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Comic Con: Grassroots publicity

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:51 pm
by Michael Pajaro
The Knight RIder buttons Neil made were a big hit. Before the panel discussion, we went around the crowd with a big bag of them and could not hand them out fast enough. Our stockpile was gone in minutes.

With the buttons, T-shirts, Neil's still camera, my, Sue, and Jup's videocameras, several people came up to us thinking we were part of some publicity crew for the show. Nope, just some excited fans. It caught the attention of, who sent their reporter over to Neil for an interview. We don't know if they'll use the footage or not, but look around over the next few days.
neil-nbc_dot_com.jpg (31.13 KiB) Viewed 24180 times
The cast and crew each got a packet with a Knight Rider Online t-shirt and a set of buttons, and they all seemed very excited by it. My hat's off to Neil; it was a classy thing to do and it was very well-received.

Re: Comic Con: Grassroots publicity

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:39 pm
by weeezl
My hats off to all of you guys for keeping us updated :good: Enjoy the rest of your trip! :D

Re: Comic Con: Grassroots publicity

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 11:02 pm
by FuzzieDice
Thank you to all you guys that are there at the con keeping those of us unable to attend updated! I was only able to get online after 9pm Eastern Time due to the fact I had to work today and then after work go over to my friend's house for a bit. So by the time I got home and grabbed supper, read some articles online, it was late.

I'll try to check in tomorrow as well. Will it be going on this weekend too (Sat/Sun)?

BTW, today's an exciting day. The USAF Thunderbirds were in town for a nearby air show and I got photos of them flying over my complex!! AWESOME! :)

Re: Comic Con: Grassroots publicity

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 3:58 am
by sarfraz
weeezl wrote:My hats off to all of you guys for keeping us updated :good: Enjoy the rest of your trip! :D
I second that. Great work guys and gal!

Now feed us rabid fans more info :lol:


Re: Comic Con: Grassroots publicity

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 5:34 pm
by Knight Rider Archive
Good work guys, you're great representatives for our community!

BTW, when I saw the subject line to this thread, I thought it was to do with Patricia McPherson and the Grassroots Coalition!! "They were at the Comic Con, too?!" :)

Re: Comic Con: Grassroots publicity

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:39 pm
by transam82
Hi this is Matt H. from the San Diego, California area, I was there at the unveiling, I wanted to thank you again for the buttons I got from you guys, I'm posting a photo of the Knight Rider Online Team getting ready to take photo's and video before the Attack KITT's unveiling.


Also check out the, I got interviewed by NBC.Com's Virgin Comic Con Reporter, I'm the last person interviewed. I got to talk about my work in progress "Knight Industries Two Thousand". Remember they always save the best for last :)

The link is below ... ed/279828/

Re: Comic Con: Grassroots publicity

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 11:32 pm
by neps
Hey Matt H! Welcome to the forum!

I was JUST watching that NBC video on my own and when I saw you talk about you're KITT, I was wondering if we knew you - so it's great to meet you here!

Glad you liked the buttons, and I hope you stick around!

Re: Comic Con: Grassroots publicity

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 9:23 am
by transam82
I sure will stick around, My brother has been Knight Rider fans since the begining and I was a fan of Knight Rider since I was little, I saw KITT at Universal Studios when I was little, first up on a slab display, next by the water and then lastly I saw Kitt parked next to the A Team Van, which was sad, both vehicles had looked like they had been neglected for some time. Also a few years ago my brother and I went to the Sagus Speedway Knight Rider show where he showed his black 91 Firebird, As I am converting my 1982 Pontiac Trans Am into Kitt, my brother also wants to convert his car to Knight Industries Two Thousand. Here's a picture at the Knight Rider car show at Sagus Speedway, My brother's car is on the right.

Matt H.


Re: Comic Con: Grassroots publicity

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 9:39 pm
by neps
Well it looks like most their video is online, so I doubt we'll be seeing any of my interview on It's probably for the best, the whole interview angle was one of fun antagonistic nature - mostly about them being jealous of our buttons.

Michael caught it all on our HDV cam, so we can probably put it online if nothing comes of it.

Re: Comic Con: Grassroots publicity

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:20 am
by Sue
Hi Matt H. your brother has a nice car there. :kitt2:
You’ll have to keep us informed on the progress of yours.
Very cool you getting into that video. :D
That’s funny that you snapped that picture of us and we didn’t even know. :oops:
Here’s one with our cameras at the ready.

Re: Comic Con: Grassroots publicity

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 7:42 pm
by transam82
Hi again everyone, this is Matt H. I just wanted to let everyone see the progress of my KITT Replica. It taken alot of time and work and patience but finally my KITT is comming together. I have to say my dad has been a real help to me.

Matt H.


Re: Comic Con: Grassroots publicity

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 10:49 pm
by goldbug
transam82 wrote:Hi again everyone, this is Matt H. I just wanted to let everyone see the progress of my KITT Replica. It taken alot of time and work and patience but finally my KITT is comming together. I have to say my dad has been a real help to me.
Amazing! I really admire the work you customizers put into vehicles like this. I'm just trying to figure out how to purchase a new vehicle, no less customize one! Best of luck! :)

Re: Comic Con: Grassroots publicity

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 6:41 pm
by transam82
Thanks goldbug :good: , I was lucky to find my 1982 Trans Am, saved lots of time considering it had the correct seats, center console, fenders, side deflectors, rear bumper and it was a t-top car. The original hood was correct but had some dents. So I was even luckier to find a perfect condition replacement white hood off a 1983 Trans Am. I have to say I really like my original 305 V8 Crossfire Injection Engine, runs like a champ. Near future plans (Paint car black, redue upholstery from black to tan, change my turbo fin rims and install my turbo cast rims and bowling ball caps, get a scanner light.) :kitt2:

Re: Comic Con: Grassroots publicity

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 5:22 pm
by transam82
Had to do some tweaking (Adjusted and changed brackets) with the driving and turn signal lights, here is the updated look of my KITT.

Matt H.


Re: Comic Con: Grassroots publicity

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 3:07 pm
by transam82
I posted a video of my KITT on Youtube, check it out :)" onclick=";return false;

Re: Comic Con: Grassroots publicity

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 11:23 am
by transam82
April 2009

Update of my KITT Replica, I ended up changing the yellow fog lights (Turn Signals), I got clear lenses and put a Halogen Yellow bulb and I think it looks better for my turn signal. I posted some videos on youtube, check them out, also I am in progress of sanding the car to prime. :kitt2:

Video 1 - ... annel_page" onclick=";return false;

Video 2 - ... annel_page" onclick=";return false;