, we had far better looking pieces over KR2000's circuit boards and...electric eye camera piece.
I believe that was electronics donated to the show by a replica owner. The only reason they didn't have a Seasons 3-4 dashboard in the telepic is because they couldn't get ahold of one since they contacted Rob Louisell at the last second and all he had was a 2-TV dashboard. As it turned out, the director decided to end up cutting it out of the movie completely, which I'm happy about for continuity's sake. I'm glad the director noticed this and did something about it.
“Gimme maximum turbo thrust and blast me outta here, will ya!?”
:kitt: :dash4:

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Post by Jeremy1973 » Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:06 pm

After watching this new Knight Rider /Ford commercial, I thought there were some positives as well as negatives, I will watch the new series if it comes out ,even though I hate the that the new kitt is a Mustang, the action was pretty good after the first hour .
I was starting to get really bored, angry, and impatient with this knew K.R. t.v. movie pilot through the first hour, I was losing what little interest I had in this movie( after the KITT Mustang was revealed), Because of the following reasons:
1.) As an original K.R. fan since childhood, I was pissed that the only "appearance" of the original KITT was very disapointing in that , the only parts of KITT that I noticed, were the KNIGHT liscense plate, and part of the Gull wing steering wheel, there was a tarp covering something that I assumed was the gutted frame and shell of KITT, but that didn't even show even a hint of the Trans Am's shape , It was as though Ford was too paranoid, worried, or egotistical ,to even let NBC show the highly recognizable Original Trans Am versions gutted shell or even old concept drawings laying around, or up on the walls of the shop, in this new Ford powered K.R. show.
I would have liked it if , at the end of this Movie they would have had Michael Knight drive off from the funeral in the Original KITT and have Mike drive off in the Mustang, it would be like saying goodbye to an old legend while welcoming the new one, But NOOOOOO! The stuffed shirts at Ford didn't have enough vision, or respect for us Original Knight Rider fans while filming this latest Ford COMMERCIAL.

2.) We allready know that the knew KITT is a Mustang, that being said; Why does the new KITT have to have all of the Ford Logos still attached to the shell? The Pontiac Trans AM Firebird didn't have all of the GMC/Pontiac firebird Logos plastered all over the original KITT.
I was trying to give the new show a chance and not judge it to harshly because of the Mustang abomination, but the FIRST HOUR seemed to be little more than a Ford commercial as I had feared it would be, Especially how they zoomed in on the Cobra emblem in Slow Mo several times, and on the Ford logo on the rear of the new KITT.
Yes we all know that the new vehicle is a Ford ,Us original fans don't need nor want the Ford Mustang logos slapping us in the face every scene, especially if you want us to continue to watch the show.

3.) The interior of the Mustang KITT , especially the dash and Voice Box. I found this was very boring and bland at best compaired to the Trans AM KITT's dash. In my opinion the CPU monitor /voice box, looked like an oversized I-Pod screen with a heart monitor , I didn't like the voice box at all , I thought that the keyboard popping emerging out of the dash was cool, but I found it to be less interesting than the fully voice operated Knight Industries Two Thousand.
Things I liked about the new K.R. t.v. movie;
1.) I liked New Kitt's sense of humor , especially when it asked Mike if he was a homosexual , I laughed my butt off on that one and that seemed to be the turning point from the boring first hour Ford commercial, and actually getting on with the Knight Rider Movie instead of the Ford Mustang movie.

2.) I liked the action scenes especially when Mike was Kicking some buttocks with his martial arts/combat skills.

3.) I also liked the Hoff appearance and the hint of futer appearances, It would be nice to see the Mustang KITT w/ Mike, team up at least once with Michael Knight who would be driving the Trans AM KITT , to keep us Original fans happy and watching the new K.R. in the hopes of seeing the Knight Industries Two Thousand again. :kitt:

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Post by Hardkore » Mon Feb 18, 2008 5:08 pm

I just realized something else. At the end when he is rolling out the back of the c130 somewhere over the middle east somewhere,it was said that "they" (FBI) would be picking up the bills. What is the FBI doing funding the Foundation on missions over there? They should have made Her character CIA instead.

Also,I liked the part where they roll out the back of the plane. Fortunately I never saw even 1 episode of TKR,so I never knew about that. To me it was just an expansion of useing the rig, the rig for domestic and the plane for international.

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Post by Squirrel3D » Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:27 pm

Pretty much spoke for me about the TV movie overall. And I also agree with the other posters who complained about the lesbian and threeway scenes. When do the rest of you morons start becoming intolerable to these things?? Can we please leave stuff like this to porno or magazines? Must it be plastered everywhere and even on a TV movie like this?

And I'm only 25....and if saying these things makes me "irrelevant" to you, then you can kiss my ---.

Kids DO get influced by these things so yes they get a message. Kids aren't stupid. This TV movie was nothing more than a ford advertisment vechile (no pun intended) full of their political and social beliefs of society to make them feel "relevant". Not to mention me-too matrix scenes of bullets bouncing off KITT, and the lame fact that KITT can be hurt of it's computer is shut off. The orignal KITT never had this problem, so give me a break. Thank goodness Val Kilmer's portrayl of the KITT voice kept me watching or else I would've been doing something else that night.

So yeah, you people can be "Toooolerant" all you want, but in a downward spiral society, I still...last checked...had a right to be intolerant. And before you even jump me, saying I'm anti-gay this that whatever, I have 2 gay there. :p
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