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Houston, We Have A Problem...

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 7:24 am
by spyhunter
Hey all. Tonight, I was catching up on reading some old posts that I missed in the past, and could not help noticing all of the crazy posts that Justin has made for a long time now. I found myself laughing my ass off on so many that I couldn’t stop myself from making a Top Ten list, no scratch that, Top 15 list, purely to benefit Justin, in the hopes that he will not use up half of the board’s space in the future…


J: It's Justin and i saw the model and how can we buy it that is so neat and do we drive it? I hope we can it will be cool

S: It's a model car Justin, I highly doubt anyone can fit in there to drive it...


J: But you know that this is now the 21 Centery and newer thing's are coming out like the new for EXample like Laptops and new Dell computer were that kids saids "Dude got to get a dell" so my guess is if you want to Make it AI that can happen but Turbo Boosting you may need a Tubo engine roaor sound and Jet's for that.

S: I got a headache just trying to figure out what in the hell you were saying.


J: i did not see pal i am just having trubule it said we are sorry and it saids like it can not be sent to the contry or adress

S: Maybe because you live in America and you are trying to order the game from England! And also, since both countries speak English maybe you can try too.


BF: But unfortunately I read that at no time will you jump out of the car and pursue villains on foot or talk to people.

J: So the new Game you can get out of the car as Micheal Knight and talk to pepole like you can in Grand Thft auto?


J: no no guys see what i mean is that when i type it does not come up so i have to type

KI: So, what? That doesn't mean the site doesn't come up, that just means that you need to learn how to use your browser.


J: I seen the pictures of the cameria moves on KITT well i am wondering you know in Grand Theft Auto three when you make the camira angle diffrent and if you want to drive in the copit? Can i always be in the copit or is that up to the angle?

MK: Boy oh boy. This guy's a few feet short of a full Turbo Boost....


J: I like that box i wish the game was out so we can buy it. I am looking fowerd to playing the game is there any more supprizuies?

S: What?

B: English??

S: Looks like it, I'm not sure.

J: i mean any new suprizies on the game


J: Seth heard them say next year the game is out but i read it say November 8th 2002 so what is the deal will it be out in 02 or 2003?

KOTP: Can anyone please tell me when the release date for the new knight rider video game is?

J: October 18th 2002

N: Wrong. The release date is November 8, 2002.


J: lets hope January is the day

KI: January is a month.


J: oh you mean like they did in GAT3?

S: GAT3? Is that where the hoods from the city go out and bust some caps in some asses?


J: To tell you all the truth it was the last epesode. See i was reading one time on Ritchie's site about it if you do not beleve me ask him

KI: Sorry, but his book actually even says differently, that Scent of Roses WAS NOT the final episode.



J: can't get to site

KI: So sorry to hear about the second site that you can't get into that has to deal with KR, Justin.

J: can't he fix it

S: I just accessed the site from 3 different computers in this office. It's your problem, buddy boy.

J: it it .com


J: I have the Knight Rider Licince plate inb my room one on my Bed shelf and one over the poster Hasselhoff gave me and my superman cosutme

J: I wish i can E-mail David i know him

S: Uh huh... surrrrrrre you know him, and my next door neighbor is an elephant. Also, if you know him, then why don't you know his email address, smart a**?


J: well KRO was evil becasue of his driver. KARR was evil becasue the pepole that stole KARR made him bad see the diffrents

S: What Knight Rider have you been watching?

SS: Please put your hands in the air, and step away from the keyboard, Justin. I'm getting a MASSIVE headache just reading your posts!


J: in the intro what is that dessert is that AZ or out side of LV?

KI: I believe it was said to be the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah.

J: so it is in utah but how can they send a car and driver there and back to Califorina?

S: Dessert? I don't see dessert? I see desert, but no ice cream or cake. What are you seeing?

KI: I am so not going to answer that. I hate to be snobbish, but that is one of those things that a little bit of thought would probably answer rather easily for you. I mean, even if you wanted to contain it to the Knight Rider fantasy world (I say that because it isn't real...just to clear that up.) how did Michael and KITT get from Los Angeles to Chicago? Hmmm, I think they DROVE there.

Justin's Quotent Quotables (bonus):

i was wondering

just a thought

oh boy

cool Babes and a Trans am has Ten Miles Of gassaline


[be it known that my MSWord Spelling and Grammar checker burned up attempting to run on this document…]


Houston, We Have A Problem...

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 9:14 am
by Matrixra
That is just being nasty.

Houston, We Have A Problem...

