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IF KNIGHT RIDER WAS A student film

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:22 am
by Shadowy Flight
Well you've seen "Trekkies" and "Waries" [term for Star Wars fans?] make their own fan films. I always thought I was above and beyond that by making a comedic Knight Rider fan film but in all honesty, this is the mother of all Knerdiness...because I invested so much in making fun of Knight Rider's social commentary at the time. In the 80's, we found indirect pokes at racism and sexism. These shows didn't mean to be racist or sexist, it's just that everyone in the 80's were just learning about other cultures, religions, etc. So their ignorance was unintentionally portrayed through the writers, directors and dialogue that the actors spoke. My intention here was not to blatantly attack the actors who portrayed certain characters or the writers who wrote the scripts, but just the ignorance of the decade. As a kid, I never was offended by the episode called "Knight of the Drones" where most of it takes place in Chinatown and they poke fun at my fellow Asians. Even Michael Knight (not David Hasselhoff) at one point grabs a small Chinese person, calls him and "egg roll". I was on the floor rolling when I heard that again recently, because that type of behavir would not fly in 2008. Remember the pop group New Edition? They were the N Sync of the 1980s, so how come when they cameoed on the episode called Knight Song, instead of appearing as themselves, they appeared as the cleaning crew? Was it because they were 4 black kids? Who knows. And as far as religion goes, when Michael Knight visits a Thai Buddhist temple in the "K.N.E.R.D." episode, why is there a Japanese martial artist sitting in front? Uh, Thais and Japanese are 2 different cultures/races and speak 2 different languages. Then all of a sudden, he turns Chinese. And since when did Thai monks do Martial Arts? I was a Buddhist monk a few years ago and I don't remember doing that. If you look very closely, you'll see a real Thai Buddhist monk in the background [wearing an orange robe]...baffled. Again, milk came out of my nose as I saw this. Now please make no mistake, this is not on attack on one of my favorite shows of all time, but it was a living part of my childhood that makes me who I am today. A little prejudiced? A little sexist? Maybe. But it also influenced me to become a filmmaker. So by day I teach computers in an elementary school (because Kitt was a computer and loved kids, what else would I do?) But my weekends and summers are spent making films. My latest endeavors is what I want to share with you. Both Stu Philips and Don Peake [composers of the Knight Rider soundtrack] have seen my films and told me they have enjoyed it. However, my purpose for creating this film is to make a social commentary on society and how far we've come. So the un-politically correctness you find in this film is intentionally tweaked to the max. I rewrote these characters that Glen Larson created and Daniel Haller introduced in Knight of the Phoenix and amplified the un-P.C.ness a hundred fold. So here is my "reworking" of Knight Rider that I'm incidentally submitting as my Thesis in a Masters program at my college. And if it offends you...good! Because this film totally offends me and I laughed my @$$ off. I never knew how hard it was to produce, write, direct and edit your own film so please forgive the crudity of some of the technical aspects. Now I know how M. Night Shamalayn feels. I'm also M. Knight ;). It was so difficult to get actors when you don't pay them but fortunately I was able to get union actors. Tony and Shlomoh you may recognize from the Chapelle Show, my lead actor has been in numerous commercials but is a dead ringer for Johnny Knoxville. That's why I threw a little Dukes of Hazzard in there. Lenny is a technical director for Bravo (which is owned by NBC) so thanks to him and everyone for helping on this project.Anyway, I hope you like my rehashing of Knight of the Phoenix and my social commentaries along the way. Would love to get your constructive feedback. Thank you. Mickey
P.S. The humor is PG13 so please share responsibly.
Here is Segment 1:

Here is Segment 2:

And Segment 3:

Finally, here is the music video:

Re: IF KNIGHT RIDER WAS A student film

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 11:09 am
by weeezl
Love it!

Funny stuff! Image

Thug "You wired man?"

Michael "NO I dont do drugs"

Thug "No I meant - are you tapped?"

Michael "I dont think its any of your business whether I`m a virgin or not"

Thug "What? what I`m saying is, do you have any recording devices?"

Michael" OH! No, I I I`m clean!"

