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Who do you think The Client is?

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:06 pm
by Knight316
Just curious to see if anybody has any theories about who those 4 baddies in the show were working for. I remember one of the guys saying when Sarah said you could start a war he said My Client might. So i'm assuming that will be the major arc for the first season. So who do you think it is? Would you want it to be someone from the Knight Rider Mythology or someone new? Personally, I think a cool way to tie into the old series would have it be Garth's son. Garth could have had a son (illigitamate or otherwise) with Adrian Margo ( i think that's what her name was in Goliath Returns) and the kid could've grown up being told stories by his mother about how Michael Knight killed his father, etc and have the kid be out for revenge. I think that would be cool. If they did go this route for this storyline or another one at a different time, I'd like to see Garth's sone be played by Josh Duhammel from Las Vegas/Transformers/Die Hared 4. We know he can play an awesome villian as seen in Die Hard adn i think he'd be the perfect opposite for Justin Breuning. What do you think? Too far fetched?

Re: Who do you think The Client is?

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:18 pm
Except she's dead as well as Garthe, sure there was no body but if he didn't survive then neither did she.

I say a very old and bitter Elizabeth Knight.... >_> <_<




Re: Who do you think The Client is?

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:36 pm
by jblinkinsop
Dude. Josh wasnt in Die Hard 4. The villain was played by Timothy Olyphant. wow.

Re: Who do you think The Client is?

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 12:08 am
by Johnathan Kent
Elizabeth Knight would have to be dead at this point or may be in jail for what She and Garth tried to do to the Foundation in 1983-1984....

Re: Who do you think The Client is?

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 12:54 am
by Knight316
Dude. Josh wasnt in Die Hard 4. The villain was played by Timothy Olyphant. wow.
Well bad...don't know where I got that from. I haven't seen it since it was in theatres and i coulda swore i remembered saying to my buddies hey look it's the guy from transformers. Ah well, i still think he could make a good villian and owuld be a great choice for garth's son.

Re: Who do you think The Client is?

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 1:23 am
Johnathan Kent wrote:Elizabeth Knight would have to be dead at this point or may be in jail for what She and Garth tried to do to the Foundation in 1983-1984....
Why would she be dead? She was either the same age or younger than Devon and going by how old Edward Mulhare would have been now if he didn't die from Lung Cancer, he'd be 84 going on 85, which the Elizabeth Knight character might be also. As for being in jail, there's always a chance she got released at some point since the original series ended or FLAG closed down, she was quite manipulative and probably still had a really good lawyer.

Re: Who do you think The Client is?

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:02 am
by knightridergundam
Then what about Jennifer Knight. She did never like Micheal because he was recreated in her brother image. Granted that she did warm up somewhat to Micheal later on, but she could have had a child after the fact that in some strange way thought that FLAG, Micheal, and Kitt robbed him or her of something, or is like Garth, and justs hates everything.


Its April..... :shock:

Re: Who do you think The Client is?

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:52 am
by Lost Knight
Knight316 wrote:I remember one of the guys saying when Sarah said you could start a war he said My Client might. So i'm assuming that will be the major arc for the first season. So who do you think it is? Would you want it to be someone from the Knight Rider Mythology or someone new?
Well, we have to ask ourselves: Who has the power to start a war? Is this potential series going to turn out like 24 and have the actual President of the United States be a bad guy and potentially be "the client"? I think that's going a little too far out there even for Knight Rider. So the next logical guess would be a senator or member of Congress. "The client" sounds like it's going to be a brand new character altogether from the surface. But, I'm also inclined to think that the writers may try to look for any potential tie-ins with the original series as possible to establish links or bring back old characters. Given the fact that I can't remember any point in the series where the villain was in any position of power higher than a C.E.O. of a corporation or law enforcement, I believe it will be a brand new villain who is a corrupt U.S. senator, personally.

Whoever it is, this Prometheus project is heavy-duty:


Re: Who do you think The Client is?

