Ficathon Entry -- The Unoriginal Fic: Trust Doesn't Rust

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Ficathon Entry -- The Unoriginal Fic: Trust Doesn't Rust

Post by Knight224 » Thu Jan 27, 2005 8:33 am

Sorry it took so long... I must have accidentally hit the self destruct button. The computer guy couldn’t get the files back. So I had to type it at school and by then I totally lost my muse, plus its hard to think straight when you’re always wondering if you’re going to get caught *evil grin*. Anyway, enough with my excuses, enjoy!

"I am the Knight Automated Roving Robot; K.A.R.R if you prefer. I am the prototype of the car of the future!"

Trust Doesn’t Rust
(A Written Record of The Events That Transpired, As Told by Christine)

A cold silence filled the Knight Technology Museum, the air seemed to hum with a deadly excitement. Shadows washed around the empty rooms like water, pulsating in gentle waves that lapped against the bare walls, and pooled in the corners. A guard briskly patrolled outside, rubbing his hands together to keep warm. Delicate plumes of steam rose from his mouth and nose. He was completely oblivious to the evil that lurked inside, waiting, waiting.

The cold metal of a lock slid dryly and clanked into the open position as a man fumbled with it outside, his numb hands uncoordinated from the liquor that warmed his bulging gut. The door creaked slowly open, speedily parting the shadow ocean, and sending its obsidian waves crashing to the walls in a quiet whoosh. A long silhouette spilled upon the floor, then a second. A silent, ungainly shuffle and two men followed, practically falling into the room, plunging into near total darkness. They paused, voices hushed, and waited for their eyes to adjust to the looming darkness. The open door swung slowly back and forth in a sudden breeze that began to stir outside.

In Laboratory Three something evil and dead waited. A crackle of sparks, and energy flooded the cables and wires leading to the mysterious room. A warning sign went unnoticed, a stimulating breath of air drifting over the sparkling hood like a lover’s touch. The soft whine of dried components reverberated around the empty laboratory, then a puff of bluish exhaust poured from long-dead and slightly rusted pipes as the engine caught and started, rattling for a moment then going deathly silent, just as it was meant to be. Four pristine tires, filled near to bursting with stale air, propelled the dark machine backwards, further into the shadows. And explosion of sparks arc and crackle, then puff out. Keys turned in the ignition – off – and the engine died with another savage rattle. For a few seconds, the only sound was the tink tink of a cooling engine.

The door to Laboratory Three swung outward. The gawky and ungraceful shapes of two human beings were recreated in the twin TVs on the car’s dash, beneath a thin layer of gray dust. One screen switched off with a soft blip then the second, each picture drawing inward to a spark of color, then vanishing.

“This place is big!” said Tony, his drunken drawl the only sound in the empty room. The Rev cowered in the darkness, blinking and straining his eyes. Despite the amount of switches they had tried, only a small light had come on as a result. There had also been a moment of bright, cascading sparks and a noisy, frightening crackle that he was almost certain had alerted the guard who was outside. “Let’s go.” He begged, following Tony across the empty floor to a room marked “Laboratory 3”. “You kidding? This place is a gold mine!” Tony said, glancing around the room. “I think we should leave.” The Rev insisted. A cold chill traveled up both their spines. “I think you’re right.” Tony said, but before either of them could turn around, the door slammed shut!

The car started. This time it started smoothly, its systems operating together as they should, in precise harmony, a barely audible sound that could not be heard by the drunken idiots trembling before him in the pitch black. A red light streaked across his black hood with a gentle whir. Another explosion of sparks. The humans turned around and screamed, fearing the advancing red light and the unseen beast that it belonged to. The engine revved like a roaring beast then let off, revved and let off. Suddenly the doors swung open and the car’s tires peeled black strips onto the floor.

“Are – you – awake?” said the strangely metallic voice. “We’re moving! Huh? Wha…” Tony mumbled as he was jolted awake by the strange voice. “It wasn’t a dream!” Tony gasped as the bizarreness of the situation finally dawned on him. Lights flashed on and off all around him, their musical tones filling the air. “Hey!!” The Rev said from the passenger side seat. “You… you’re here. And… and I’m here. And IT’S HERE.”

Tony and the Rev quickly jump out of the car, stumbling over the threshold. Once a safe distance away they cower. “Where are we?” Tony said, almost to himself, looking around. Concrete walls surrounded them, veiled in graffiti.

The metallic voice again. “This is where your companion told me to stop last night.”

The Rev “I did?”

The voice “Actually, most of what you said was incoherent. I did however distinctly hear the word stop.”

The Rev “You… you’re just a car, ain’t you?”