Re: IF KNIGHT RIDER WAS A student film

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 4:23 pm
LMAO, nice work! :lol:

I was disappointed after seeing segment three because there wasn't a segment four to continue it. :good:

Re: IF KNIGHT RIDER WAS A student film

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 5:39 pm
by Sky_Blue_Civic
LMAO!I'm laughing so much right now... :lol: Awesome work! :good:

Re: IF KNIGHT RIDER WAS A student film

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 12:16 am
by FuzzieDice
LOL! That was a good one! Do you have plans to do more segments? Would love to see the rest of this, at least the pilot. :)

Re: IF KNIGHT RIDER WAS A student film

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:50 am
by Shadowy Flight
Thank you for your feedback guys. Unfortunately there won't be anymore segments for 2 reasons. #1 I never paid my actors so I was lucky enough to have them for 3 consecutive shoots. They just had so much fun, they put their paid regular acting gigs aside and didn't mind working for free. But they have to make a living and they live far away so a reunion would be improbable if not impossible. #2 I think with the 3rd segment I stretched the humor as far as it could go. Segments 4 and 5 that I have written gets alot raunchier with Devon (Tony) being sort of Hannibal the Cannibal (because he does look like Anthony Hopkins and I couldn't resist) but because I'm an Elementary school teacher who teaches Computers some kids or their parents are bound to find it and take my comedy out of context. That's the whole problem with our government today is that things are so civil, sheltered and politically correct that everyday we live is like being on Sesame street or Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. I live a PBS life and I needed an outlet. "Rewriting" Knight Rider was the oxygen I needed and your wonderful comments breathed life back into me. Thank you all for allowing me to be me (a little human, a little imperfect...but definitely not a robot). My version of Knight Rider was I used it as a vehicle (no pun intended) to drive (okay I guess pun intended) to get my point across about how people take things a little TOO seriously. Thank you Weeezl, for pointing out the conversation exchange between Michael Long and The Thug. In my version, Michael is the oblivious anti-hero that represents our society that takes things a bit too literally. He is the law. He is every parking or speeding ticket you've gotten from the tight ass cop that wouldn't loosen his top collar. He is the teacher that reads from the textbook. I'm so glad people like Sky Blue Civic could laugh at the scenarios, Phoenix Zero and Fuzzie Dice are excited enough to yearn for more. This shows to me, that our society are not all robots. Thank you guys for acknowledging my silly endeavors. That's all I did it for...just for fun. I made no monetary gains from this. It was just a therapy session I needed. Now if any of you guys are ever in the New York area and would like to participate in making a Knight Rider fan film, feel free to let me know. Whether you want to be an actor or work behind the scenes (whether its script or camera work) I would love to hear from you. I can't afford to pay anyone, but if you want to do something to gain experience, establish a portfolio, or do this just for fun to post on youtube, I encourage you to get in touch. If you have a Kitt replica you want to use in the film, feel free to bring him. If not, I do have one myself. I've got professional equipment to shoot and edit with as you saw in my 3 segments. Would love to hear from people proficient in Adobe After Effects as well. So if you always wanted to shoot a Knight Rider movie, drop me a line. This will have NOTHING to do with the 3 segments you saw. This will be a "serious" geeky fan film that both adults and kids could watch. I've brought Knight Rider into the curriculum by teaching kids about how computers have shaped our world. From navigation systems to talking car alarms, Kitt was the first vehicle to truly inspire these technological advances. Knight Rider was the underdog that was never recognized. Now a whole Public School in New York City knows about it!

Re: IF KNIGHT RIDER WAS A student film

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 7:20 pm
by Sky_Blue_Civic
I know this is a little off topic,but Shadowy Flight,I love your signature...It's funny! :lol:

Re: IF KNIGHT RIDER WAS A student film

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:44 pm

Your video(s) inspired me to look around for some Knight Rider bloopers and found the four blooper reels that are up there. It was funny hearing Hasselhoff yelling "**** you KITT" and I wonder why "Auto Suck" never made it into the show. Not to mention mentioning giving Peter Parros (or maybe it was for RC3) some cornbread to cheer him up. :shock:

Re: IF KNIGHT RIDER WAS A student film

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 9:34 pm
by Shadowy Flight
Thank you sky blue civic. I guess you can just say it struck me. lol. I like your animated avatar

Re: IF KNIGHT RIDER WAS A student film

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 9:37 pm
by Shadowy Flight
Lol. That blooper reel inspired me to make that film. Looks like I just came full circle.