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 3:14 am
by fryedaddy
Well isn't it obvious? Prometheus' enemy could only be Skynet

Re: Who do you think The Client is?

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 7:41 pm
by goldbug
fryedaddy wrote:Well isn't it obvious? Prometheus' enemy could only be Skynet
Ah, it's all an obvious set up for a major cross-network crossover between KR and "The Sarah Connor Chronicles"!!! :shock:

Re: Who do you think The Client is?

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 8:14 pm
by Johnathan Kent
all I've got to say is LOL!

Re: Who do you think The Client is?

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 8:22 pm
Ewww at the spelling errors in that screen cap. :lol:

Re: Who do you think The Client is?

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 8:23 pm
by Lexicon
The "Client" is likely a terrorist or terrorist state. The drives taken from Graiman were found near Dubai before the encryption could be cracked.

Re: Who do you think The Client is?

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 8:32 pm
by Lost Knight
PHOENIXZERO wrote:Ewww at the spelling errors in that screen cap. :lol:
Yeah, there's a few spelling errors on some of the screens K.I.T.T. pulls up. One that comes to mind is on his test checklist when Sarah asks if her father got a chance to test K.I.T.T. and the braking test is spelled as "breaking." Obviously they didn't anticipate fans scrutinizing a lot of the screens. :)

Re: Who do you think The Client is?

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 7:51 pm
by Darknight
I think it's pretty clear that Iran, China, Russia, Venezeula, Syria, al quaeda, Lybia, and several other countries would jump at the chance to exploit any potential leverage against the U.S. that might become available.

Sensitive technological or defense information would have no lack of state or quasi-state buyers worldwide.

Re: Who do you think The Client is?

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:52 pm
by Johnathan Kent
who knows it could be Osama Bin Ladin???any takers on that thought????

Re: Who do you think The Client is?

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 12:46 am
by DorianX
Lost Knight wrote:
PHOENIXZERO wrote:Ewww at the spelling errors in that screen cap. :lol:
Yeah, there's a few spelling errors on some of the screens K.I.T.T. pulls up. One that comes to mind is on his test checklist when Sarah asks if her father got a chance to test K.I.T.T. and the braking test is spelled as "breaking." Obviously they didn't anticipate fans scrutinizing a lot of the screens. :)
This is actually explainable: one of the 'incomplete' tests is obscured by the "My Dad is Better Than Your Dad" advertising bug. What it actually says underneath that is "Spell Checker Accuracy Test".

Re: Who do you think The Client is?

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 7:36 pm
by viper_defender
Many wish Garthe Knight would get involved... Another could be KARR or at least the disconnected CPU of car... If it is car its becoming Terminatorish! (Thats the fanboy in me talking)

We just have to wait for the series to find out!

Re: Who do you think The Client is?

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 3:09 pm
by GarthKnight08
How about a phantom that the writers never intended to reveal?

Re: Who do you think The Client is?

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:46 pm
by Johnathan Kent
that very well could be Phantom! We'll have to wait and see when the show goes to Series in the fall...I hope they do some major retooling of the show like maybe show what happened to Michael Knight over the last 25 years, why was FLAG shut down, When was KITT dismantled how did Michael Tracuer get his last name, and least of all how is Charles Graiman related to Wilton Knight? and how did the bad guys in the pilot know about Wilton Knight and the Knight Industries Two Thousandquestions we'll have to hope will be explored...

Re: Who do you think The Client is?

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:47 pm
by Johnathan Kent
oops meant Garthe Knight08

Re: Who do you think The Client is?

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:59 pm
by kopiikat
Lost Knight wrote:Yeah, there's a few spelling errors on some of the screens K.I.T.T. pulls up. One that comes to mind is on his test checklist when Sarah asks if her father got a chance to test K.I.T.T. and the braking test is spelled as "breaking." Obviously they didn't anticipate fans scrutinizing a lot of the screens. :)
You never know... Maybe it was actually testing whether he would break at high velocity. :mrgreen: