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Knight Rider Movie

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 12:05 pm
by Stargazer
With no real recent talk about the new Knight Rider movie, does this mean that the idea is put on hold indefinitely or is it just dead in the water with too many arguments with producers, etc. :cry:

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 12:12 pm
by Victory Red
To hell with it. I say the fans should make our own KR Movie. We should get a hold of the Knight Registries, Some Computer Image guys and everyone else we need to make this movie on a shoe string budget of nothing. It could be fun.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 12:34 pm
by Michael Pajaro
I wouldn't worry too much about the Knight Rider movie yet. Many movies spends years in development before making it to the big screen. I think we got a false sense of urgency (or at least I did) when it was reported last year that Revolution Studios was putting Knight Rider on the "fast track" to production. Obviously that didn't happen. Although I'm just as eager as everyone else to see the project move forward, I don't think there is anything unusual about the pace so far.


Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 12:35 pm
by K.I.T.T
To the original question. I would say that its still in the pipe line. A first draft of the script is already written so its got somewhere. I would say be patient and news will come.


Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 1:50 pm
by Skav
Before, I was optimistic.

Now, I'm not so sure. It doesn't seem to be high on Hasselhoff's or for that matter, anyone's priorities so I wouldn't hold my breath.

I don't know about this first draft being written, when was this K.I.T.T?


Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 1:51 pm
by knightimmortal
Since the intial 'fast track' announcement of the KR movie, a lot of things have also happened in the meantime, specifically to Hasselhoff. (The rehab, the motorcycle accident.) So most likely, you are looking at a serious case of reality getting in the way of the schedules. I wouldn't give up just yet on the pros.

As for the fan made movie, contacting the Registries is a real possibility, but after all the money that has gone into them, wrecking them for a fan film might not be all that great of a prospect for some of those replica owners. ;)


Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 1:55 pm
by Victory Red
You know what? I am going to write a script for the Movie and lets see how they like it.

I have writen for Sport Compact National Magazine for the last year, so I think I will give this a try. Why not. I am a fan so why not have a fan write it right.

I will start on my next 4 days off. Keep you all posted.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 2:13 pm
by K.I.T.T
Skav, It was said ages ago that the first script was complete..... wasnt it???? or is the norfolk air getting to me more then ever? lol
Hope im right, as my sites been saying that for ages now lmao


Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 2:22 pm
by knightimmortal
Yeah, that was the rumor that had surfaced over the 'Legacy' grapevine, as well as from a few other news reports.

Oh, and to hit two posts with one KI rock, you are free to write any script you want, but don't expect them to accept it. For one, they generally don't accept fan submissions due to the legalities associated with it. (If they don't use your script, but have an idea that is similar to it in the final draft, they don't want to have to deal with the tons of legalities for an outside writer...just ask any fan fiction writer about this concept...) For another, the primary script was already being done by Larson, and then it was announced that two other script writers were brought in by Revolution Studios (I think Mike has that particular news release on his site)


Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 11:34 am
by Ghost-Unmade
Hey if you guys need someone to write the soundtrack I have a B.A. in music technology and Master's in Music Composition. :D

Not to mention a bitchin' Yamaha W5 synth. :D

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 12:53 pm
by Victory Red
My opinion is that there should be NO original writers from the first show brought back. They lost interst and ideas started to get real bad close to the end.

I say get some fresh new writers to come in. New ideas. New Concepts.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 1:31 pm
by neps
I think a fan should be someone who writes the script. Not meaning specifically however someone in this community or any KR community. But a successful writer in the business who has a deep love for it, Like Bryan Singer and X-Men, look how well that worked out. (or how bad it worked for the last star trek movie). That way the movie has the posibility of having the fan base at heart, while having someone who has had success at the box office, and getting people in the seats with a good story.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 1:35 pm
by Victory Red
neps wrote:I think a fan should be someone who writes the script. Not meaning specifically however someone in this community or any KR community. But a successful writer in the business who has a deep love for it, Like Bryan Singer and X-Men, look how well that worked out. (or how bad it worked for the last star trek movie). That way the movie has the posibility of having the fan base at heart, while having someone who has had success at the box office, and getting people in the seats with a good story.
The last Trek Film was a let down. They could have done so much more with the Romulans.

