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KITT phrases for AI project

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 3:16 pm
by cargonvis
Hi everyone!,

My name is Carlos and I'm an AI student.

I am currently carrying on a project which is a Virtual Assistant (pretty much like Alexa, Google Home or Siri) but with KITT's voice.
That is why I would find really useful if I can get as many phrases/sound effects as possible for making it as more complete and realistic as possible.

I already got like 50 phrases (the easy ones that can be found with some googling) but obviously I need many more.

I also found some ebay/amazon links where people sell over 4000 phrases but, since I am just a student and it is a non-profitable project, I would like, if any of you have phrases from the original voice, to please share it with me (I have check in some old questions and I have seen that somebody did extract almost every phrase from the show and it was offering it for free a few years ago).

I promise that, once the project is done, I will share here the full code as an open source project for any of you with a computer, can have fun having a conversation with KITT and feel a little bit of nostalgia.

Thank you all in advance!
