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RESOLVED! Two Steps Forward - The DVD Saga

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 6:47 pm
by neps
As some of you are aware, there were issues with imagery on the forth coming release of the Season 1 DVD package. There were two problems on the images that were released:


1) The hood cowl was flipped, meaning the image of KITT was flipped as well.

2) In the top right corner of the package is a text that contains the opening words to Knight Rider - "Knight Rider a Shadowy Flight..." The lines of this phrase was mixed up, placed in the wrong order.

Well I have some good news and bad news about it. We contacted Universal about it, and they said they would see what could be done. They were true to their word and have corrected the two issues, but have added a new one.

Sith found this image on Amazon today:


It may be obvious at first glance, it may not. Look again and notice that the glow for the scanner is bellow the actual scanner itself. I again contacted Universal and received this response:
Glad you like the new image. We try to fix what we can. Luckily we had time in this case.  It's too late to go back and address the scanner thing. I can't believe the detail you notice!
It looks as if the packaging for the set has already been approved and gone to press. It is possible that the image on Amazon and the info from the Universal rep will be wrong, but it isn't likely.

While this is disappointing that such an error would be made, in the place of two errors, I hope that we can all learn to accept it and understand that it's not on the outside that counts, but what is on the inside. ;) It's still going to be a sweet set.

****UPDATE**** ... 5605#55605

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 6:52 pm
by 86chvs10
Ok thanks neps the scanner is does look out of place but that's ok because it is going to be awesome. So i'm not worried. 8)

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 6:54 pm
by Sith
*squints a bit*

You could get away with it from a distance... maybe.

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 7:19 pm
by ocAdamR
I wonder if an agency designed the packaging (probably), or if it was created in-house at Universal. Never-the-less, I’m more excited about what’s IN the package, but a perfect package should be expected. I’m surprised that got overseen by everyone that reviewed it for errors before it got the final signoff approval.

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 7:23 pm
by Skav
I agree with Neil, I don't care about the box art. And a glow's a glow..glow's do head in different directions. I think they've exaggerated that glow a little but I'm not complaining.

I just wanna pop in the discs and get watching them...after all, we're not watching the box are we?


Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 8:01 pm
by themarvelous3
just so everyone knows, i went and found Universals email and wrote to them about the cowl and how, many fans and even non fans would notice this flaw right away. apparently they got it. : ) yay! sorry i'm picky

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 8:01 pm
by Michael Pajaro
This is bizarre... I sent the image around to some people at work and asked if they could find the mistake on the box (thinking it was glaringly obvious.) I had to point it out to 2 people, and a third took a little while but found it. Once they saw it, they all said it was very obvious but because they had to look for it closely, maybe it really isn't all that bad.

Are you sure you sent your comments to the right place, TheMarvelous? Because Neil got personal replies about making changes, I think he was at least partially (if not significantly) the one to get the ball rolling on correcting the images. But regardless of how the process got started, I'm sure Universal is impressed with how passionately we pay attention to these details!

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 10:57 pm
by themarvelous3
oh, i guess i'll give him PARTIAL credit...sheesh

: )

i just went to Universals home page and used their "Contact Us" link.

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 12:03 am
by cloudkitt
I did see it instantly...but I must admit, it's kinda funny. How the heck did that pull that off?!

"The detail you notice" What? the scanner light's on his bumper! lol

It is quite amusing.

To be honest, on the old picture, I hadn't noticed those problems, the this new one's very obvious to me. But everyone's different.

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 4:58 am
by SwEeTiNsAnItY
I agree with you completely cloudkitt... and I didn't notice the problems with the first one until they were mentioned, but I caught the second one instantly... it's really disappointing, and I'm still hoping they can change it, or that the picture's wrong, but if not... oh well, I guess.

But if there's somethin' wrong with the DVDs I'll kill 'em!

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 6:27 am
by Stringfellow Hawke
neps, could you please post the e-mail address you have for Universal Studios? Regarding the KITT scanner light, I like it, but I don't like it - the black slit looks alright really, and where the red light is, is acceptable, but I would of liked it better if the first image was left - the Hasselhoff photo on the left side, and the KITT car on the right - it looked great, except for the hood nose scoop, but I suppose the new image is more correct and accurate.

Has Universal revealed what the back artwork/cover looks like?

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 8:32 am
by Skav
The most obvious nitpick, for me, is they put a season 3-4 KITT car on the box rather than the 82 model.

That's the biggest mistake of all.


Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 11:00 am
by KITTfan
Well, at least they tried and fixed the cowl thing. If it's too late to fix the scanner, I guess it's time to start hoping that the following seasons coverarts would be done without any mistakes.
But after all, the most important thing is what's on the dvd discs.


Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 12:10 pm
by Knight of Sweden
gj unverisal

but as some of u said, we wont pay much atteniton to the box will we :)

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 12:20 pm
by FuzzieDice
I don't at all like the scanner glow being in the wrong place. I think it's too obvious. :roll: But that's just me.

