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Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 11:50 pm
by cloudkitt
...i really liked the first

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 6:17 am
by Sith
The smear campaign continues...

My first draft of this review consisted of five words. Do not buy this game. Unfortunately for me, we have a policy that requires a little more elaboration than that. So, if you’re a die hard Knight Rider enthusiast, or you simply want to laugh (or cry) along with me at how bad this game is, please continue reading.

The plot for this sequel is about as textbook as you can get. Some vague corporation is up to something bad, and you have to find out what it is. This is the bulk of the information you’ll have for most of the 11 missions in the game. The first mission is a kind of tutorial designed to teach you how to use the various tricks K.I.T.T. has up his sleeve, under the pretence of you being chased by an endless supply of missiles which seem to be coming from nowhere. It’s a bit different to the other missions, but not in terms of monotony and boredom.

After the opener, the game explodes into action. Well, I hoped. The rest of the missions are all based on the same template. Get from point A to point B while solving a few puzzles and fighting a few robots along the way. It sounds almost bearable, doesn’t it. Until you discover the puzzles are all exactly the same. Use your electronic jammer thing (sorry, I’m no Knight Rider nerd) to turn a switch which opens a door or turns off a laser. Sometimes there are a few switches scattered around the place to open the same door, and often there’s another switch behind the door which opens, wait for it, another door! I’m out of breath here.

Well, at least we’ve got some high-octane laser and missile battles to keep us entertained, no matter how crap the puzzles are. Wrong again. All the robots are exactly the same, with a couple of variations, namely big and small. At least that’s the only difference I could discern. Coupled with a design so clichéd and dull, we’ve got a painful experience on our hands. Even firing K.I.T.T.’s weapons is an ordeal. You can only aim in the direction the car is pointing, and with no ability to turn on the spot, you have no option but to accelerate and reverse in order to turn and alter your aim. I found this so tedious that I eventually resorted to spinning around in circles with my finger firmly on the trigger. The boss levels are actually easier, as you’ve got a targeting system for them.

These battles are few and far between. But I’m not sure if this is a good or a bad thing. When you’re not fighting robot clones or turning switches, you’re traversing the most barren gaming environments ever seen. They vary between outside; stretches of empty desert road flanked by mountains, and inside; nauseating corridors of steel with little more than a metal box here and there to excite you. At one point I noticed tumbleweed rolling across the road in front of me, and wondered whether this was a cynical in-joke among the developers confessing to their blatant lack of imagination, or something they put in to try and justify the bleak void I was driving through. The graphics are disgracefully bland, only serving to compound an already dull experience.

The car itself handles erratically, and the stunts you learned in the first mission, like going up on 2 wheels, are rarely used, substituted in favour of the dreaded switch boxes to get around the levels. Even the cut scenes between missions are half-assed. All we ever see is the outside of the Knight Rider truck while the characters inside read from a script with enthusiasm comparable to that of a plank of wood. It’s symbolic of how much the developers missed out on from the TV series, which has so much to offer in terms of gaming.

Pretty much every aspect of the game is hopelessly inadequate or flawed. The only use I can think of for Knight Rider 2 is as a training tool for aspiring game developers, and I’m seriously not joking here. It’s got pretty much everything you can do wrong with a videogame all wrapped up in a neat little package. And this is no accident. A game as catastrophic as this can’t be down to mere lack of ability from the developers. It’s a cynical cash-in without even the intention of supplying a quality title to the fans. And I wasn’t even thinking about this when I had a sick feeling in my stomach playing it. Once again, do not buy this game.


Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 6:19 am
by Sith
And again...

