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Darker Knight Rider TV series?

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 4:40 pm
by Yetiii98

was just randomly thinking about knight rider, as you do, and wondered how they would do it today.
Id love a darker series, maybe same type of stories as before but the characters slightly darker, for example, maybe Michael Long has a murkier past, this is why he ends up getting shot and he is given a second chance at life, maybe starts as he agrees out of revenge but then sees how he cn become better etc, this past could catch upto him later in series perhaps?
Wilton Knight maybe trying to attone for something in the past etc.

What you guys think?

ok off to go ponder more random things

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 5:46 pm
by knightdriver
I think it would help get away from the campiness the original had.

The darker tones really works well for the new Battlestar Galactica and I
think it would work well if Knight Rider was ever redone. Back in the 80's
Tv wasn't allowed to do the things we watch now a days. It would make
it more interesting to watch. I hope the movie goes in this direction too.

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 12:37 am
by Lost Knight
It would remind me a lot of 24. I think it's definitely the way to go and why I liked Season 4 so much. It felt slightly more mature (well, most of the episodes anyway) than the earlier seasons. I have every confidence that the upcoming (dare I say it) movie would go the darker route.


Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 2:17 pm
by T.A.H.O.E.

a tie in /cross over-one timer with Viper and Karr & Dr Bario who finds a dying Garth Knight on a beach ( who then rebuild s Karr as a modified Camaro and updates his program parameters)....then goes after both the deceased Stevie / Dr.Bonnie Barstows this action we see a darker side of Michael/KITT & Devon enraged to a most lawlessness for a few episodes..... scary stuff....

gotta admidt,Knight of the Juggernaught-the attack on Kitt is almost too close for some car accidents I've seen on the reality
(this in response for / to another post)


Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 2:18 pm
by T.A.H.O.E.

a tie in /cross over-one timer with Viper and Karr & Dr Bario who finds a dying Garth Knight on a beach ( who then rebuild s Karr as a modified Camaro and updates his program parameters)....then goes after both the deceased Stevie / Dr.Bonnie Barstows this action we see a darker side of Michael/KITT & Devon enraged to a most lawlessness for a few episodes..... scary stuff....

gotta admidt,Knight of the Juggernaught-the attack on Kitt is almost too close for some car accidents I've seen on the reality
(this in response for / to another post)

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 5:59 pm
by HungarianKnight
Knight Rider of today would probably introduce a new fromat. The concept of a single-story-per-episode is highly archaic by now, the modern KR should come with 3-5 episode story arcs, or even a story arc per season (cliché, okay, but for example hunting down Karr with minor tie-in plots). The interpersonal relationship between the characters should be explored, adding much more "human" concept into the series (Race for Life was the best episode IMHO becaue of the human concept). Some philosophy should be added too, for example Kitt thinking about himself as a person and/or as a machine, something "I, Robot-ish". Some more sci-fi elements would be better too, for example a bit more of technoblabble and a computerist/geek/nerd overtone when it comes to Kitt as a computer.

This is how I see the Knight Rider of the 21st century. Not to mention the special crossovers Knight Rider VS Lost and Knight Rider VS Prisonbreak (<----- these are only stupid jokes :) )

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 6:16 pm
by James_kr
I just don't think it wouldn't be as well thought out as it was in the 80's. I can't see KITT's dash looking that great probably most of it wouldn't make sense. And I know CGI turbo boosting wouldn't be great at all.

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 1:30 am
by black knight2000
as long as their were no funny buggers if you get my drift and some story line

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 8:17 am
by msKEN
James_kr wrote: And I know CGI turbo boosting wouldn't be great at all.
Are you kidding??!! :shock: Have you seen that older mountain dew commercial where the guy leaves his dew at the gas station and he's driving a 79 Trans Am and he does a barrel roll mid air to grab his dew out of the other guys hand as he is about to take a sip? The whole time I watched that commercial I was thinking how cool that would have been if it was KITT. I think with today's technology KITT would be able to pull off some pretty wicked turbo boosts.