But I most definatly think a Fan should write the story. Or at least have some fan input.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 1:54 pm
by btwracing
Great idea! If we can all cooperate and do a new KR movie (or even serial), we can rekindle interest in the franchise. I am a good actor myself and would certainly be willing to do what it takes. I also have a number of ideas about a new KR.

btwracing 8)

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 2:21 pm
by knightimmortal
I hate to be a killjoy here, but...wouldn't that, like...take money?

And there already is rekindled interest in the franchise, which is why Hasselhoff, and Larson have been working at it on a professional level.

Just a few more morsels for thought.


Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 3:10 pm
by K.I.T.T
As K.I said, the interest is already there as a movie AND a possible series in the pipe line! Thats intrest enough i think.


Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 3:53 pm
by March2875
I think you guys are forgetting the recent news given to us by KRCreator and Mike Pajaro.

Revolution had it on the fasttrack then when they started taking the movie into ideas that David and Glen didn't like, (This is were KFCreator's update comes in) David threatened to take the script and go elsewhere and they renegotiated. Which brings us to Mike's recent news from Glen himself that now a new script is being written and it may take awhile.

So that is how it now stands.

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 6:17 pm
by Victory Red
Ok. Yes it takes money to make a movie. But lets just talk about a script then to start. I am sure from what I have been reading on this board that there are a few of us that could collaborate over the internet to make a really great script and once that is done what stopping us from maybe making a very low budget movie.

OK for those of you that are interested in Helping make a great Knight Rider Script, please raise your hands, lol or just send me an email and then we can get started.

Everything in life starts small. If everyone that has ever made something out of nothing just sat there and never tried then nothing would have ever been gained.

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 6:35 pm
by Stargazer
I just hope if and when someone gets a script past first base and they start looking for a new body for K.I.T.T., they don't take another Dodge Stealth, modify it, paint it Red and later put a red scanner on the front.

K.I.F.T. wouldn't have been so bad if they had painted it black and maybe put T-Tops or at least a sun roof on it.

Too bad that Pontiac decided to kill the production on the Trans Am. I would have enjoyed seeing a red scanner on a most recent T/A they had out when the movie was finished.

I have seen many ideas of what K.I.T.T. should look like and so far the only ideas that I have seen that looks good are the late 90 model T/As.

I can't believe that on TKR they put K.I.T.T. (letters) and a red scanner on a Borg sphere toy.... :roll:

I did find it really funny seeing a red scanner on a 57 Chevy in KR2000. :lol:

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 6:42 pm
by Victory Red
I did find it really funny seeing a red scanner on a 57 Chevy in KR2000
Hehe. Yup I will agree with you on this one for sure.

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2003 8:06 am
by neps
Just to reiterate one of Knightimortals point. Fell free to write a script if you like, but I wouldn't plan on it ever reaching the important people desk. It's a general rule in Hollywood not to accept solicited scripts, because if they turn down your script and then make a movie that has a story line similar, you'll probably sue saying they stole your idea. They wont even open to page one to avoid this from happening.

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2003 9:26 am
by K.I.T.T
though I’m sure if you worked on something you could maybe use it in the forth-coming Edwards!!!! Though I’m not sure if it meets criteria You will need to ask K.I or visit


Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2003 8:37 pm
by tkr9
Could Jeremy Northam play Michael Knight? Pwweeeaaase? He's just wuvley. (Sorry about that, I'm single and he's cute)

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 1:21 am
by Miked
I found it funny seeing the red scanner on the front of the '57 Chevy.

I didn't find it funny when the '57 went off the end of the pier.

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 4:47 am
by K.I.T.T
Yeah, I'm sort of the opposite on that score.