I hope that they don't make such big mistakes on the DVD. I'm amazed they won't even take the time to fix the scanner light on the picture before the DVD is released! :shock: I would have thought they'd be more careful to get it right.

A good thing about it all is, if they do release it with the scanner light in the wrong place, and then later on release more of the Season 1 DVD's with it in the right place, then those who bought the first ones with it in the wrong place, those DVD's could be worth something! I've seen where first-run flaws of a production (book, record, etc.) were corrected shortly later by a publishing company and then the items that were purchased with the flaws turned out to be collector's items.

So I guess I better hop to it and get the DVD when it's released (won't have money before then) and ensure I get the "special" copy before the release corrected versions later. :)

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 10:18 pm
by Knight of Sweden
hehe u might have a point there ;)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 5:27 am
by spyhunter
AMATEURS! How hard is it to cut and paste some images? Give me a friggin' break!

The idiots responsible for this must be too young to know the show, too old to remember it, or not paid enough to care! Maybe someone was forced to complete it on a Friday afternoon, or it was morning, and they were like, "I sure can't wait until my lunch break..."

I think it's a miracle that they actually respond to their emails and make changes based on those emails. But then to rush those changes straight to production without even running them by the fan that pointed out the initial errors, is unforgivable!

I always felt the original image of the scanner was a bit out of place to begin with, the glow seemed too far to the left, and if you look close, the first of the 5 red lights ( which in the show, most of the time there were 8 ) is too far left. But at least it was close compared to where it is now!

You can even see the faint glow from the actual scanner on the car, it was as simple as placing the glow image over it...

I can't believe the detail they didn't notice!


P.S. On the subject of flipping cowls, did you have to do the same with the image on your main page Neil? Funny that even Davilex had problems with the cowl! Nice update by the way...

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 5:47 am
by finalfadeout
I agree with that, it's hard to see how people made aware of a problem did not give greater scrutiny to their work. The result is a problem that is even more obvious; a casual viewer probably wouldn't have noticed the reversed image, but even if you know nothing about knight rider, its not hard to see that the scan light is not where it's supposed to be. Again though, it's no big deal as long as the inside has no problems!

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 5:53 am
by spyhunter
That's just it though, if they are stumbling with the box, it's bound to be a mess inside as well...


Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 6:32 am
by Skav
I've just come up with the theory that maybe they made the scanner stand out more so it makes the whole presentation of the picture more dramatic, so to speak.

Sometimes they do things like that to catch someone's eye.

If I had never heard of this show and saw a dvd box set with a car and a big red light on the front, It would make me curious and want to see what it's about.


Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 9:25 am
by aussieknight
Skav wrote:The most obvious nitpick, for me, is they put a season 3-4 KITT car on the box rather than the 82 model.
My own personal comment on that is that the car pictured must be someone's replica, cause that nose ain't one from the show. Sure, the blackouts got less visible as the show went on, but they were still there. That nose looks like someone's cheap copy. I won't even go NEAR the argument about the scanner glow. I'd get all hot under the collar, start fuming, mumbling under my breath, RANTING, BLOWING OFF STEAM, CURSING IDIOTS, BAH!
So I won't. ;-)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 11:13 am
by neps
Stringfellow Hawke: I can't really give out the Universal address because I didn't get it from Universal's website. But if you want to send comments to them the best way to do that would be through this: ... mail_id=10

I think some of you may be being a little hard on them. Believe me, I understand your frustration. They did their best at the very last minute to correct one mistake, and inadvertently made another. This didn't happen because they were amateurs, but rather from the pressures of meeting their deadline. I am sure that Universal is doing their best to make a great quality product, just as their previous TV Series DVDs have shown. Unfortunately, mistakes happen all the time in the graphic world, no matter how many times you can proof something. I have the utmost confidence that the interior of the discs will be beautiful.

And much to aussieknights dismay, I haven't touched anything on the image on the main page. I did flip the cowl on the earlier cover for the materials that I used to make the banners to advertise

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 11:55 am
by themarvelous3
i'm sure it was asimple thing of "ok, take the .psd of this cover and flip the layer that KITTs on, jake" jake did and then didnt notice that the scanner was on a different layer before he went up to layer and selected "Flatten Image" when they realized it, he got fired and they just told us that it was "too late to fix" when really it was just impossible to fix without completely redoing the cover. poor kid. i like my photoshop though : )

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 12:22 pm
by Skav
Ah, hang on a minute...I want to completely retract my last post because for some reason, that pic of the glow below the scanner did not show up at any time before, for some reason.

So now I see what everyone means...I am completely annoyed!!!

It's rather embarassing that, since all my friends know KITT, how can I possibly show them this boxset with dignity?

I don't usually go on about cover art but that's ridiculous!!

It does look amateurish but as Neil said, the graphic world is complicated and things like this happen.

But that's.....eugh!!!

A shame because I could have lived with the flipped image from before.


Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 2:24 pm
by spyhunter
Eugh is right! It's a monstrosity... Imagine what David will think!?!

They need to fire most of their department if that's the best they can do! Sheesh!

I hate to be so negative, but there's really no good excuse for an error like that!