We can't bring ourselves to slam a licence so dear to our inner-child, so instead we've fictionalised an interview with David 'Berlin Wall Destroyer' Hasselhoff about the game. So David, is it any good? "Well, for a start, it hasn't got me in it, and KITT sounds like Devon. Secondly, I don't remember any missiles or plasma cannons on the back of my robot car. I remember KITT having an indestructible shell though, and in this he seems to be weaker than my albums." Yeah, but is it any good? "I ever tell you how much I had the hots for Bonnie? No? Anyway, KITT looks a bit too shiny in this game, and I swear, even though we shot the show mostly in the desert, the locations weren't ever //that boring. It was also easier to save Germany whilst controlling my perm than it was play this game." Yeah, but is it any good? "Well, I'm not gonna say a bad word against KITT. That's your job." Oh, okay...

Should Really Come With A Health Warning!!


Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 4:25 am
by jacktherattle
Sith wrote:And again...

We can't bring ourselves to slam a licence so dear to our inner-child, so instead we've fictionalised an interview with David 'Berlin Wall Destroyer' Hasselhoff about the game. So David, is it any good? "Well, for a start, it hasn't got me in it, and KITT sounds like Devon. Secondly, I don't remember any missiles or plasma cannons on the back of my robot car. I remember KITT having an indestructible shell though, and in this he seems to be weaker than my albums." Yeah, but is it any good? "I ever tell you how much I had the hots for Bonnie? No? Anyway, KITT looks a bit too shiny in this game, and I swear, even though we shot the show mostly in the desert, the locations weren't ever //that boring. It was also easier to save Germany whilst controlling my perm than it was play this game." Yeah, but is it any good? "Well, I'm not gonna say a bad word against KITT. That's your job." Oh, okay...

Should Really Come With A Health Warning!!

But I have to agree. We need Hasselhoff's and Daniels's voices to third episode. I really hope that Davilex reads these comments and take some advices.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 9:10 pm
by Hunter
these games are bad,i completed the first one in 3 hours :shock: there needs to be really big and exciting locations and there needs to be a free roam mode and at least 30 missions,then the game would be okay.its good to hear hasselhoff not praysing it and kissing its ass like other people would do,he knows its crap :D

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 9:30 pm
by Hunter
Sith wrote: the answer to “Which actress made an appearance on an episode of KR?” is “Geena Davis”. If you already knew that, we’re impressed. ... tion=part1
i really hope your joking,that cant actually be the question can it? :shock:

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 8:34 am
by Hunter
does anyone think we should have a list of ideas and send it off to davilex,i mean who knows what the fans want better than the fans right?

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 12:22 pm
by Sith
Hunter wrote:does anyone think we should have a list of ideas and send it off to davilex,i mean who knows what the fans want better than the fans right?
We did. ;) It failed miserably, as it was totally ignored.

See the link in the first post of this thread.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 3:48 pm
by Hunter
that sucks,they probably took offence from it.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 5:47 pm
by Sith
Perhaps. But then, its what we all wanted - and they didn't deliver.

And the poor sales are reflective in that.

Hence why I'm now urging them publically to sell the licence. Let another studio do us proud.

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:31 pm
by Hunter
the only thing they need to know to make good games is that the fans are always right so give us what we want :evil:

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 3:52 pm
by jup
Once upon a time, we had an awesome programmer who was making a Knight Rider game that looked like an equal match to GTA III...and it was all for free. The KR community lost a great asset when he was forced to abandon both it and KRO.

If Davilex bought his game, as-is, they'd already have a better product to work my honest opinion.

One thing I've always wanted in a KR game was replay value. Very few mission/level games throughout the years have done such a thing. (Even though, in most cases, it isn't a hard thing to achieve.) And, what I mean is the game has a wide variety of missions it can send you on...and chooses from them randomly. But, each gaming session only does five or so missions. (Out of a possible...let's say one hundred.) That way, you might press start and go after some band robbers one time. Next game, you start out by chasing down information about a stolen Foundation computer part. In theory, one should be forced to play this game hundreds of times over, just to see the same game sequence.

