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KR is back!

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 2:40 pm
by Arjun
It's been a really, really long time since I've posted out here, but ever since KR was off the channel, there's not been much to talk about. Anyway, the chanenl that showed KR was showing MacGyver in the afternoon. Then came Magnum PI, then The A-Team, and all of them were very enjoyable. One Tuesday, as I was watching Star World waiting for an episode of The A-Team to come, I saw clips of our favourite Trans Am in black. KR is back! Of course, it's now coming in the afternoon, so I'll get to catch it a lot less often, just as I missed many A-team episodes. Then again, I've never missed a KR episode most of the time when it came in the evenings, so I've seen every episode bar the opener (never) and the next two (once) at least twice!

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 3:50 pm
by Knight Racer
Ever since I bought all 4 seasons of kr on dvd,it hasnt really bothered me that much that its on cable or satelite and that I have neither because I have them all with the NBC cut scenes and all comercial free.Anyone else feel the same way?

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 12:33 am
by Squirrel3D
Of course I feel the same way you do. Thank goodness for DVD. That way you can see every turbo boost!!

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 12:46 am
by ReddawgKnight
it feels great to have the entire knight rider series sitting on my shelf...i could care less if it was on regular tv,cable or even satelite...oh im just rambling again sorry heh heh.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 12:06 pm
That must've been the Sleuth Network.