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Am I the only one who still loves this show?

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 11:07 am
by Faithful Car KRO
I'll admit it. I love this show. I love everything about it.
I love Billy and Zoe, the tension, the jokes, their friendship with KI3T. I love Sarah being a proactive member to KI3T. I love Mike's recklessness and memory loss and his interaction with KI3T. I really love KI3T. I love the transformations, Val's voice for him, his learning.
For me it's a shame Carrie, Alex and DR Graiman are leaving, but I knew the cast would get trimmed from the begining.

It seems that every week people keep losing any liking they had to the show, but every week keeps getting me more hooked. I think each episode is stronger and better than the last. I really don't feel they've done anything wrong with the writing and developement of the series and I really dont get why every is putting so much onto the series because of the original.
Yes, it's not like the original at all. Blah, blah.
If it was exactly like the original you would all be seeing it was just a giant rip-off.
Besides, from what we've found out, the show had always planned on going to the whole "one man and his car" thing, seeing as the "reboot" was being filmed while the first episodes were airing.

I mean, everyone knew what we were getting into because of the pilot. The fact that the FBI was gonna be there with KI was announced at the end. We knew the show would go in a different direction.

Anyways, I love this show still. Is there anyone out there with me?

Re: Am I the only one who still loves this show?

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 11:10 am
by BlueChaos
I still love the show, mate, but I do think that a reboot would be necessary for the show to survive.
Like an old saying goes, "I love the show, but I cannot let the show remain just as it is". It must improve.

And about the show getting stronger every week, I think the show hit the strong point by the Knight of the Living Dead episode, and after that it just started getting worse in episodes 7 and 8. Let's hope the next episodes will be an improvement. I do sincerely hope so.

Re: Am I the only one who still loves this show?

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 1:49 pm
by NeoRanger
I never loved the show, but I liked it enough to support it. It's completely stupid fun, with potential that I hope it will realize after the reboot.

Re: Am I the only one who still loves this show?

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 3:05 pm
by tamatt27
I, for one, think the gov't connection is a good idea. I have a problem believing that someone developed a car with AI and all of KITT's other abilities and it's being used to help out mom and pop stores from getting forclosed on. I do think we need a gov't connection, but not every episode. Perhaps after the reboot, we'll see Carrie on the video conference in an episode or 2, saying that they NEED Mike and KITT for a mission because they're the only way to diffuse a sensitive situation that the gov't can't get involved in.

Re: Am I the only one who still loves this show?

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 5:09 pm
by Knight-Armen
I don't love it but I don't hate it either. I do however support it due to the fact that it's a Knight Rider show; although, if it was entitled differently I would probably not even bother with it.

It's hard for me to perceive this as an authentic attempt of bringing life to TOS when the writers and producers completely disregarded from things that made TOS what it is. What those particular elements are is a different story and I don't want to bore you with it.

I feel I've made like 100 posts about this but without Hasselhoff it's just not the same and I've kept repeating this during the course of the new series and now..., well... from what i've heard it seems as if they're trying to buy him back into the show.

Re: Am I the only one who still loves this show?

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 6:00 pm
by Amir
I like it, I don't love it. I don't agree with people who say it's like TKR - It's not, it's much closer to Knight Rider, but not close enough. The last couple of weeks were just plain bad and getting away from how it should be, after a few decent episodes. The reboot is my big hope, but I'm just not sure it will go the right way if it's the same people writing it. If you've got producers interested in lots of T&A and haven't the budget for good car action, then you're in trouble. Still, The day I don't give Knight Rider a chance will be my last. :D

Re: Am I the only one who still loves this show?

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 6:43 pm
by Kram061-1
The reboot is my big hope, but I'm just not sure it will go the right way if it's the same people writing it. If you've got producers interested in lots of T&A and haven't the budget for good car action, then you're in trouble.
You're absolutely right :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :!: :!: :!: :good: :good:

Re: Am I the only one who still loves this show?

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 7:16 pm
by Ontario Knight
Faithful Car KRO wrote:I'll admit it. I love this show. I love everything about it.
I love Billy and Zoe, the tension, the jokes, their friendship with KI3T. I love Sarah being a proactive member to KI3T. I love Mike's recklessness and memory loss and his interaction with KI3T. I really love KI3T. I love the transformations, Val's voice for him, his learning.
For me it's a shame Carrie, Alex and DR Graiman are leaving, but I knew the cast would get trimmed from the begining.

It seems that every week people keep losing any liking they had to the show, but every week keeps getting me more hooked. I think each episode is stronger and better than the last. I really don't feel they've done anything wrong with the writing and developement of the series and I really dont get why every is putting so much onto the series because of the original.
Yes, it's not like the original at all. Blah, blah.
If it was exactly like the original you would all be seeing it was just a giant rip-off.
Besides, from what we've found out, the show had always planned on going to the whole "one man and his car" thing, seeing as the "reboot" was being filmed while the first episodes were airing.

I mean, everyone knew what we were getting into because of the pilot. The fact that the FBI was gonna be there with KI was announced at the end. We knew the show would go in a different direction.