Another was taking the gaming experience and turning it into an episode via the Replay. Ever play the game Stuntman? You might see where I'm going with this one, then. Because, in that game, what you do in the game reflects what you see in the 'final movie sequence'. (It actually does.) They made the 'replay' an interesting blend of in-game replayed graphics and CGI-cut sequences that tell a story. Which is what I think would make a cool feature in a KR game. Start off with some video of KITT driving down the road as music plays. Some dialog. Communications link established. Michael and KITT get to the mission. More dialog as the visuals switch to the game you've just played. And, it proceeds like this until the entire 'episode' reaches the end of the game session. (Through all five random missions present in the session.)

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 3:59 pm
by Hunter
that is an awesome idea,it would be like watching an epi of KR.

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 2:49 am
by winwolf07
my humble opinion:

the rest=yawn

They could have done so much better with this.. How about KITT for Street Legal: Redline?? I think that'd be better :D

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 9:13 pm
by Knight Racer
Has the game been released yet for America?Can I buy one for PC from UK and play it on an American PC?

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 2:18 am
by imranbecks
Yes you can... It has been released in both America and the UK.. It doesn't matter if the game is from the UK, u can still play it on an American PC..

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 10:20 am
by Knight Racer
If its been released in America,why can't I find it on,,,or even ebay? I'm looking under every stone and no one shows it on there site for sail.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 2:50 pm
by jup
I can't say that I'm surprised. In fact, I half expect to see either of these KR PC titles at the bottom of some discount drop bin...years from now.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 9:58 pm
by TurbomanKnight
jup wrote:The KR community lost a great asset when he was forced to abandon both it and KRO.
Who may that person be? :?:

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:35 am
by jup
msKEN. I have his farewell message saved.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:22 pm
by cloudkitt
MsKen, will he ever finish that KR RPG he was working on?

I just played through KR1 this morning, to test a computer I wasn't all that bad really. Sure, as far as video games go it was kinda crappy, but it was cool. At least we got some experience to drive KITT. Now, the roof-hopping missions were pathetic and frustrating. However, the chopper chase mission-on hard-is VERY fun, and has all the elements of a good game. If only the other missions had been as good, the game may have been a real hit.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 5:19 pm
by Paul
On page 4 of this thread, jacktherattle suggested writing enmasse to EA or Activision to create a Knight Rider game utilising the list of suggestions posted by members of this board to Davilex.

I think he's thinking along the right lines, but I'd change one thing.

I think the company we should write to is Rockstar North or Rockstar Games. Think about it: They excel in 3D free-roaming driving games that allow the main character to get out of the car and do his own thing as he goes around, into buildings, into combat with people etc.

If Rockstar got the licence to Knight Rider from Davilex they could use a game engine they already have: The basic engine from GTA San Andreas, with mods to accomodate Knight Rider. With no disrespect to the comminity of modders out there, if Rockstar did it properly and officially, just imagine the potential the thing could have. Making comparisons to San Andreas:

The main character (CJ) would instead be Michael Knight, but Michael would have all the attributes and abilities CJ currently has, such as the ability to develop muscle, change clothes and so on, as long as the wardrobe contained only the kind of clothes you might see Michael wearing during a typical episode of Knight Rider. They could even have "special" outfits to unlock in the wardrobe like the infamous red turtleneck.

Taking the HUGE San Andreas map as an example: It has all the areas suitable for a perfect Knight Rider game: Major cities, tiny towns, lots of country roads, dirt lanes, desert, etc, all the kinds of areas that Michael and KITT visited regularly on the show. Rockstar could create a map that had the same elements as San Andreas but with a different layout.

Michael should be able to get in and out of the car almost at will, as using the GTA engine some missions would involve high speed chases, some would involve Knight Rider stunts, some would involve Michael doing his own thing outside the car, but with a "danger sense" meter onscreen. If Michael screws up he can escape when his danger meter fills up by using the comlink to call KITT to his rescue. This would fail the mission and they'd have to try again.

To add to the variety of vehicles, Michael can't steal any car like CJ can (after all this is Knight Rider and not GTA) but maybe Michael could take other Knight Industries vehicles dotted around the map...or not.

To pick up missions CJ walks into a specific marker in the GTA universe. In the KR universe, Michael would drive to a specific area marked on the map where the semi would be waiting. Michael drives KITT into the marker at the rear of the semi and a cutscene triggers inside the semi showing Devon giving Michael his mission and Bonnie doing whatever she needs to do to KITT before the start of the mission. Cutscene ends with the car backing out of the semi and then you get control back and drive off to do the mission.

Like the TV series, when you trigger a mission at the Semi bonnie could fit KITT with a mission specific device that the game tells you how to use as and when needed during the mission, then (also like the TV series) the gadget is never used again.

KITT can take damage (as can Michael) but not as violently as the cars in San Andreas; after all, KITT has the MBS etc. When he does need repair however, he can go to the Knight Rider equivalent of GTA's Pay N Spray locations around town (Maybe remote Knight Industries locations), OR to the Knight Mansion which should have a static location somewhere on the map, or to the fact, since the semi could also be used to trigger missions, there should be an option when approaching the semi, "Press < for repairs or press > for mission or press ^ to save," or something like that. Also, you should be able to save your game at the semi or the Knight Mansion or the remote Pay N Spray locations by using the same < > ^ method mentioned above.

Also, Rockstar would have the resources (I assume) to be able to put the minigames, races, eploration/collection tokens etc etc into it.

Say, collect 100 Knight tokens and KARR spawns at the Knight Mansion. Get into KARR and you can press R3 (like police car missions in GTA) and you can trigger the KARR odd jobs. Michael (briefly) goes bad he and KARR team up to rob banks etc. Press R3 again and Michael comes back to normal as the KARR missions end. You could also have collection tokens to spawn KIFT or Devon's Mercedes, or even RCIII's dirtbike or Goliath. Or, maybe just make these vehicles available at the beginning of the game to give Michael (and the player) some variety of vehicle. There could even be missions where Michael goes without KITT in a normal car, does his thing, and then calls KITT to him.

I would also hope that Rockstar would have the sway and resources necessary to get the original cast to do the voices, and given the awesome storylines in GTA3, Vice City and San Andreas I'm sure they could come up with a good story.

Since Davilex are either unable or unwilling to produce a game worthy of the content matter in the licence, maybe we should suggest to them they sell the licence...while at the same time suggesting to Rockstar they buy it using my premise above,

What do you all think....? Should we try contacting Rockstar (or EA or Activision or whoever) and making this suggestion to them, or is this just very wishful thinking?

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:02 pm
by LadyV2000
I think it's a great idea. Rockstar makes some great games and if they were to take your suggestions, or all of ours for that matter, I think a Knight Rider game created by them would be out of this world. I think you should contact them. It never hurts to try. :D

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:42 pm
by cloudkitt
I like the closeness of this board and each one of us knows a lot of the others, but a larger fan base would definately help this process.

ON the other hand, even the big fan bases have a slew of crappy games-Star Wars strikes gold with a game every once and awhile, Star Trek even less, yet still enough for them to keep making games. SO I suppose that this isn't all that unusual. But a larger fan base=larger company=more games=more chances for a few to be good.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 7:11 pm
by Dundeeknight
Paul wrote:On page 4 of this thread, jacktherattle suggested writing enmasse to EA or Activision to create a Knight Rider game utilising the list of suggestions posted by members of this board to Davilex.

I think he's thinking along the right lines, but I'd change one thing.

I think the company we should write to is Rockstar North or Rockstar Games. Think about it: They excel in 3D free-roaming driving games that allow the main character to get out of the car and do his own thing as he goes around, into buildings, into combat with people etc.

