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Really bad production many have you caught?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 12:05 am
by beatlemyn
I forget which episode it was, but KITT was driving himself, and turbo boosted...but when the camera cut to the dash, instead of the light lighting up on it's own for the boost, a FINGER pushed it, just as it does when Michael is driving. I laughed. They obviously used recycled material on that one...they just forgot to use the recycled shot without the finger.

Have you guys caught anything strange like that?

A thousands...

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:45 pm
by pezze87
...of errors can be watched at the following link:

klick on the link "Spritt for fun" on the left of the page...

It's not my site, and it's in german... but these people have, so I think, found all errors of any episode they watched..

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 5:19 pm
by Spidey323
I only have season one on DVD, but I happened to notice in in the "Sammy's Stunt Spectacular" episode (I think it's in that one) that Michael is showing off his tricks with a kid in the car, and KITT goes up on two wheels, and for a second you see the driver and a horribly made cardboard cutout of a kid sitting in the passenger's seat.

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 1:42 pm
by beatlemyn
Spidey323 wrote:I only have season one on DVD, but I happened to notice in in the "Sammy's Stunt Spectacular" episode (I think it's in that one) that Michael is showing off his tricks with a kid in the car, and KITT goes up on two wheels, and for a second you see the driver and a horribly made cardboard cutout of a kid sitting in the passenger's seat.
LOL!!! I love the 80's.

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 1:52 pm
by beatlemyn
OK...I love the pix on that webpage, and I can see the mistakes in a lot of them, but I cannot read German!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is there a program that I can download that will translate the webpage for me? Does that technology even exist? LOL

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 1:59 pm
by beatlemyn
Nevermind, I found something that will work!

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 8:43 pm
by blacqueknight
i can always tell the stunt car from the car that david drives because the hood on the stunt car is never completely closed shut :lol:

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 1:46 am
by beatlemyn
You guys have got to try that translator and read that page. It is great!

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 10:40 am
The one where Michael ends up with a murder wrap for accidentally killing a biker, you can see the stunt driver wave his hands at the end of the episode from KITT's driver seat. They even mention it in the season one commentary.

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 1:54 am
by Nismogtr21
Hello to all fellow Knight Rider enthusiasts!!! I'm new here and am glad to be aboard.

I have all four seasons of Knight Rider, and am watching the first one right now.

This is one of my favorite things about Knight Rider, watching it as an adult. The cheezy 80's stuff, the editing mistakes, etc. It's great fun.

These are my 4 favorite repeated mistakes from the show:

4) KITT is capable of broadcasting video on his monitors from miles away, from inside buildings, over mountains, canyons, rivers...this always puts a big smile on my face. If I was Michael, I would be using this feature for, ahem, some good, old fashioned "entertainment", lol.

3) You can see the skid marks that KITT left before the final shot of a burnout. Obviously they had to do retakes, but in the final shot you can see the marks left from the prior takes.

2) The stunt car would sometimes break into two pieces upon landing after a nice turbo boost launch, classic!!

1) And my favorite of all, the fake seat on the drivers side where the stuntdriver was sitting while KITT was in AUTO mode. You could tell by the headrest, the normal one had a hole in the middle, but when KITT was "driving", that seat was a little bigger, and the hole was covered. I believe it was a man wearing a "seat-suit". First time I saw this, I laughed so hard I cried. Just loved it!

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 12:08 pm
Pilot, Knight's shot shoulder switches during the drive to the airport, also pointed out in the commentary.

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 12:55 am
by jup
Sure, every episode has goof ups, oddities and such. But, my favorite BAD production idea is from Junk Yard Dog. Where...even through my fair to poorly recieved VHS collection, I could tell just how bad the "going to commercial" acid pit dragging KITT in was. Not only was it a close up shot of an obviously miniature K-2000, the nose light looked horrible, nothing looked correct...and it was a scene they could EASILY have left on the cutting room floor and been all the better for doing. No other miniature scene came anywhere close to being this obvious.

With only a few more hours and better proofing, many of the show's errors could have easily been corrected. And, when you consider that, originally, the show was intended to be viewed once to several times on NBC that the less then observant viewer watching on inferior broadcast would probably miss 90% or more of the errors, and the time constraints on putting together a weekly TV show...I can understand why the errors exist. Still...I place that scene up there with TKR's wishful thinking on time. Like when the team is going up against KRO. It's even said that there's no way the combo car can outrun KRO to complete the mission. Beast comes in and runs interference...gets blown up. KRO goes around...and this "distraction" buys the combo car something like fourty-five minutes to make a detour, run into a building, go up a few flights of stairs, nab someone, come back down.......

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 12:41 pm
Actually several times KITT rolls over you can see it's a model. Blatantly obvious.

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 4:52 pm
by beatlemyn
Yeah, there have been some obvious shots were you can see that a Hot Wheels had been used in place of a stunt crew. LOL...that German site is funny...on one episode, on almost every picture, it says, "Cheap." LOL

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:44 am
by 1ManCnMkeADffrnce2006
Nismogtr21 wrote: 4) KITT is capable of broadcasting video on his monitors from miles away, from inside buildings, over mountains, canyons, rivers...this always puts a big smile on my face. If I was Michael, I would be using this feature for, ahem, some good, old fashioned "entertainment", lol.
Now that you mention it, I myself would JUST love to be able to use that for entertainment as well! :D :dance:

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 6:19 pm
by Squirrel3D
Here's one no one mentioned....

The last episode of the first season. I believe after Michael punches that guy's lights out, he talks to KITT....KITT talks back. But before the scene changes.....YOU SEE SOMEONE'S HANDS IN SOME BLACK COTH THING!! I thought it was incredible how they didn't cut that out and not go directly to the next scene.

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 11:10 pm
by beatlemyn
I was watching an episode earlier (I think it was White Line something or another...I can never remember the names) and KITT put the gearshift into DRIVE...and then backed up. LOL!

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 2:34 am
by kitty f
when KARR was saved by some person in the season3,you'll see the color that changed to black-and-white instead of the pure black in season2.

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 6:26 am
Nah, that one wasn't really a mistake, it was a scene that was cut when the show went into syndication, IIRC.

There was this one scene (can't remember the episode) but it the angle was on the driver side of the car as it was approaching a corner/turn, you could see a huge dent just passed the door I think it was. Then there's of course a lot of the early turbo boost jump scenes where when the car was coming down nose first, but then "magically" landed perfectly. I remember that shot where KITT was suppose to be activating the turbo boost and someone's finger came out and did it. :D