Anyways, I love this show still. Is there anyone out there with me?
Remember the human trait that we are only comfortable with what we are fimiliar with..So for this new version of Knight Rider I think alot of us including me want to go back in time to our childhood, a simpler time that we all enjoyed watching David Hasselhoff. I love this new series too and I have written about the connection with the old series and it will happen. So I agree with you as fans we need to support this new series and embrase it as new and move on. We can't always have what we want in life but it is nice to have something like Knight Rider to put a smile on my face. I bitch about some changes that are needed but at the end of the day if the series is a hit then great if not then thats unfortunate...So keep your chin up and enjoy that escape that TV should be...


By the way can we get avatars that are the new KI3T with the smiley faces....hehe...

Re: Am I the only one who still loves this show?

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 8:18 pm
I love the show its great to tune in and see new Knight Rider even though its not a complete remake of the original i love to see what new directions these guys go with. And i hope this reboot brings the show even more attention... :kittside:

Re: Am I the only one who still loves this show?

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 10:14 pm
by Renegade94
I also still do love watching this show every week, although I do think the changes must take place to try and help the ratings go up so the show can survive to see a season 2! I love the new KITT and I really think that Justin is starting to really grow into the Michael Knight role very nicely. I can do without the will they or won't they deal between Mike and Sarah, and also they need to cut back on the Billy and Zoe flirting, we get it already! I really think that the re-boot is going to bring us all the very changes that we have been hopng for, just good old fashioned Michael and Kitt teaming up to stop the bad guys! I can not wait until the show comes back on New Years Eve, I am already having Knight Rider withdrawl! :good:

Re: Am I the only one who still loves this show?

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 12:06 am
by cajunknight0153
i love it too! i am however getting a little annoyed with the Mike and Sarah relationship thing, they need to just be co-workers and friends, i mean he's gonna meet women out there in the field, and she can't go on every single mission with him, that ruins the theme of Knight Rider. i think Jennifer Knight said it best, "James Bond fantasies", i mean thats basically what Knight Rider is, tough guy with no family driving a hot car full of gadgets, goin out and meeting (sometimes sleeping with) hot chicks, doin all kinds of crazy stunts, goin undercover, all while stopping the bad guys and saving the world or the day. i mean sure there were a few episodes in TOS where Michael didn't have a girl, but not many. to me, Sarah is the new Bonnie/April, and Michael never had a relationship with Bonnie/April, they were always friends, i mean yea he wanted to a few times at the beginning of the series, but after a while i guess he just realized she wasn't interested and i think he kinda lost interest as well, i mean he even told KITT once that they were a family, so in other words, Bonnie and April were like sisters or cousins to him, which is what Sarah should be to Mike. everything else is fine, except for Charles leaving, i always thought of him as the new Devon, hopefully the articles and rumors are true and David Hasselhoff will come back as Michael Knight Sr. and reopen FLAG, and be the new Devon, and bring back the original KITT (with William Daniels voicing it of course) so he'll be more active in the field than Devon was

Re: Am I the only one who still loves this show?

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 4:51 am
i love this show and its the only show that make me feel like a kid again its like its brings me back to the 80s when i was watching the original keep on playing and kicking ass knight rider

Re: Am I the only one who still loves this show?

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 6:55 am
by DeeKnight
I love it aswell,but like most people i do think it will improve even more after the reboot!

Re: Am I the only one who still loves this show?

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:42 am
by spooky
i always look forward to the next episode. it's great to see KITT as a Mustang too. i'm curious to see how long the show will last.

Re: Am I the only one who still loves this show?

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:41 am
by KRShelby
cajunknight0153 wrote:i love it too! i am however getting a little annoyed with the Mike and Sarah relationship thing, they need to just be co-workers and friends, i mean he's gonna meet women out there in the field, and she can't go on every single mission with him, that ruins the theme of Knight Rider. ...... i always thought of him as the new Devon, hopefully the articles and rumors are true and David Hasselhoff will come back as Michael Knight Sr. and reopen FLAG, and be the new Devon, and bring back the original KITT (with William Daniels voicing it of course) so he'll be more active in the field than Devon was
I do think that it could be better but.. I actually really like the relationship between Mike and Sarah. I agree that she shouldn't be on every mission as it kills the point of knight rider, but, I wouldn't want them to severe the relationship, its a nice dynamic to me and honestly just adds that much more to my enjoyment; one of the key things that also keeps me hooked. Personally wouldn't be a fan of the "new girl a mission" style, which worked GREAT with the old KR, IMO, due to the atmosphere/times etc.

Looking at some of the spoilers or even some of the videos from the KRindustries website, it looked like the show was really going to start getting interesting, and then the hiatus happened :(. I still hope they don't scrap that entire story line though, I mean, I hope everything stays consistent. I have some good hopes for the reboot, I do really hope that they don't transform and become robot battles though, that'd be a bit weird.

Re: Am I the only one who still loves this show?

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 11:32 am
by Knight-Armen
I do think that it could be better but.. I actually really like the relationship between Mike and Sarah. I agree that she shouldn't be on every mission as it kills the point of knight rider, but, I wouldn't want them to severe the relationship, its a nice dynamic to me and honestly just adds that much more to my enjoyment; one of the key things that also keeps me hooked. Personally wouldn't be a fan of the "new girl a mission" style, which worked GREAT with the old KR, IMO, due to the atmosphere/times etc.