Re: IF KNIGHT RIDER WAS A student film

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:02 pm
by Lost Knight
LMFAO :lol:

I love parody videos like this. Great work, Mickey!

Re: IF KNIGHT RIDER WAS A student film

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:38 am
by Shadowy Flight
Thanks Chris. Sorry I missed your message. I'm still new to the forum. I'll send you a PM later. :kitt: happens

Re: IF KNIGHT RIDER WAS A student film

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 2:34 am
by sheltonw3
its too bad though,it would be cool to see a K.I.T.T. v.s. K.A.R.R. spoof! :kitt: :arrow: :karr:
If I was not over a thousand miles away we could use our real conversions and my models and remote control cars!

Re: IF KNIGHT RIDER WAS A student film

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 4:05 am
by Sky_Blue_Civic
sheltonw3 wrote:its too bad though,it would be cool to see a K.I.T.T. v.s. K.A.R.R. spoof! :kitt: :arrow: :karr:
If I was not over a thousand miles away we could use our real conversions and my models and remote control cars!
Not THAT would be awesome! :good:

Re: IF KNIGHT RIDER WAS A student film

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:46 pm
by Shadowy Flight
A Karr spoof would be funny. I thought about it. Since he's never been upgraded, he would have the 5 1/4 disk drive, run on DOS and if the driver says, "Quick, I've got to make a call!" Karr disperses loose quarters and pulls over to a pay phone. Oh, and when the driver attempts to load a CD, he electrocutes him and says, "Do not attempt to sabotage me again, I will only play cassettes."

Re: IF KNIGHT RIDER WAS A student film

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:31 pm
by Shadowy Flight
As I was writing the script, I was thinking...These are the only things in Karr's memory bank after he is reactivated:

Don Johnson is "cool"
He knows who shot J.R
L.A. Gear tennis shoes.
Wax on/Wax Off
A red Zippered Jacket with air vents on the shoulders
Garbage Pail Kids
There is nothing to question about Bert n' Ernie living together
Hulk Hogan is the best wrestler of all time.
Two words: The Clapper.
Six words: "This is your brain on drugs."
He can sing all the words to "One Night in Bangkok" by Murray Head
He will kidnap Bonnie for the best upgrade...A Commodore 64
He knows the words to the "Oscar Mayer" theme songs
Traci Lords is legal.
He's still bitter that WHAM broke up
He knows whose phone number is 867-5309
He monitors you on Beta tapes
Cobra Kai never dies
He can only entertain you with Pointer Sisters or Laura Branigan tapes.
All evil twins have a moustache...or a two tone paint job
And of course...Alan Funt.
Feel free to add to the list.

Re: IF KNIGHT RIDER WAS A student film

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:43 pm
by weeezl
Shadowy Flight wrote:As I was writing the script, I was thinking...These are the only things in Karr's memory bank after he is reactivated:

Don Johnson is "cool"
He knows who shot J.R
L.A. Gear tennis shoes.
Wax on/Wax Off
A red Zippered Jacket with air vents on the shoulders
Garbage Pail Kids
There is nothing to question about Bert n' Ernie living together
Hulk Hogan is the best wrestler of all time.
Two words: The Clapper
Six words: "This is your brain on drugs."
He can sing all the words to "One Night in Bangkok" by Murray Head
He will kidnap Bonnie for the best upgrade...A Commodore 64
He knows the words to the "Oscar Mayer" theme songs
Traci Lords is legal.
He's still bitter that WHAM broke up
He knows whose phone number is 867-5309
He monitors you on Beta tapes
Cobra Kai never dies
He can only entertain you with Pointer Sisters or Laura Branigan tapes.
All evil twins have a moustache...or a two tone paint job
And of course...Alan Funt.
Feel free to add to the list.
A few points I found extremely hilarious..


Re: IF KNIGHT RIDER WAS A student film

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:52 pm
by LadyV2000
Shadowy Flight wrote:As I was writing the script, I was thinking...These are the only things in Karr's memory bank after he is reactivated:
L.A. Gear tennis shoes.
Just to be fair, they're actually selling these shoes again. I recently bought a pair. :lol: