Page 1 of 1 News! October 3rd:

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2003 4:10 pm
by neps
"October 3, 2003....MESSAGE FROM DAVID...How can it be October already??? This year is flying by...the kids are back in school, and I have been busy working on my new album, which I hope will be released at the beginning of next year. I am really excited about it and hope you will enjoy it. I will have a lot of exciting updates very soon, so thanks for your patience and your never-ending support! Hope you are all staying happy...remember, Keep Smilin! xoxox David"

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2003 5:47 pm
Let's hope one of his exciting updates involves a forthcoming movie about a certain talking car . . .


Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2003 6:18 pm
by Sith
Like I said at KR-UK, things are looking rather bleak regarding the movie now.

One thing's for sure, we ain't going to see it in 2004.

It seems stuck in development hell at the moment.

The submitted script was turned down by Revolutions, and Larson doesn't seem too keen to be involved in anything at the moment.

In fact the only person who was truly pushing it was David. And he'll be spending the next 6 months completing and promoting his new album, so he won't have time to put together a script, a crew etc.

Tis a sad state of affairs... but with a meagre budget of supposedly $40 million anyway, I think he may too have given up on the idea.

So with Universal and Revolutions compounded by financial concerns, and David working on his music, the likelihood of Knight Rider: The Movie ever emerging is rather remote.

And in modern cinema budgets, $40 million is rather small. We would be lucky if it was even to reach KR2000 standards.

Of course, I'd love to be proven wrong... but at this time... common sense tells me otherwise.

Either way, it will never touch the TV series. Which will always remain in my heart as the best ever. *sniff* lol

Oh, and good luck with the album David. But don't think of any of us really wanted an update on that to be honest...

How long has he been promising updates? Well, since it was announced to be honest. May last year. Thats 17 months still without a script or anything else for that matter.

Do you see a movie "in the works"?

Me neither... :evil:

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2003 6:43 pm
by Michael Pajaro
I think you're putting a little too much negative spin on the reality of the situation.

Many movies spend years in development; how long was Spider-man in limbo for? Or the latest Batman? If the movie was first announced in 2002, a 2004 release would have been reasonable but so would a 2005 release.

First scripts are pretty much always "rejected". That's the natural order of making a movie.

David has almost always been working on multiple projects at once; he was doing mini-series and Broadway and music pretty much all at the same time, so now that his album is completed why would he be spending 100% of his time simply promoting it?

Where is your information coming from that Larson isn't keen on being involved with anything?

I am not familiar with the $40 million budget. Even if that number is somehow "official", I think it's meaningless. This is Hollywood; budgets mean nothing. Getting approval for a $40 million project could easily mean $80-$100 million in actual production costs.

I understand your frustration, but I think you're jumping to conclusions that aren't very realistic.


Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2003 7:22 pm
by Sith
Michael Pajaro wrote:I think you're putting a little too much negative spin on the reality of the situation.
Me? Never... lol

Yes, maybe I am a little frustrated. I think the hardest thing to bear is the fact that he pushed so hard for it in the first place, and he seems to have gotten sidetracked with the project of late.

He seemed so intent on bringing KR back, and now he's concentrating on his music. Just seems a little unusual behaviour for someone who is supposedly an "executive producer" for the new film.

As for Larson, that was more a reference to his refusal to be involved with some other of his remakes doing the rounds, such as the Magnum project.

And yes, you're right about the length of time to make movies. Which is especially why I can't see it being released next year.

I just hope the 2004 release date wasn't a deadline... else we may all be spitting fire come this time next year.

*goes to find a punching bag* lol :twisted:

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2003 10:11 pm
by Skav
mike, we're not talking about the greats like spiderman or batman here. we're simply talking knight rider...therefore, i doubt a movie like this would take years in development...unless they're convinced it's gonna be a good classic which i doubt.

at the most, it could be a direct to tv movie(just surmising) and those don't take forever to make.

as for myself, i can't see it happening. never did in the first place.


Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2003 10:44 pm
by knightimmortal
Ok, let's go with the rather ugly attitude that it is 'just Knight Rider'.

Other movies have ended up in the same limbo, both motion picture and even TV.

Charlies Angels was in limbo for almost 5 years before it got greenlighted.

Battlestar Galactica has been in limbo for more than 7 years before Sci-Fi got to the goods.

Virtually every project has to get through the red tape that Hollywood can put out, so it is still way too early to bring the final curtain down in negativity this way on the KR movie. Give it a chance, and don't think that we are privy to know every single move that happens in the production. For all we honestly know, they may have much more than they are releasing.

Let's try for the positive approach. So far the negativity is just a downer to those who are doing everything in their power to keep the KR spirit alive in hope.


Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2003 12:27 pm
by Michael Pajaro
Skav wrote:mike, we're not talking about the greats like spiderman or batman here. we're simply talking knight rider...therefore, i doubt a movie like this would take years in development.

Methinks you don't know much about Hollywood. And don't sell Knight Rider short; sure, they could throw together a cheap (in terms of quality) movie that bombs at the box office. But if they do it right, they could get a 3-movie franchise out of the deal. As for me, I'm taking a small leap of faith and giving them the benefit of the doubt.


Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2003 2:44 pm
by d_osborn
a budget won't be set until the final draft of the script is in the studio's hands...

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2003 5:23 pm
by Michael Pajaro
Revolution Studios would have had some sort of initial budget in mind when they first signed on for the project- they would have needed to decide if it was going to be

Putting it in perspective, The last effects-laden Trek movie only had a $60 million budget. Granted, it was a bad movie but that was because of the script and not the budget. I know people don't like comparing Knight Rider to the Fast and the Furious, but from a business standpoint they are comparable movies in terms of genre. F&F had a $38 million budget, so even if Knight Rider was starting out with $40 million, I don't think that's unreasonable.



Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2003 6:36 pm
by Skav
And don't sell Knight Rider short; sure, they could throw together a cheap (in terms of quality) movie that bombs at the box office

That was actually what I was talking about!

But of course, we have to remain in hope.


Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 2:53 am
by knightvision
I agree with Mike. Let's not blow our stack about a KR movie. Larson has given me every intention of continuing to be involved in it and Laura is right, some projects take years to get off the ground!

Battlestar Galactica took years of campaigning to get someone to notice.

The A-Team has a green light but no script.

Quantum Leap is still being thrown around the sci-fi network as a possible 2004-2005 miniseries.

Greatest American Hero is waiting to be greenlighted for a movie deal.

At some point, just like the 70's, the 80's will be a hot property. It just might take to 2005-2006 until most of these projects get movies.

The second Charlie's Angels movie for me was awful. I would hope that KR never suffers the same fate.