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Knight Rider Calendars still available.

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 3:57 pm
by Showpro1
I have a few copies of the original Knight Rider Calendars left.
As I may have mentioned before a portion of each copy sold will go to Childrens Miracle Network which as we all know is a worthwhile charity.
Craig Leary who provided me with the behind the scenes Pics that went into the calendars is planning on being at the next Knight Rider Festival, he mas many great stories of what went into his work for the Knight Rider intro
& various insert shots that were used during Knight Rider's four year run.

Each calendars consists of Craigs pics as I said along with pics of The Hoff during his work on Kickin It Old Skool
in which he does a cameo with my KITT replica.
Just wanted to remind everyone that they are still available.

D. Doggett.