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KITT's Modified Lazer

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 8:54 pm
In episodes "Trust Doesn't Rust & Goliath" we see KITT firing a lazer at the enemy. What I don't understand is why the foundation didn't make the modified lazer a permanent feature on KITT. I realize that the lazer takes up alot of KITT's power when fired more than twice, but one would think that Bonnie or April would have remodified the lazer where it could be used on a regular basis, as a standard feature.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 9:28 pm
by sheltonw3
It was actually removed after the event between kitt and karr and then a year after when kitt and goliath engaged in battle ,the lazer was remodified and with a better power pack and then disconected again after the battle was over!,but later in soul survivor randy found the lazer still in place and reconected it!....but after that event it was removed! for good until it was needed for kitt v.s. karr and then one night when the semi transmitted its transponder to kitt ,karr picked up the signal and lissened in on the conversation and made his move with john as the "go get it guy!"....but a lazer is a serious weapon and even a lazer pointer ,even though its harmless to others ,it still poses a minor threat and now its against the law to sell to minors and its a felony to point at people no matter what!...hell if you even point it at a air plane it can means serious prison time!...even my conversion has a lazer pointer installed for chits'n'giggles ,but its never pointed at a person,only objects!

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 11:42 pm
by Lost Knight
Yeah...quite simply: It's an offensive weapon. K.I.T.T.'s systems were, for the most part, defensive. Therefore the laser was only utilized in extreme cases where an offensive weapon was needed. F.L.A.G. had the technology, but it was only used sparingly when absolutely necessary.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 12:20 am
by TurbomanKnight
Now when I think about it, if KITT had a few capacitors and a High Voltage Alternator the Laser would be capable of way more shots. :?