What are your thoughts on the new ghostbusters movie

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What are your thoughts on the new ghostbusters movie

Post by james olden » Wed Jun 08, 2016 7:50 pm

Most of us that grew up watching KR :TOS was 80s babies. We watched dukes of hazard,married with children, air wolf, teenage mutant ninja turtles original cartoon, transformers, gi joe,back to the future movies, and ghostbusters with the real ghostbusters cartoon series.

Myself was a series ghostbusters fan. And my opinion with the new ghostbusters movie I think Sony should've not had Paul feig they should've used Michael bay instead. I have no problem with all women being ghostbusters but I just don't agree with the ecto 1 vehicle and the ghostbusters uniforms. This movie seems like a spoof to basically make fun of the franchise. This is just my opinion ...

How do you feel ?
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Re: What are your thoughts on the new ghostbusters movie

Post by jup » Wed Jun 22, 2016 2:35 pm

With having little more then a trailer to work with, I wish this new movie well. Don't think the jokes they have given away are getting the job done. And, had it not been for the changes done, we may very well have never had another entry in the franchise past the very worthy game set from several years back. So, I'm not considering it some cash grab deal. Kind of bummed out that there is this hate train going on with what the preview has shown. Yes. It's understandable to defend the source material. Even I have fond memories about the original. However, I want to see this...what seems to be a remake. (Or...maybe it's time traveling and going to mow over the original time line. For there is a hint of rewinding the clock. But, got to wait and see what that whole second's worth of reveal was about.) Besides, trailers can totally make a bad movie and break a great one. It's just better to see the full source before making such judgments. Speculate as you will on the trailers, they can be rather deceitful.

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Re: What are your thoughts on the new ghostbusters movie

Post by james olden » Wed Aug 17, 2016 8:53 pm

My wife argued me to the end about seeing this movie and she even told me she disappointed with the movie now lol
Let's just hope Paul feig sticks to what he says about now staying away rebooting movies and tv shows. And doesn't try to screw up the kr movie. If he tries let's all protest lol
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Re: What are your thoughts on the new ghostbusters movie

Post by jup » Sat Sep 17, 2016 2:14 am

I went into this movie, hearing a ton of dislikes from the internet. My one dislike was with the Haunted Mansion style CG ghosts. And, you know what, I basically found myself being neutralized on that point and even enjoyed them. Sure. I knew they were CG and special effects. Got over it and went into the illusion. No longer cared about the magic behind the works.

Now, here is what I would recommend to all the world that harped on this movie. Make them all sit in a theater and watch the first couple acts. Then rob them of seeing the rest of the film.

Sit back. Watch this tidal wave of hateful postings roll in. For there is a ton of fuel to use for the complaints.

Seriously. I went into this movie, wanting it to be good. First off, it used the original's plot like a crutch. It went with humor that I would swear it knew was falling flat. So it whipped out the equivalent of dangling the car keys in front of the baby while using silly voices. AKA: Lots and lots of potty humor. You know what? I gave Angry Birds a passing grade for using potty humor. It just seemed to be working better in that one. However, when they pull out this level of comedy, I was left reeking of groans. By this point, I was left wondering if the movie's grade should be a solid C- or shaky D+. Did not help that I was calling the jokes before they made them. "Wooo...locked door's gonna open." "Ohhh...is the grenade gadget going to be far too powerful? Is the experimental Proton Stream going to be like a fire hose with too much power?"

Now, I do get it. This movie has to reserve a portion of it's time to introduce and construct it's core characters. Can't rely on letting the original do that for the future generations that haven't seen the original, of course. It just seemed that something wasn't quite where it should have been. And a big grinful nod to Bill Murray for making a cameo as a ghost fraud expert. I really was hoping that he was an aged Dr. Peter Venkman that had seen it all and was undercover to defraud all future fakes. Alas, no dice. He just slightly reflects the role of the NY city 'dick' from the original that coaxes the release of ghosts back into the world. Then is promptly removed from the movie by the results.

Also must say that the reworked librarian type intro was well written. This time, she was a horrid monster of a person with a fair back story. And...just like with the librarian, her bit just falls off by the wayside, only to be mildly revisited in a later act.

Once the characters have established their home bases and the first real battle at the rock concert gets underway is when this movie becomes 'fun'...at least in my opinion. Expect things to get going like a fireworks show from that point, forth. Granted, I never got the greatest impression of whom was funding the explosions. There was notations on the classic fire house being far too expensive to rent. And I got the impression that the modern Egon could make high tech out of things found in trash cans. But, it wasn't like anyone had to outright mortgage the beloved family homestead to fund this idea with.

One gripe I most certainly had was in the big finale. Their main bad guy, whom was some kind of twisted genius that was developing machines to pull the dead out from some kind of other dimension, had progressed to the point of having power to overpower the will of an entire army, making them all do a dance poise, so as to become a neutralized threat. Which meant that the only reason the Ghostbusters even stood a chance was because this guy's Ego was far too big and wanted to have opponents to face off against. Meh. In my opinion, this forced dance scene (that doesn't even pay off until the closing credits) should have been left on the cutting room floor. After all, 'Overpowered level boss is overpowered.' I guess it was suppose to be some kind of in-your-face joke. Maybe??? Still, I do believe this bigger half of the movie raises the overall grade to a B. Perhaps a B+.

Be on the lookout for cameos from original franchise stars and other famous faces, all over the place. Even characters like Stay Puft and Slimer get their moments in. (A Mister & Misses Slimer...interesting concept.)

There was something about the warping of time. I don't think it transitioned all that well into the film version, though. Like the main baddie was somehow rewinding time with all the modern people on the ride. Then they do some kind of tech babble solution with lots of effects that somehow ages two of the main characters. It seemed like in the paper and pen stage, this idea held more weight then the final product. Ghosts from the past, fighting in the present New York...I grasp that. But, rewinding time...just sort of happened without really meaning much. It just left me mildly confused. Much like how the whole ending just sort of happened. I was half expecting one more whole act where the main bad guy comes crawling back for one more huge strike. But then, longing for a little more is a good thing...right?

Perhaps, this whole bit about having two elderly Ghostbusters on the team will make more sense, should a sequel become a reality. After all, they are most certainly hinting at the desire for their story to continue.

I also got the impression that this movie wasn't quite sure if it was to be a reboot or not. They certainly act like this was the first time a Ghostbusters operation ever existed. However, there's just enough room for someone to make an investigation and find out that the sands of time has partially buried another team whom had their day and then was eventually forgotten about by the generational gap. "Who you gonna call?" "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe..." (It's cannon. Save New York one year. Get forgotten about in the next, after all.)

On a side note: This movie does something I don't remember ever being done, before. They letter boxed the whole film and reserved this black frame to be used for special effects. That way, Proton Beams, slime, ghostly feet and more appear to slightly leap off the screen. And the 3D will throw puked up slime at ya.

This movie is better then all the hate it's gotten. Not sure it fully grew into those super sized shoes that made the franchise, exactly. There was lots of room to improve upon. But, it's good enough for a new generation to grow up with.

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Re: What are your thoughts on the new ghostbusters movie

Post by groovytunes » Sun Feb 26, 2017 6:45 pm

The movie is disappointing.

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Re: What are your thoughts on the new ghostbusters movie

Post by jup » Mon Feb 27, 2017 2:27 am

I really wanted to give this movie a chance. Alas...it lived up to the hate that it received.

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