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Brotherly love. My Kr fanfic.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 5:38 pm
by kido
I got this story and I like to read it and judge it for yourself.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 10:47 pm
by Sith
Good start.:)

Look forward to your next part. Hmm... really must get round to finishing mine.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 11:14 pm
by knightimmortal
Interesting start, I am interested in seeing the next part, but I do, however have one recommendation: you might look to get a beta reader, somebody who can check you specifically for grammatical and spelling errors. The story has great potential, but some of the errors do take away from the flow.

And yes, Sith *nudge*. ;)


Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 2:43 pm
by kido
Thanks, comments are always welcome. :D

I did a little tinkering with the story to make it more readable.

Random shorty

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 1:45 pm
by kido

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 6:32 pm
by CK
Nice story there kido. Just read your newest one....strange that it's Kitt. Somehow I can see Karr getting drunk but not Kitt. Story needs a little background to it, like how did he get that way in the first place eg. case gone bad, emotional problems,...*has strange images of a funnel sticking out of the gas tank with a beer tap nearby* hmmm


Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 7:52 pm
by kido
CK wrote:Nice story there kido. Just read your newest one....strange that it's Kitt. Somehow I can see Karr getting drunk but not Kitt. Story needs a little background to it, like how did he get that way in the first place eg. case gone bad, emotional problems,...*has strange images of a funnel sticking out of the gas tank with a beer tap nearby* hmmm

Well I didn't think that far ahead, it was just something random me and my brothers thought up.

I guess they partied too hard for the holidays or something.. :wink:

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 9:56 pm
by kido ... &chapter=2

Part 2 up! :wink:

By the way, I took down my brotherly love fic for some editing.