The voice cuts in angrily. “Not just a car. I am the Knight Automated Roving Robot...KARR, if you prefer. I am the prototype of the car of the future.”

The Rev “I mean you’re a regular, real thing? Not just something out of a nightmare like you looked last night?”

The voice, now recognized as belong to KARR, “Nothing has changed since last night.”

Tony “That’s easy for you to say… Where did you come from, anyway, and how did you get in that building?”

KARR “That edifice, was the lab where I was first activated, and where I was also deactivated.”

The Rev “Deactivated? You mean somebody turned you off?”

KARR “My creator, Wilton Knight. He brought me into the world and then turned on me.”

Tony “Awww. Take it easy… Take it easy! My old man… same way.”

The Rev “Yeah, you can’t count on nobody except me and Tony.”

KARR “Interesting. I will enter that information into my data banks. I am indebted to both of you. You reactivated me. How may I serve you?”

Tony “Serve us? Whatcha mean by ‘serve us’?”

KARR “I have checked my data on basic human desires; therefore I understand your needs.”

Tony “Come on.”

KARR “You wish to eat?”

Tony “Well, yeah.”

KARR “You wish to drink?”

Tony “Yeah!”

KARR “You wish to reproduce?”

Tony and the Rev “YEAH!”

KARR “Which one first?”

The Rev “How about a couple of eggs sunny side up?”

KARR “I have no eggs. Maybe you can direct me to a chicken.”

Tony “What are you, a comedian?”

KARR “I am the Knight Automated Roving Robot...KARR, if you prefer -- I am the prototype of the car of the future.”

The Rev “Hey, wait a minute. It's coming back to me now... last night...there was a guy, and another car...a car just like you....”

KARR “You are in error. I am one of a kind!”

Tony “No. The Rev’s right, I saw it too.”

Suddenly the car’s engine roars. The sound rises to an unbearable altogether into the distinctive silence of it’s superior engine. The sharp, raspy voice growls in rage, “I am the prototype of the car of the future. What you saw was merely an inferior production line model. A pale copy of the original!” Tony and the Rev ease cautiously back. Tony jabs his elbow into the Rev’s side. “Oh yeah… uh, KARR, you must be right.” Lowering his voice he says to the Rev, a nasty grin flickering across his rough, unshaven features, “This guy's got a touchy motor!”
Last edited by Knight224 on Thu Jan 27, 2005 6:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by FuzzieDice » Thu Jan 27, 2005 10:30 am

Hey, that's pretty good! I have the book and of course the episode on the DVD set. Love that one. :)

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Post by Knight224 » Thu Jan 27, 2005 6:39 pm

Wow. That one’s a book? I knew the Pilot was, but not Trust Doesn’t Rust. *grumbles* Looks like it’s even more unoriginal than I thought *cries* Oh well, blame it on the muse.

Thanks again FuzzieDice for the nice comment. I just found out last week a short story of mine won the gold key for Scholastics and I should find out soon about the artwork I have entered too. Made some Knight Rider references in the story, wonder if that's legal? Enough with my bragging. If you're bored out of you're mind you can read my good Knight Rider story on Fanfiction website... i'm asUwsh
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Post by FuzzieDice » Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:31 pm

I got both the pilot book and Trust Doesn't Rust off of's used books classifieds site. There were I think 5 books total made for Knight Rider. I'm hoping to find all 5 some day.

As for Knight Rider references in your stories, technically it is illegal. Try going to the Chilling Effects Clearinghouse for more info on fanfic writing.

I enjoy reading and writing fanfic though so we all bend the rules a little. :) Some places actually let fans do this and while they don't encourage or discourage it, allow it knowing it's a good way of self promotion. That doesn't mean, however, that they will allow it permanently.

So for now, write, and enjoy! :) And I'll enjoy reading them too. :)

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Post by knightshade » Sat Jan 29, 2005 12:09 pm

Wonderfully written Knight224. I look forward to reading more of your stories.

Oh and just to let you know, I edited your entry to include Ficathon Entry in the subject and your quote at the top of your story per the posting instructions.

Again, very well done.

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Post by Knight224 » Sat Jan 29, 2005 1:24 pm

Sorry Knightshade. Next time I will pay more attention to the directions. And I still owe you that cow picture don't I?

To FuzzieDice- the story that got gold key wasn't fanfiction, it just had a reference to Knight Rider
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Post by FuzzieDice » Sat Jan 29, 2005 6:43 pm

I don't know for sure even if references are OK or not anymore, though I wouldn't think it would be a problem. Other stories reference things. I'm glad you won an award for it! :) Your story here was good and I too look forward to more of your work. I can see why you won an award for writing. :)
