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what wouldve kept 2008 series for further seasons.

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 3:33 pm
by james olden
ok we all know that kr2008 was cancelled. but if you was hired instead of gary scott thompson for the 2008 series that direction and story line you wouldve took and remember this is for the series after gst did the 2008 movie.

i wouldve changed the storyline right after graymon died. right in the next episode after k.a.r.r. i wouldve took in the direction of garth knight and the new improved goliath 2 comming back kidnapping everyone from knight research but mike jr. and ki3t while they was on a mission away and giving time to shut down the knight research and bring ki3ts ai intelligence to him or. mike finds out that garth knight was behind the black river group he has no where else to turn he goes to michael knight sr. for help. this wouldve been when i hired hassalhoff as a charactor for the series again.guest apperance by bonnie barstow to get ki2t running again to help ki3t stop garth and goliath. after stopping garth. michael jr and mike sr. finds out from a graymon hologram that devon miles had in his will that michael knight sr. would be in charge after his passing.michael knight sr. takes over the foundation as a devon miles character rebuilds the c-130 cargo plane with ki2ts intelligence stored in the plane.while mike jr is still the driver for ki3t.

reply back to tell me your opinions or directions how you wouldve took the show for it could make it to later seasons.thanx.

Re: what wouldve kept 2008 series for further seasons.

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 4:47 pm
by Irony
There were so many opportunities left and unused. It could have gone on, and it could have been better.

Re: what wouldve kept 2008 series for further seasons.

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 4:50 pm
by krrdr2010
I like all of these ideas. Some of the Ideas I had was that Sarah took the reigns at FLAG, and Michael Sr. would be out in the field helping his son. :good: :good: :good:

Re: what wouldve kept 2008 series for further seasons.

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 9:33 pm
by kitt1
Well, I personally talked to Steve Whiteside, the propmaster for the original series and the 2008 series. He told me that had the series gone to a second season, they were going to bring in David Hasselhoff for about every third episode. Also, they were going to bring back Charles Graiman. He said that in the episode where the plane crashed, they never found a body. So, they were going to write it where Graiman bails out of the plane at the last minute and it takes a while before he turns up. Steve also told me that if there was a 2nd season, they were going to have a FLAG mobile unit. It would have side walls that open up with CGI. So...that's what I know, right from the horse's mouth, so to speak.

Mark Puette

Re: what wouldve kept 2008 series for further seasons.

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 6:48 am
by Irony
I am definitely not a Gimp wizard, so if anyone can make a better version, I will use that as a wallpaper.

Re: what wouldve kept 2008 series for further seasons.

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 5:07 pm
by Knight94
My take: Dr. Graiman is alive, and reaches Michael Knight Sr., and hides with him. He reveals to MK Sr. a
holographic message from Devon Miles that MK and Graiman are to run FLAG together, with along with
Bonnie Barstow & April Stevens, and Reginald Cornelius III. They discover that the BlackRiver pmc is in the employ of Maximillian Knight, Garthe & Adrienne's son, and they're working together to kill the entire FLAG leadership. They've rebuilt KARR, and are in the process of building a new Goliath, with a.i. programming similar to KARR, to be another monster on wheels. They steal the Prometheus program, using it to build the a.i. in both KARR and Goliath, causing Graiman to have to bring the KI2T out of retirement, and do major updates, and MK has to come out of retirement, and drive him again. That's to start out the second season. As it goes on, they get a new cargo plane and fix it up, and get a new mobile unit with greater capabilities, and a new FLAG headquarters. Billy & Zoe are still with the intel arm of FLAG, and Sarah heads up the r & d arm, with her dad. Btw, Garthe is presumed dead, along w/ Adrienne Margeaux, but their true fate is unknown.

Re: what wouldve kept 2008 series for further seasons.

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 1:09 am
by Michael Pajaro
There really are two separate issues here: 1) What would have improved the series? 2) What would have renewed the series?

Honestly, I think Knight Rider was doomed the moment it was scheduled to premiere opposite the 3-part finale of Dancing With the Stars. It never stood a chance. The 2-hour movie was very successful, people enjoyed it, and the new series had a ton of good promotion going into the fall. It should have had a much bigger audience to start but DWTS destroyed it.