If Rockstar got the licence to Knight Rider from Davilex they could use a game engine they already have: The basic engine from GTA San Andreas, with mods to accomodate Knight Rider. With no disrespect to the comminity of modders out there, if Rockstar did it properly and officially, just imagine the potential the thing could have. Making comparisons to San Andreas:

The main character (CJ) would instead be Michael Knight, but Michael would have all the attributes and abilities CJ currently has, such as the ability to develop muscle, change clothes and so on, as long as the wardrobe contained only the kind of clothes you might see Michael wearing during a typical episode of Knight Rider. They could even have "special" outfits to unlock in the wardrobe like the infamous red turtleneck.

Taking the HUGE San Andreas map as an example: It has all the areas suitable for a perfect Knight Rider game: Major cities, tiny towns, lots of country roads, dirt lanes, desert, etc, all the kinds of areas that Michael and KITT visited regularly on the show. Rockstar could create a map that had the same elements as San Andreas but with a different layout.

Michael should be able to get in and out of the car almost at will, as using the GTA engine some missions would involve high speed chases, some would involve Knight Rider stunts, some would involve Michael doing his own thing outside the car, but with a "danger sense" meter onscreen. If Michael screws up he can escape when his danger meter fills up by using the comlink to call KITT to his rescue. This would fail the mission and they'd have to try again.

To add to the variety of vehicles, Michael can't steal any car like CJ can (after all this is Knight Rider and not GTA) but maybe Michael could take other Knight Industries vehicles dotted around the map...or not.

To pick up missions CJ walks into a specific marker in the GTA universe. In the KR universe, Michael would drive to a specific area marked on the map where the semi would be waiting. Michael drives KITT into the marker at the rear of the semi and a cutscene triggers inside the semi showing Devon giving Michael his mission and Bonnie doing whatever she needs to do to KITT before the start of the mission. Cutscene ends with the car backing out of the semi and then you get control back and drive off to do the mission.

Like the TV series, when you trigger a mission at the Semi bonnie could fit KITT with a mission specific device that the game tells you how to use as and when needed during the mission, then (also like the TV series) the gadget is never used again.

KITT can take damage (as can Michael) but not as violently as the cars in San Andreas; after all, KITT has the MBS etc. When he does need repair however, he can go to the Knight Rider equivalent of GTA's Pay N Spray locations around town (Maybe remote Knight Industries locations), OR to the Knight Mansion which should have a static location somewhere on the map, or to the fact, since the semi could also be used to trigger missions, there should be an option when approaching the semi, "Press < for repairs or press > for mission or press ^ to save," or something like that. Also, you should be able to save your game at the semi or the Knight Mansion or the remote Pay N Spray locations by using the same < > ^ method mentioned above.

Also, Rockstar would have the resources (I assume) to be able to put the minigames, races, eploration/collection tokens etc etc into it.

Say, collect 100 Knight tokens and KARR spawns at the Knight Mansion. Get into KARR and you can press R3 (like police car missions in GTA) and you can trigger the KARR odd jobs. Michael (briefly) goes bad he and KARR team up to rob banks etc. Press R3 again and Michael comes back to normal as the KARR missions end. You could also have collection tokens to spawn KIFT or Devon's Mercedes, or even RCIII's dirtbike or Goliath. Or, maybe just make these vehicles available at the beginning of the game to give Michael (and the player) some variety of vehicle. There could even be missions where Michael goes without KITT in a normal car, does his thing, and then calls KITT to him.

I would also hope that Rockstar would have the sway and resources necessary to get the original cast to do the voices, and given the awesome storylines in GTA3, Vice City and San Andreas I'm sure they could come up with a good story.

Since Davilex are either unable or unwilling to produce a game worthy of the content matter in the licence, maybe we should suggest to them they sell the licence...while at the same time suggesting to Rockstar they buy it using my premise above,

What do you all think....? Should we try contacting Rockstar (or EA or Activision or whoever) and making this suggestion to them, or is this just very wishful thinking?
That would be great, but i dont think they would go for it as there might not be a big market for it :cry: