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Pilot Semi Paint Job / KI Logo

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 5:37 pm
by knightshade
I don't think I've seen this brought up before, but in building up my new DVD screenshot library (yayyyyy!), I've discovered something interesting.

There was apparently an earlier version of the semi with a different Knight Industries logo.


I have to say I like the logo they eventually went with better. Ditto the paint job. But it's interesting to me that they had a painted semi prop for the pilot, but they went with the plain white one for most of season 1. I wonder why they scrapped it?

Oh and can I just say, poor Kitt. The indignity of being towed!

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:52 pm
by Knight224
Interesting find! I must agree, I like the later version much better with the chess peice/horse thing instead of the knight. And poor KITT!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 12:10 am
by cloudkitt
The Knight Industries symbol in KR2000's pretty strange too. It's like they put the KI chess piece in a Ying Yang. Craziness, nice find though!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:13 am
by PBH
You bring up a good point, knightshade. With this painted prop semi, why would they have gone to a generic white semi for most of season one? Seems like quite a waste of time & money.

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 9:09 am
by Skav
I personally don't believe it is THE semi we all know but an extra KI truck that is used to transport different things.

Perhaps it was used to transport the goods that was in the Knight museum in the pilot that was moved to the FLAG HQ in the following eps.


Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 10:24 am
by PBH
Skav wrote:I personally don't believe it is THE semi we all know but an extra KI truck that is used to transport different things.

Perhaps it was used to transport the goods that was in the Knight museum in the pilot that was moved to the FLAG HQ in the following eps.

This may be true to the assumption that you present. However, looking at it from a producers standpoint, why would I spend so much time & money painting this semi simply for a 10-second scene & then buy another white semi & use that as the 2nd main vehicle for the show. Makes no sense to me.

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:26 pm
by Michael Pajaro
Is it possible that this isn't even a real truck? Just a facade they put together for this brief scene?

(and I know who shot JFK :) )

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 2:51 pm
by PBH
After watching the scene, if it is a fake, it's pretty damn good, even by todays standards.

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:29 pm
by KFCreator
Well, maybe the semi we see in this scene was the original design and paint scheme that was to be used but then the producers decided that they wanted to switch the whole design and so they stripped the paint from the whole thing (hence the white semi we saw in following episodes) and then once the paint scheme that we all know and love was applied, we have the FLAG semi as it finally appeared.

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 5:38 pm
by PBH
Seems like too much thought being put in for a show that came out in the eighties.

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 11:05 pm
by neps
What is also interesting, check out the non existent dash when Devon and Michael exit the car, even though the car used for the interior close ups had the TVs


Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 11:33 pm
by KFCreator
Not only that Neil, but what are those dark red things sitting behind the rear seats?

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 11:38 pm
by kido
A stunt car maybe?

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:44 am
by d_osborn
i also noticed that pilot knight logo on the blue jacket michael wears while he's jogging... VERY cool jacket. :D

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 5:05 am
by FuzzieDice
In the first season, KITT had two dash modes, "normal" and "super". In "normal" mode he looked much like any other T/A or at least his tech dash blacked out. In "super" mode is where you see the fancy stuff. For some odd reason, only the first season had went between "normal" and "superdash" modes. The later seasons only stood in "superdash" mode. A good example is the episode "Custom KITT" where KITT changes Dash modes and the kid in the car gets amazed. :)

The "red things" in the back in the picture could very well be KITT's trunk area.

IOW, looks like KITT is in "normal" mode in this scene, since he's being towed in and his hi-tech gagets aren't necessary. Maybe powered down to conserve energy or something.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 10:05 am
by 82TransAm
Maybe this was KARR's Semi before they put him in storage

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 10:56 am
by Skav
Ah, my point was strictly to do with the actual KR universe...not reality terms.

But everyone does have interesting POV's.
