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Question for Moderators: Gary Thompson Mediaweek

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:38 pm
by David Whiteheart
From what I could gather from the interview it sounds like they've killed off the show for season two since 3 of the main characters are going to be killed off. So I guess KITT had his day in the 80's and no chance today or what exactly? Is this show going to get cancelled because of a remake of the old series and it not having the same "chemistry" as the old show between the characters or is it because of ratings or NBC big wigs wanting to kill it? Could it survive in syndication on USA or the SciFi channel better than on NBC? Was the re-airing of the same episode twice in the same week the "answer" to try and boost ratings? Do you think it would have survived if it had been a remake of an old Fox series for the 21st century? Will there be DVD's of the first season or will it be like TKR and just fall off the map? And will my favorite shows list go from 3 to 2 by next fall? How can we save the show on top of the petition idea, if it is salvagable?

Hasn't NBC always run behind on the ratings for years or is this just a new trend? Is NBC hoping that Hasselhoff will reprise Michael Knight and use him to try and "boost" ratings and if so is Hasselhoff coming back or will he?

Sorry for the deluge of questions, but I'm just worried that another shot at the franchise will be cancelled again after one season.

Re: Question for Moderators: Gary Thompson Mediaweek

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:46 pm
by ghidorah15
By now, the killing off of three regular characters isn't news. It's part of the "reboot", which is really more of a redirection, that will restore the show to the formula that worked so well for the original--helping the little guy. The show is NOT canceled yet. Don't count the chickens until they cluck.

Re: Question for Moderators: Gary Thompson Mediaweek

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:51 pm
by David Whiteheart
You mean hatch don't you. I know just call me paranoid, but I don't think killing Dr. Graiman off is a good idea. That's what killed any chance of KIFT from making it as a series after they killed Devon off.

Re: Question for Moderators: Gary Thompson Mediaweek

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:05 am
by ghidorah15
Okay, you're paranoid. :) There, that was easy. ;)

And about the chickens--I wanted to put a bit of a twist on the cliche. I like playing with words.