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Southern Knights Atlanta 2014 Photos

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:14 am
by KentuckyKITT
I attended this year's Southern Knights Atlanta again and had a great time! Saw some familiar faces as well as quite a few new ones. I had a horrific experience on the way down when my hitch ball snapped off the truck at 70mph just south of Nasvhille, but the car was fine and I got the truck and trailer off to the side quickly without incident to others. The safety chains held!! It scared the you know what out of me and I think a few people beside me and behind me freaked out a little from the spark shower. I was in the right lane, so I quickly acted and got it off the road. It destroyed the trailer jack though and set me back 2 hours, had no choice but to leave KITT and the trailer on the side of the interstate and drive to the nearest walmart for parts and HOPE it was still there and not stripped when I got back, but as they say "KITT Happens." All was well after I fixed it and I dropped AAA like a sack of potatoes over it and that's all I'm going to say about that.

Once I got to Atlanta, it was full on Knight Rider all weekend. It was a real treat to see Jeffrey Oseterhage and Ed Crick together and listening to commentary from both while viewing "KITT Vs. KARR." Don Peake was fantastic and even cut a few tunes for us on the guitar along with a couple of well-versed backup players who were attending the event. Ron Martinez was a pleasure as always. I never get tired of those stories and commentary. We had 6 KITTs and one KARR and it was great to talk to the other car owners and see their cars and ideas. So, on with the photos:

Loaded up and ready to head out from Kentucky:


Of course it has to rain after I spent the day before detailing it:

The Hotel:

KITT safely off the trailer and parked:

My favorite prop at the event this year: I want one now!


More next post....

Re: Southern Knights Atlanta 2014 Photos

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:24 am
by KentuckyKITT
Scott's awesome original props: the miniature KITT and the chemical analyzer:


Jeffrey Osterhage and Ed Crick (John and Eddie) together again:

The talented work of Knight Designs on display:

Don Peake, Scott and Marc jamming:


Don Peake solo on guitar:

More next post....

Re: Southern Knights Atlanta 2014 Photos

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:11 am
by KentuckyKITT
Ron Martinez with our full attention:

Autograph session:

KITT and KARR being civil but keeping their distance from each other for the weekend:

Nice setup:

Show and shine:

Another nice setup:

I really liked the front bumper on this KITT:

More next post...

Re: Southern Knights Atlanta 2014 Photos

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:29 am
by KentuckyKITT
Don Peake in my KITT:

Checking out the cars:




Don Peake promo shoot:

KARR got a little out of hand on us and decided to attack Don Peake (naturally he wasn't designed with the preservation of human life):


Retreat to the lower level of the parking garage due to the rain storm coming in:


Wrap up and close at dinner:

What a great time and as always it goes by way too fast. For those that didn't make it or did not come for whatever reason, you missed a great time. Looking forward to next year!

Re: Southern Knights Atlanta 2014 Photos

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 12:30 am
by Michael Pajaro
Can you tell us more about the "little TV" portable KITT from Soul Survivor? Looks great.

Re: Southern Knights Atlanta 2014 Photos

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 2:12 am
by Knight Racer
I saw this a few weeks ago.I wonder if its the same c.p.u. and portable kitt housing?" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;