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Re: Return for an announcement from Knight Industries on July 25

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:09 pm
by Sue

Hey, Dad started it. :mrgreen:
neps wrote: Anyone else have any thoughts? Does it bother anyone else that there is yet another KR graphic - and using a Cobra? Which is a nod to the Mustang - It should be a Knights head!

Re: Return for an announcement from Knight Industries on July 25

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:10 pm
by JL
Sue wrote:I think you have offended us a little with your first comment JL. You are making assumptions about us based on one thread. Actually I think this thread is rather uncharacteristic of us. We all want this show to succeed so much that we might freak out from time to time. Welcome back to KRO, I think if you hang around a little more and look at some other threads you’ll get a better sense of who we are and what our opinions are.
You're right, I did come on a little strong, especially for my first post in I don't know how many years.

I do think there's a funny similarity between the posts in this thread and some of the reactions to changes that are going to be made in the upcoming Trek film. Spend enough time on the 'net and you'll see similar reactions with similar wording, whether they're talking about rubber/leather costumes in superhero movies, book-to-movie changes in long-established properties like LOTR and Harry Potter, changes in actors playing favorite characters (i.e. James Bond and Doctor Who), or revisiting a long-dormant property like Star Wars or Indiana Jones. Anything with a devoted fanbase is bound to provoke passionate reactions, and the reactions themselves are very similar, even though what those people are fans of may be worlds apart.

Re: Return for an announcement from Knight Industries on July 25

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:53 pm
by neps
Guys, back off JL - He was just making a comparision to how things in Star Trek relate to KR - please don't be as rude, he wasn't attacking any of us.

I think we're all over reacting here. As Sue mentioned - the KR site on NBC has not been the most accurate. I don't think we should call out the lynch mobs just yet until we see more specific content. I feel like you are already calling for GST's head without even seeing a single piece of film - that's really unfair and I thought better of you guys.

Re: Return for an announcement from Knight Industries on July 25

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:59 pm
by Scott Kirkessner
yea guys lets give it a chance.

remember, we gave the movie a chance and it disappointed us - so they gave us a new showrunner who is going to try to please us, the fans.

Re: Return for an announcement from Knight Industries on July 25

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:15 pm
by Stylez
lol @ Lost Knight

Neil, nobody is saying we want GST's head. I think most of us are shocked to see the snakes head in the logo, you know just as well that the chess piece is synonymous with Knight Rider.

Re: Return for an announcement from Knight Industries on July 25

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:24 pm
by Sue
Scott Kirkessner wrote:yea guys lets give it a chance.

remember, we gave the movie a chance and it disappointed us - so they gave us a new showrunner who is going to try to please us, the fans.
I liked the movie, no I take it back I loved the movie. That is why I am here talking to you now. Yes there were things wrong and its okay to discuss them so that we can make things better. I’m so excited and a little bit nervous to see what they are going to do to change it. But as always I remain optimistic. I really do believe NBC is doing everything they can to please us. …And then some. :mrgreen:

(Wooo! Look at that! I’ve made FLAG Recruit! 250 posts! Oh this has got to be some kind of KRO record!) :dance:

Re: Return for an announcement from Knight Industries on July 25

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:01 pm
by Victor Kros
The fact of the matter is by anyone posting up a teaser graphic that is hinting at some sort of future release or product, they leave themselves wide open to and accept speculation from their target audience as to what it may or could be whether it's accurate or speculative. (Yes I am well aware of doing that for Summer of Secrets)

I agree with Stylez assesment, save the "comic book guy attitude" for the movie spoiler forums and trekkie boards where crying out "first!" to every new thread that pops up is a matter of urgency.

Respect is a two way street here.


Re: Return for an announcement from Knight Industries on July 25

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:16 pm
by weeezl
Just for piece of mind, I dont think anyone was attacking anybody, only thing i guess we can be accused of is being passionate about something we love.
neps wrote:
Anyone else have any thoughts? Does it bother anyone else that there is yet another KR graphic - and using a Cobra? Which is a nod to the Mustang - It should be a Knights head!
Yeah, I still HATE that fu**in logo.

Re: Return for an announcement from Knight Industries on July 25

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:43 pm
Seriously, if the show has as much whoring for Ford as the pilot did I'll drop it and any NBC/Universal program on their channels without a second thought. Times might have changed, but it doesn't mean they have to lose the art of being subtle or clever with product placement and tea bag us with it.

Two things that made me weary about was NBC's corporate influence and how the people in charge, specifically GST and his involvement with the Fast and the Furious, would handle it. The first movie might have been alright but it kicked off and influenced a horrible, extremely annoying trend with the street racing idiots. I swear, if I hear one more of them refer to Nitro/NO2/Nitrus Oxide/Laughing Gas as NOS (a brand) I'm gonna snap. :twisted: :karr:

Re: Return for an announcement from Knight Industries on July 25

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:39 pm
by JL
victor kros wrote:I agree with Stylez assesment, save the "comic book guy attitude" for the movie spoiler forums and trekkie boards where crying out "first!" to every new thread that pops up is a matter of urgency.
I've never posted on a board where people felt compelled to cry out "first" to every new thread. Maybe you have me confused with someone else, or else you're frequenting the wrong forums.
Respect is a two way street here.
No, it looks like it's a one-way street. I don't exactly start off on the best foot, you guys slag off on me, I explain myself a bit better, Neil tells you to get a grip on yourselves, and you slag off on me again. I remember this place being a lot more fun, a lot more inviting, and a lot more open to criticism. I guess you can't go home again, can you?

Re: Return for an announcement from Knight Industries on July 25

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:44 pm
by JL
PHOENIXZERO wrote:Seriously, if the show has as much whoring for Ford as the pilot did I'll drop it and any NBC/Universal program on their channels without a second thought. Times might have changed, but it doesn't mean they have to lose the art of being subtle or clever with product placement and tea bag us with it.
I don't think the TV movie itself was whoring for Ford; the level of product placement didn't seem to be any worse than when they roll out the new James Bond car in each movie and have Q identify it by name and rattle off all the features. It was the commercials with Mike Traceur and KITT that pushed it over the top. Hopefully they won't go that far with the series.

Re: Return for an announcement from Knight Industries on July 25

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:50 pm
by FuzzieDice
Even though I actually like Fords and love the Mustang they're using, I agree that they should use the Knight head and not the Cobra. Or else what will they be doing next, calling the show "Kobra Rider"? Hmmm.... :?

Re: Return for an announcement from Knight Industries on July 25

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:55 pm
by JL
Maybe they could put a plumed knight's helmet on the cobra? ;)

Re: Return for an announcement from Knight Industries on July 25

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:08 pm
by neps
Listen, I may have been out of line by not being clearer, but regardless of who started it is when it goes towards personal instead of constructive generalizing, and thats where I start to take issues.

The point I'm trying to make is lets keep this constructive! You've both been here for 6+ years, so obviously you are dedicated fans, and not just first time posters - so lets show each other some respect! It's us against them - not each other!

Comparing us to Trekkies - isn't a huge deal guys. They have 8 movies, and countless series - I wish we had that type of content behind us.

I do think it's unfair to compare this to the JJ Abrams project - that would be more fair for the Glen Larson movie where it is a complete restart. With the Knight Rider project on NBC - they have admitted that it is in the same universe, so that is why it is completely foreign to us to see the Cobra symbol and making us worried about the project as a whole. Why reinvent something like a foundation logo, it just seems to go against consistency.

It may be a fair comparison to use the Trek analogy and compare how the Star Trek starfleet arch thing has remained consistent. If someone was to change that to be an Octagon - I think even the Trekies would have a right to object. It just really makes no sense other than from a marketing stand point to change something that is identifiable in a universe that already exists.