In terms of improving the series, all of the things that Steve Whiteside talked about would have been fine, although I don't think they would have been required. But the Hoff or a Semi or Graiman wouldn't automatically make the show better. It's all about the tone and focus of the show, and they already made a lot of very good mid-season course corrections. They shrunk the cast a bit, they made the show more about Mike and KITT, and they really did come up with some great action sequences later in the season (the sideways/flipping turbo boost? Inspired.)

But regardless of how much they did/could have improve the show, by January it was already written off. It wasn't going to get a second season, regardless.

Oh, and standard disclaimer that although "the buck stops with GST", I still believe his hands were tied by NBC in many ways. He did not produce the show that he wanted to do.

Re: what wouldve kept 2008 series for further seasons.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 7:42 am
by Sybaris
Firstly if I was put in charge, I would sack GST for killing off a dream of a good KR remake... Thanks to that individual it is unlikely there will ever be another KR series.

I would stop all the transformer rubbish. The idea of KITT is that the one car has multi role function and does not need to turn in to a diferent Ford every week. Come on people, the car of the future is a Ford transit van?
What a stupid idea.

Thirdly, KITT needs to have buttons and gadgets. That was part of the appeal in the 80s. That WOW factor when looking inside KITT. Not just a sleek car but looks futuristic and everyone likes buttons or touch pads.

The story should be about one man making a difference to the normal everday person. Not a weekly terrorist plot.

Bring back the Semi

Every week a new capability should be introduced.

Turbo Boost should be plain and simple like the 80s. No need to see fuel lines and tiny little jets rotate.
Again more focus on writing and imagination and less on CGI

KARR is a car and not a robot. Again a stupid idea thought up by someone who wants to be recognised for the ability to manipulate graphics and not for keeping to an established legacy.

I would also ensure my writing staff and assist directors were fans of the 80s KR and had a real passion for KR, not just looking to make their name in revamping a show.

Re: what wouldve kept 2008 series for further seasons.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 7:58 pm
by Victor Kros
Firstly if I was put in charge, I would sack GST for killing off a dream of a good KR remake... Thanks to that individual it is unlikely there will ever be another KR series.

- I don't believe all of the fault rests in GST's hands but I would agree he could have executed his ideas better and taken more time to study the mythology and visual style of the original series rather than assume he could "improve" it and make it "cool". Thank NBC brass for cancelling the series before it had time to find a path to travel down despite GST's questionable story/design execution. If Knight Rider had been put on Fox, I strongly beleive it would have had a better chance to succeed like Human Target which also had in my opinion, quite a rocky start but was given a second season.

Despite how I may have felt about Gary Scott Thompson's work on Knight Rider, he does understand story when he chooses to. Exit Light, Enter Knight was one of the better episodes which he directed and wrote and I happened to have enjoyed his work on the first The Fast and the Furious movie immensely.

I would stop all the transformer rubbish. The idea of KITT is that the one car has multi role function and does not need to turn in to a diferent Ford every week. Come on people, the car of the future is a Ford transit van?
What a stupid idea.

- Absolutely.

Thirdly, KITT needs to have buttons and gadgets. That was part of the appeal in the 80s. That WOW factor when looking inside KITT. Not just a sleek car but looks futuristic and everyone likes buttons or touch pads.

- Yeah, been saying that since the backdoor pilot aired.

The story should be about one man making a difference to the normal everday person. Not a weekly terrorist plot.

- Modern television seems to depend on more "realistic" plots set in the real world, rather than the James Bond escapades of the past. Sad. It's lazy writing that is a shadow of everything else on television, boring and redundant. If you want to make a new Knight Rider 2.0. call it a new mythology with a new take - don't insult the original fans by calling it a continuation, and then make another "alternative" continuation of the two hour movie that started it in the first place. We're not that stupid or gullible not to recognize when we've been lied to.

Bring back the Semi

- I don't know how much improvement that would have made to be honest, the series was troubled from the start but I suppose it could have helped.

Every week a new capability should be introduced.

They did this, it was more annoying than useful because every new "capability" was something absolutely unrealistic and an obvious visual effect of some sort with no attention paid to real world physics. I can sustain a suspension of disbelief only up until a certain point and the new series crossed over that line one too many times.At least the original series had a system of checks and balances in place - a "bible" to say what was and was not considered part of the Knight Rider style when shooting/writing new episodes.

Turbo Boost should be plain and simple like the 80s. No need to see fuel lines and tiny little jets rotate.
Again more focus on writing and imagination and less on CGI.

- Agreed. We don't need fancy time lapsed, quick edit/slow edit photography to be excited by Turbo Boost, just show us a real car jumping or even a GOOD CG one that looks like it should be in real time.

KARR is a car and not a robot. Again a stupid idea thought up by someone who wants to be recognised for the ability to manipulate graphics and not for keeping to an established legacy.

- Couldn't agree more.

I would also ensure my writing staff and assist directors were fans of the 80s KR and had a real passion for KR, not just looking to make their name in revamping a show.

- There's something to be said about a family working atmosphere when working on a series, not a atmosphere where everyone is worried about getting fired if they don't do their job or object to creative decisions. Clearly Knight Rider 08 did not welcome new and effective ideas to keep the mythology in tact, just executed for the most part, bad ones to cash a check. At least Master Key Films tried to fight to keep some of the spirit of Knight Rider alive in this "new world" of Knight Rider, so to them I say thank you for doing what you could to fight for what was right. Had it been left up to them, the K.I.T.T. vs K.A.R.R.E. fight could have been a shining moment in this KR series attempt's history but now it remains a bitter taste in the mouths of fans who expected more.


Re: what wouldve kept 2008 series for further seasons.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 7:40 am
by Knight Racer
Having David Hasselhoff on the show would have helped tremendously because he is the worlds most watched superstar.The only problem is that the only way he was going to appear on the show is if they allowed him to run the show his way.Which really isn't a problem at all really.I think playing Michael Knight for 4 seasons and having 25 years since that show was on the air,he would have learneda thing or two on how to keep things interesting.

Re: what wouldve kept 2008 series for further seasons.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:59 pm
by LCBenson
Victor Kros: Fantastic. I really wish you would've been put in charge for KR08. They really screwed things up, and judging by what you said, you would've made the new Knight Rider last more than one season, and the first season would've been better to begin with.

And seriously, a robot? Come on! Karr used to be cool! He didn't need the ability to transform to make an epic show.

I seriously think bringing back David Hasselhoff would've done wonders for KR08. Maybe even KI2T? Now that would be epic. I'm not saying the entire team would need to be there, (Though it would be awesome to get Bonnie in there, too.) but at least Michael and Kitt. Especially since in VooDoo Knight, they never left. They never died. (KR 2000 can die for all I care. I'm not counting that. XD) Anyway, they could have had a perfectly reasonable explination for coming back, and that would've made a cool episode! Michael and Mike are reunited, with both Kitts, they could continue Wilton's dream. And this would only amp up the original epicness of Knight Rider!

Re: what wouldve kept 2008 series for further seasons.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 4:05 pm
by Irony
"He didn't need the ability to transform to make an epic show."

Most abilities (not just KAcRRE's but KI3T's too) are more irritating than needed, I fear.
Anyway, I start to fear that KI2T died soon after VooDoo Knight. If he was still alive, so many things would be different around the Knight Rider series. :(

Re: what wouldve kept 2008 series for further seasons.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 7:34 am
by Sybaris
Sometimes if you have been given a gift of an already well established show, with the ground rules already set and a hard core following, then why change the formula? Sure update it with the times, but keep the forumla the same.
One man and his car to champion the cause of the helpless, the innocent in a world of criminals operating above the law (or something like that).

Also I felt there was a better chemistry between the 80s cast than the 08 cast.
These are the people that transform the idea in to a world of adventure. They make the story so real that you can believe in it. I am not saying the actors were bad (well not all of them), but I dont think the chemistry and believability was as strong as the original cast.

The semi was more than just a truck it was an icon.

The Hoff would be a great way to link old and new, but perhaps he see's KR as a job 30 years ago and has moved on.
I image we get to see a lot of magic that makes a show in to a fantasy or escape. I also imagine that perhaps someone working on the show see's it differently. Perhaps they see it as working, reading out lines, walinkg across sets. Watching sound and camera operators etc. If you want to link it you could bring back KI2T for a couple of episodes per season.

Also Wilton Knight created KARR and KITT not Charles Graiman... Otherwise we would have GITT and GARR in a show called Graiman RIder

Re: what wouldve kept 2008 series for further seasons.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 8:20 am
by Knight Racer
Also Wilton Knight created KARR and KITT not Charles Graiman... Otherwise we would have GITT and GARR in a show called Graiman RIder
He programmed the software/configured the hardware.If you go according to who did the work you can't truely say Bill gates created windows but the microsoft team did.Wilton only had the idea he had to hire someone to make it a reality.