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How Knight Rider 2008’s Ford commercialism has impacted me.

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 2:10 am
by Tony P Knight Driver
How Knight Rider 2008’s Ford commercialism has impacted me personally is, I am afraid I have lost the ability to watch a TV show or Movie which utilizes a FORD product and not look for KITTS scanner.

Ok this is pretty bad folks. I was watching a movie called “Beer For My Horses” staring Tobey Keith. Now Tobey is a spokes person for FORD.(See the connection yet?)

What does this have to do with Knight Ride 2008?? You betcha their were FORD trucks in the movie. I kept expecting a scanner and to hear VAL Kilmer say "Activating 4x4 mode"

Well in the extended scenes were the worst becuase Tobey is driving a dark colored (not black but dark charcoal)FORD F-150 down an alley way when someone blocks his path and he gets out and into a fight.

All through the whole scene I kept looking at the front of the FORD F-150 expecting a red scanner light to be scanning back and forth. plus the new truck had some hidden steps that pop out really relating to KITT and his transformations.

DAM YOU GSA you and your frickin Transformers. Couldn’t leave KITT a car.... Noooo you had to transform him into every FORD product known to man. Maybe now you can redo Star Trek and have the Enterprise transform into a Klingon Warship.. DO everyone a favor Next time you decide to redo a Classic TV Show. Please leave well enough alone.

Well now that thats out of my system...
Last Knight Rider wasnt that bad.. Nice to see KITT actually crash through something for a change.

Also I really like Justin as Micheal Knight Jr. and his interaction with KITT is very well done. I loved the " now your just being rude comment" But is it me or does his character seem a little immature at times for all the life experience he is supposed to have?

Re: How Knight Rider 2008’s Ford commercialism has impacted me.

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 4:54 am
by My_Friend_KITT
I'm with you Tony. My work is giving away a F-150 tomarrow and I keep looking over at it to see if has a scanner. 8)
Also I keep looking at mustangs on the road for the Cobra. Haven't seen one yet.

Re: How Knight Rider 2008’s Ford commercialism has impacted me.

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 5:39 am
by NeoRanger
On the bright side, Knight Rider conventions and exhibitions are going to become considerably easier to attend. Cheaper, too, if you already own a Mustang (even if it's isn't the Shelby).

Re: How Knight Rider 2008’s Ford commercialism has impacted me.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 2:22 pm
by My_Friend_KITT
Saw my 1st Shelby Cobra today. Before KR, I would have never noticed...
The silver Shelby with the blue double stripes that is posted in another thread, Yeah that one.
My local Ford dealer has one sitting Outside in the front.

Re: How Knight Rider 2008’s Ford commercialism has impacted me.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 6:39 pm
by EdwardKnoxII
Last weekend in Nashville they had an auto show for the '09 models and you can sit in them and take pics. At the Ford section they had a '09 Mustang GT convertible and when I got in and looked at the dash the first thing I thought was "Geez this dash looks just like Kitt's without the orb." Man that was sad. :( Then they had a black F-150 and I was looking the scanner on it and they had that ugly Flex and I was looking for the scanner on it.

They also had the 2010 Mustang there but, you couldn't sit in that. And I must say that the '10 looks better in person then it does on TV.