Looking at some of the spoilers or even some of the videos from the KRindustries website, it looked like the show was really going to start getting interesting, and then the hiatus happened . I still hope they don't scrap that entire story line though, I mean, I hope everything stays consistent. I have some good hopes for the reboot, I do really hope that they don't transform and become robot battles though, that'd be a bit weird.
A reboot isn't necessary if everyone would agree with your opinion. It is obvious that the majority do not favor of the relationship between Mike and Sarah. But I do get your point!

Re: Am I the only one who still loves this show?

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 12:05 pm
The majority? What majority? I know my problems with the show have nothing to do with with Mike and Sarah either having a relationship or having one in the past but she (or Billy and Zoe) should not be in the middle of things or partnered with Mike in every other episode and not be filling the role that's supposed to be KITT's most of the time. Oh, okay yeah, I don't care for the poor attempts at drama that goes with the lousy writing/direction and how it and just about everything is being presented. Which I HOPE isn't a reflection on they view the original series.

Anyway, those clips that are on are deleted flashbacks that NBC made them remove from A Knight in Shining Armor and A Hard Day's Knight for being "too dark" despite the fact that not all that dark.

Re: Am I the only one who still loves this show?

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 12:20 pm
by KRShelby
Knight-Armen wrote:
I do think that it could be better but.. I actually really like the relationship between Mike and Sarah. I agree that she shouldn't be on every mission as it kills the point of knight rider, but, I wouldn't want them to severe the relationship, its a nice dynamic to me and honestly just adds that much more to my enjoyment; one of the key things that also keeps me hooked. Personally wouldn't be a fan of the "new girl a mission" style, which worked GREAT with the old KR, IMO, due to the atmosphere/times etc.

Looking at some of the spoilers or even some of the videos from the KRindustries website, it looked like the show was really going to start getting interesting, and then the hiatus happened . I still hope they don't scrap that entire story line though, I mean, I hope everything stays consistent. I have some good hopes for the reboot, I do really hope that they don't transform and become robot battles though, that'd be a bit weird.
A reboot isn't necessary if everyone would agree with your opinion. It is obvious that the majority do not favor of the relationship between Mike and Sarah. But I do get your point!
Well thanks for getting the point :P. Obviously its just my opinion. All I was saying was that that aspect made the show better for me.

HOWEVER, although I disagree about the "mike & sarah" thing, I also disagree that a reboot isn't necessary.. I still agree with everyone else on how its too tied to the government, and the terrorist of the week formula gets redundant and takes you out of the experience.

But what I was thinking was that they would explain more about mike's lost memories, and the ties with the close knit current SCC group would diminish quite soon.

Like I said, I do agree with the other things, but I don't think that the mike & sarah aspect was the only reason for the reboot, there were bigger things in the picture IMO. I was merely saying that I hope they don't completely take it out of the reboot.

Re: Am I the only one who still loves this show?

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 2:22 pm
by Knight-Armen
The majority? What majority? I know my problems with the show have nothing to do with with Mike and Sarah either having a relationship or having one in the past but she (or Billy and Zoe) should not be in the middle of things or partnered with Mike in every other episode and not be filling the role that's supposed to be KITT's most of the time.
Perhaps I wasn't all that clear but in essence that's what I meant too.

Having that said, you can't have a relationship between Mike and Sarah if you don't give them some screen time to develop that bonding. The fact that they're together doesn't bother me and neither would it be an issue if Michael was in a committed relationship with Bonnie in TOS, again it wouldn't bother me at all. However, if they're going to have a relationship you must give them screen time in order to display and evolve those social aspects, if you know what I mean. In other words you can't say that there's a relationship between (in this case) Mike and Sarah and leave it at that, there's no point for them to have a relation together if it's not displayed. Their relation must be on screen and that takes away some of the action which is not favorable by everyone.
Like I said, I do agree with the other things, but I don't think that the mike & sarah aspect was the only reason for the reboot, there were bigger things in the picture IMO. I was merely saying that I hope they don't completely take it out of the reboot.
Neither do I. If a reboot was decided upon only to do something about the relationship it would be absurd and inconvinient. I just used that as an example, hence your post about why you still like the show because of the relationship between Mike and Sarah.

If we're going to discuss what elements could be tied to their decision on a reboot we're dealing with much more factors than just the relationship.

Re: Am I the only one who still loves this show?

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 2:25 pm
That I do agree with.

I think we've hijacked this topic... :shock:

Re: Am I the only one who still loves this show?

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 11:07 am
by _K3000_
I luv the show and its freakin awesome. luv the transformations luv everything about it. I think the reboot will help!

Re: Am I the only one who still loves this show?

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 5:25 am
by ccccc1987
I love this show very much .I love KITT so much ,Both Billy and Zoe are all very attractable.I look forward this show every week ,but it is always to halt ... I don't think this show is aganist with the KINGHT RIDER2000 ,the time changes ,the view changes ,too. The classics always classical, we just keep it in our mind.