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 10:06 am
by Knight2000
LMFAO ROFL OMG my (facial) cheeks hurt from laughing so much and I'm getting wierd looks from people.

Houston, We Have A Problem...

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 10:09 am
by Matthew
It could be classed as nasty, but it does appear that he has said alot of things that don't seem to make any sense at all.

[ October 17, 2002: Message edited by: Matthew ]

Houston, We Have A Problem...

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 11:50 am
by searlecom
Sorry but I was in fits! (Give David Letterman a call!!!!)

Nice to see your site made it to number 4 Steve, all I have to do now is work on the search engines for you!

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Matrixra:
<STRONG>That is just being nasty.</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Houston, We Have A Problem...

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 1:13 pm
by Leanne
Okay, I don't agree with you guys all picking on him, but on the other hand I did find that hilariously funny!!!!! LOL Am I a hypocrite?

Houston, We Have A Problem...

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 1:28 pm
by knightimmortal
Skav, I know that this is going to set you right off on me again, but if you don't like it, move on.

The same applies to the rest who found it offensive. There is only one thing worse than being nasty, and that is being hypocritical.

If you don't like it, and you don't want to promote it, then don't post in it, because that just brings it to the top. Your posting in it is a sign of promotion to many because they see the number of posts within.


[ October 17, 2002: Message edited by: knightimmortal ]

Houston, We Have A Problem...

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 1:33 pm
by Scott Kirkessner
Whoah, that was hilarious! Thanks for the walk down memory lane...

Interesting how that S shows up alot huh? [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]


Heh heh heh.

Houston, We Have A Problem...

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 2:34 pm
by Skav
KI, I agree with you in the fact that posting more in threads does tend to draw more people to it but I was only venting my feelings and it wasn't even harsh.

I may have went into more detail about being against it unlike any other poster that has posted so far but I feel I needed to.

I'm sorry you felt it was hypocritical but this was unintentional. I think this 'hypocritcal' thing would apply to everyone else that posts and is against it as you stated.

For everyone's info, which I didn't include last time, I did find it quite funny but then I thought of the other side to it.

As KI keeps pointing out to me, yeah, move on! That's what I was saying in my last post about Justin. if you don't understand his posts and you cannot help with his queries, move on and don't be nasty about it.


Houston, We Have A Problem...

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 3:04 pm
by knightimmortal
Ok, to satisfy all, yeah, there is nothing that anybody can do about Justin, and mercilessly teasing him and being mean is only reflecting poorly on this board, and our behaviors. We do need to slacken off on it, because in effect, we are giving him the attention that he strives for. So, let's all slack off on the snipes, cutdowns, and self-moderation. When it comes down to it, Neil is the final word, and right now, the only thing that Justin has in fact done is be non-intelligent in his queries and comments.

Everybody who posts a cutdown to Justin owes the board two on topic posts in other threads. As for the rest of you, ignore it. You may enjoy it, but you are only presenting a very bad image for this board.

Now, to those who need to make their feelings known, there is a time and place, and then there is just adding fuel unintentionally to the fire. Just to keep this from blowing up any further, I am going to shut down this thread. (And the first one to say that I am abusing my powers as moderator, is a shallow petty individual, so don't try to go there. I am not in the mood for any of it anymore.)


[ October 17, 2002: Message edited by: knightimmortal ]

About Justin -- For all board members with an interest in th

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 8:05 pm
by knightimmortal
Ok, this is probably going to blow up in my face, be pounded upon, etc, but please give this a chance.

I am challenging all members of the board to an adult debate here on the board. This thread will be open until Saturday, Midnight Eastern Time.

Your mission is to present your case, your problems with Justin, or your defense of Justin in an adult manner.

When I say 'adult manner', I mean no cut downs, snipes, or reducing ourselves to what some would consider a 'mean' level. You are to produce your case of why Justin is either bad or good for this community.

The moderators and admin will stay out of this in the form of commentary. Consider this a court of opinion, and we are the panel of judges who will be observing your commentary to make any decision. If any less-than-adult comments appear, they will be deleted. Other than that, you, the board members will have the floor on this.

I am going to this measure because it has spread to many other threads, it is getting tiring, and we need to know how YOU feel about the situation. No attacks, just presenting your reasoning behind your past hostilities, or defenses. You can debate the issue, but no personal attacking.

Agreeable? Go for it.


About Justin -- For all board members with an interest in th

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 8:17 pm
by Centaurus17
ok then, here it goes

I fully understand that Justin's posts can be extremely frustrating. Many times no one can understand what point he is trying to make, and other times, he makes statements that do not seem to make any sense whatsoever. But, during the time i've been here, what i've seen in Justin is only an enthusiastic fan about the Knight Rider game. Yes, his repetitive questions at time can get annoying. But has he ever insulted anyone in his posts? No. Has he ever disrespected a member of this board? No

Again, i understand members getting frustrated. I myself get frustrated as well. But is a whole thread publicily ridiculing Justin necessary? Are the posts calling him a moron and telling him his posts are completely useless necessary?

Justin is a fan of Knight Rider just like anyone else here. Yes what he types is many times laughable, but think about it. Do you think he's sitting there at home saying "I'm gonna go out and annoy all the members of the message board till they cant take anymore?" Personally, i dont know why he types the way he does. No one here does.

In my opinion, the extreme negative posts and the ridiculing taking place here needs to stop.

Thank you KI for letting us state our case.

[ October 17, 2002: Message edited by: Centaurus17 ]

About Justin -- For all board members with an interest in th

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 8:49 pm
by Matrixra
Does anyone know how old he is, or what his story is. All I have found from his posts is that he is a fan, nothing more. I say keep going Justin and voice your opinions. Everyone is different, and hey...One man can make a differance. Maybe that man is you!

About Justin -- For all board members with an interest in th

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 9:55 pm
by Matthew
I dont have a problem with Justin either. Yes just about every time i read his posts im left trying to read between the lines, or at times the lack thereof, and figure out the meaning behind them. It frustrates the hell out of me too, but i've always made the point of trying not to judge a book by its cover. His spelling makes me think that hes only 7 years old or so, and if that is the case then he certainly needs to be given a chance. If you dont understand his posts then dont respond to them coz in the long run he'll probably start to take it personally, and i've seen seemingly normal threads on other boards turn into all out wars between two different people making every other members life hell. I personally dont want that to happen here, coz there arnt alot of decent message boards left that havnt degenerated into somthing that many of its members dont ditch overnight. Maybe instaed of insulting him people should ignore him if hes really being annoying. Personnaly i'll be polite and do my best not to react to some of the stuff he does, and maybe, over time he'll start to take notice of what is said more, rather asking the same thing time and time again. I think its truly possible that he is a child, because as my sister just told me, when i was younger i used to ask things that i'd asked only a few days before, and i'd not remember doing it. Well i've said my peace. Lets all work to stop this board from turning into something that we'd rather forget about.

About Justin -- For all board members with an interest in th

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 9:57 pm
by knightimmortal
He's 21. And from the United States.


About Justin -- For all board members with an interest in th

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 10:05 pm
by jup
I have had no reason to form an opinion about Justin.

After all, I remember a time when this board had postings so bad that the complaints ran rampant.

About Justin -- For all board members with an interest in th

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 10:25 pm
by CSPilot
I dont post often and almost never post on one of these type of threads but the attacks by certain people is silly when you think about it.
Enjoy the momment people. We dont have enough time in our lives to worry about who posted what and who attacked who. Just relax and enjoy your selves. If this is the type of board where people get off on throwing rude comments or not adult content related material then maybe thats something this board has to deal with. It we have a discussion about some serious issue relating to how somebody is behaving then go ahead. Who cares. Talk as you will people this is a MESSEGE BOARD! Not Jail. If necessary put a disclamier on the webiste about not so aduilt content. There is alot worse stuff on the Internet that kids could be looking at then some KR messege board. So my messege is this guys and gals Relax, enjoy life and for goodness sakes just enjoy the freedom of this messege board.

About Justin -- For all board members with an interest in th

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 10:48 pm
by Skav
I was also going to state my case but I think Centaurus and Mathew have said what I happen to agree with.

Basically, careful thinking and more consideration would be good. I'm not one to make assumptions but what if the guy does have some sort of condition that makes him act the way he does? We shouldn't discriminate against that!

I'm not saying he does and I apologize to you, Justin, if that is not the case.

But this is why I've never blown up at anyone if they make incoherent posts. Because I think carefully about "oh what if?"

Bullying, like I saw earlier, was definetely not on. It's not fair that everyone talks behind his back like that...all that against one person.

As my opinion stands, I think it's best that if he makes an incoherent post, ignore it and move on if you can't help with his query. If you can help him, then that's great!

I believe that is the adult way people should approach it but I am only one person.

Let's hear some more feedback from others.


About Justin -- For all board members with an interest in th

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 11:02 pm
by Matthew
Well if he is 21 then like skav said he could have some form of dissability such as dyslexia which would instantly explain why his spelling is so bad. If i'm wrong Justin i also offer my appologies.

About Justin -- For all board members with an interest in th

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 11:29 pm
by Scott Kirkessner
Okay, here I go. Trying to be nice...

This is a Knight Rider board, full of Knight Rider fans- yes, I acknowledge this.

But we have only a certain amount of board space and with Justin's mindless useless psycho-babble that makes no damn sense, there just shouldn't be tolerance for it.

It is a damn shame how bad our American school system has become, considering a 21 year old can make no damn sense.

I don't have time for posts that no one can decipher, and nobody else should either. His behavior is vastly unacceptable here on the board, thinking it is his personal playroom and not listening.

How many times did we post about release dates and he goes and asks again or makes some of his own up.

I can understand new people asking questions, but Justin, who has been plaguing this board with his crap has no excuse.

You may call me unsympathetic, or uncompassionate, but you know what... I don't care. Justin has been around a heck of a lot longer than most of you think.

When first starting out, he bothered me endlessly about my fan fic, and while a fan is great, an obsessed fan is annoying. He would often bother me for the next storyline, and at sometimes would tell me what characters in my stories are... despite how many times I told them who they were.

I wish JennKITT was here, because he often bothered her as well about her stories, but he often crossed the line with her when it comes to good taste and ettiquette online as well.

Think of it this way board, he is a plague, and a cure must be found.


About Justin -- For all board members with an interest in th

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 11:32 pm
by Leanne
Has Justin ever posted his opinion on the behavior towards him that goes on here?

What do you think Justin?

I think he's a devoted Knight Rider fan, and he has as much right to be here as anyone. He doesn't annoy me...I enjoy reading his posts! [img]images/smiles/icon_cool.gif[/img]

About Justin -- For all board members with an interest in th

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 11:37 pm
by Leanne
One other thing...

When I first came to this board a few weeks ago and noticed people responding "sarcastically" to one of Justin's posts, I got the impression that this board was a little cold. The more I read and talk with you all, the more I see how cool you guys are (even though I know some others are still out there).

Another question for the board moderators: Is there really a problem with "server space" (or whatever)? I've seen this mentioned a lot in regards to Justin's posts. Can someone please elaborate on the condition of this board in terms of "space"? Thank you.

About Justin -- For all board members with an interest in th

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 11:45 pm
by Karrs_Shadow
I have nothing agianst Justin. I had severly underestimated his age...I too thought he was around 10, based on spelling/grammer and such. I really want to hear Justin's take on this. He's been attacked for even typing a single sentince before when he said he liked a particular episode someone mentioned. Someone else replied to the origonal post and then proceded to add on a "Was that really nessecary?" line towards Justin. I don't remember much about the origonal post but those words sorta caught my attention. It didn't seem fair. Justin has taken all sorts of ridicule from people here and has yet to stand up for himself.

(Sorry Shadow, the last line was a little too attack like and fell out of the boundaries of this discussion.)-KI

[ October 17, 2002: Message edited by: knightimmortal ]

About Justin -- For all board members with an interest in th

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 11:47 pm
by knightimmortal
Ok, let me duck in here for this explanation, this board is paid for by a singular person. (Thanks, Neil!) This board, if it didn't run out of bandwidth and space every few months, would have probably well over 10,000 topics in it. Sometimes the board shuts down. Sometimes the board has been shut down by the ISP because of the fact that this board can take up a large majority of their working server space, and end up costing that one singular person extra. We end up losing almost every message on the board. The backups can be a little intense on memory as well, with a lot of messages on the board.

So, out of respect to the board, which we would like see preserved well into the future for people like you and for others to see. It also doesn't hurt to be representative of the community, and we do try to strive for the betterment of the communities' image around here. For example, I hate to harp like this, Leanne, but could you please use the Edit/Delete button in the future to edit your messages and add on, rather than adding in multiple messages? It can help the situation.

It is just a matter of respecting the board, and community so that it will be around for years to come. Other communities can be a whole lot more strict about such things, we here try to work with the rest of the community for an amicable solution. This is the worst it has ever been when it comes to an attack, and generally it only comes when there is a serious problem.


[ October 17, 2002: Message edited by: knightimmortal ]

Houston, We Have A Problem...

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2002 12:01 am
by Skav
I know the guy's typing isn't up to all that good and he probably isn't good at spelling, but it IS insensitive to pick on him.

Pretty simple...if you don't understand what he is saying, ignore the post and move on since there is the fact that if you don't understand it then you cannot help him!

D0N'T pick on people. It's not nice, I've been bullied before and it isn't good to see it all over again just for a five minute laugh that the insensitive people will forget about by next week!