I understand where everyone is coming from, I really do. I think the only point here that was trying to be made was that lets wait awhile and see what comes our way before saying the sky is falling. has gotten things wrong before with this series, but thats a department several levels removed from the Dutch Oven offices. Lets hope they did again here too. We'll know much more in the coming weeks.

Re: Return for an announcement from Knight Industries on July 25

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:22 pm
by Sue
We’re all going to get the inside scoop soon enough at comic con. We’ll get to see the new attack KITT and we will be able to get a hint of what direction they are taking the show. I would stick around KRO if I were you JL. I’m excited for what we have in store.

Re: Return for an announcement from Knight Industries on July 25

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:44 pm
by JL
neps wrote:I do think it's unfair to compare this to the JJ Abrams project - that would be more fair for the Glen Larson movie where it is a complete restart.
I wasn't comparing the projects themselves so much as the reactions both groups of fans are having when presented with scant information. There are people both here and there who think each project will be the greatest thing since the original, there are some who are sure it will be full of fail, and there's folks who want to wait and see before pronouncing judgment.

I count myself in the third camp. The new pilot didn't seem to fire on all cylinders the way the original pilot did. I wouldn't be surprised if the WGA strike played a role in that; the script seemed like it could have stood at least one more rewrite, but when the cameras rolled in December they were locked in to what was on the written page. But neither was the new pilot terrible. There was a lot of potential there, and the fact that NBC was willing to go to series with it shows they think it has some potential, too. That's a shocking thing to see a network do these days, especially when shows frequently get canceled after one or two episodes. Maybe the writers' strike will at least temporarily instill a bit of patience in the networks. (If they were debuting now with the shaky ratings they had at their start, I doubt we'd see such classic shows like M*A*S*H, Cheers, or Seinfeld last more than six episodes.)

Re: Return for an announcement from Knight Industries on July 25

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 2:56 am
by Lost Knight
It occurs to me that much of this thread has been a complete overreaction (yes, I know it's a little late to point that out by now). If we look at the bigger picture here, we're talking about a LOGO!!! Yes, I hate the logo myself, but I'm only criticizing the logo and hoping it's not a reflection of more radical changes to come.

But what makes me wonder here is if members would have been as "offended" had a more well-known board member say the exact same thing as JL? I have to say that I think this arguing is over nonsense and it's even more silly to perpetuate it. Take that as you will, or discard it, whatever. Anyway, I almost forgot what the topic of this thread was!

Re: Return for an announcement from Knight Industries on July 25

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:27 am
by Jay
Just by the way... I'm pretty sure that's a Shelby King of the Roads logo. Don't forget that the basis for the Knight 3000 is a Shelby GT-500KR, and the KR is there for King of the Roads. Because there are normal GT-500s as well.
The NBC website "specialists" don't seem to really provide a pro attitude. I guess they just happened to have a GT-500KR badge and decided that it would look "teh sheet" there.

Re: Return for an announcement from Knight Industries on July 25

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 8:19 am
by neps
jay - i hope you are right can anyone confirm?

also there is now a popup if you goto NBC's KR page which takes you here:

not only are they using the same logo, but the scanner is only one piece and throbbing? i think this is all just inaccuracy...

Re: Return for an announcement from Knight Industries on July 25

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 9:22 am
by JL
The only Shelby "King of the Road" logo I've been able to turn up so far is this: ... .08may.jpg

What's on the NBC site is similar but not the same. It looks like someone from the advertising department is trying to push the Ford connection, but whether that logo actually ends up on the show probably won't be answered until either Comic Con or the season premiere in September.

Re: Return for an announcement from Knight Industries on July 25

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 9:23 am
by knightnx
cmon guys you have to love the new graphic logo right?

in the olden days Knights rode on snakes everyone knows that.
bloody product placement its unreal. Atleast the original kitt was pretty much debadged

Wilton Knight would turn in his grave.

