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Placing bets...

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 8:12 pm
by Faithful Car KRO
So, from the few little tidbits we've gotten about the change in story arcs (i'm sick of the word "retool"), I've been begining to wonder how they will go into the change. What will happen in those last 3 episodes (10, 11 & 12) that will lead to Mike Knight becoming that one man who will make a difference? Who do you think is gonna be the one that gets that death scene? How do you think they'll actually bring KARR back? I mean, we've learned somethings from the spoilerTV postings or script snippets and guest role lists, but what can we make of all that?

So, place your bets. What do you think will happen?
The winner gets......well, the fact they're smart enough to figure the show out. And, I dont know, maybe a cool .gif or something.
Anyways.....discuss away.
(i'll post my own thoughts after awhile, need to type them up so they're cohiesive)