P>S Knight rider series 1 on UK itunes

Re: Return for an announcement from Knight Industries on July 25

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 2:52 pm
by Jay
I'm convinced that's a Shelby logo - anyone want to give them a call about that? The 40th logo JL found may not be the same in the 2009 model year.
About that throbbing teaser... it looks highly unprofessionnally done to me - the font, with the quick-looking glow really don't make it seem like any footage/material from the series has been used. I'm pretty sure the covered shot is one they made with that teaser for the pilot, just a still they haven't used before.
I know from experience that some of the people running the NBC site happen at times to really not know what they're doing.
We will see. I could be wrong.
Sometimes NBC looks like it's acting like the old LucasArts management team (the current one is decent) - there are people working on projects that know what to do, but people that don't understand the product decide to show their marketing skillz. Such tactics cost LucasArts damage to 3 Star Wars video games.

Re: Return for an announcement from Knight Industries on July 25

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 3:15 pm
by Sue
They should hire Neil, then they’d have a nice site.

Re: Return for an announcement from Knight Industries on July 25

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 8:45 pm
by FuzzieDice
neps wrote:Listen, I may have been out of line by not being clearer, but regardless of who started it is when it goes towards personal instead of constructive generalizing, and thats where I start to take issues.

The point I'm trying to make is lets keep this constructive! You've both been here for 6+ years, so obviously you are dedicated fans, and not just first time posters - so lets show each other some respect!
This post showed up after mine and another's, so I am a bit confused as to who you were addressing. I haven't been here 6+ years (only 4). I hope it wasn't something I said? I was more just trying to be in jest with the "Kobra Rider" remark, more a joke, really. ;)

BTW, I've always loved Star Trek too. I kinda was a Trekkie some years back, even playing in Star Trek based message RPGs. It was lots of fun! :)

I think each show has it's own style, it's own flair. I remember when Star Trek: The Next Generation came out and I was like "That's not Star Trek!" But I grown to love it as I did also Deep Space 9 and all the others. I even was excited when Voyager came out and enjoyed it. By the time Enterprise came out, I wasn't all that into it as much anymore but I did enjoy what episodes I saw.

I also remember when Knight Rider first aired in the 80s and being a Smokey and the Bandit fan, I was like "That's NOT a Trans Am!" and was complaining to my dad how that wasn't even close to one. But I grown to love that Trans Am known as KITT. :) And now with the new Knight Rider, I really have to admit it was love at first site when I saw that Mustang in the promos! I adore that car! So I'm very excited about the upcoming series in a couple months. I probably always will feel that cobra is a bit off (instead of a Knight) but I'm sure KITT's personality will come through and I'll not even notice the cobra vs. Knight thing as much as I'll notice all the other cool things KITT will do (and say).

I'm just very glad that KR is still going strong after all these years. And I'm glad we all have something to enjoy talking about and getting excited about - including the new GPS system based on the old KITT!

Now I'll be keeping my 'scanners' peeled for KARR... I hope.... :twisted:


Re: Return for an announcement from Knight Industries on July 25

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:59 am
How would you feel if Star Trek was being brought to you by Boeing with the USS Enterprise having a big ass Boeing logo slapped on the side of it and the camera just happens to pan around and focus on it a half dozen times during the movie?

Even with the initial shock of the Mustang being the new KITT I wasn't a "Why didn't the use a Trans-Am WAHHH WAHH WAHH" crowd and I'm still not. The Mustang didn't bug me so much (aside from the boxy issue) but the commercial/corporate aspect certainly does, I just don't like being repeatedly reminded of who the sponsor is, if left at a mention or two every so often by someone that it's a Mustang. I wouldn't mind that, it was done in the first season of Knight Rider before Pontiac told them to stop. But the emblems just need to go away.

I for the most part liked the TV movie, it was by no means perfect, could have used a bigger budget and I'm probably a little too forgiving of the writing due to the strike and being unable to fix things. But I could have really done without having to see the camera pan around and focus on an emblem or two every 10-20 minutes.