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Would you buy a 1982 TransAm?

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 12:06 pm
by Allen
If you were looking for a new or used car--just a car for your basic transportation to and from work etc.--and you came across a 1982 or 83 TransAM in reasonably good shape, would you buy it?

I mean, assuming here you could afford a decent enough new or used car (say in the $8 to $10K range), and you want new car efficiency. You want all the stuff a new car can give you versus a twenty-year old car. But, you're a KR fan and TransAms are fun.

I think I would consider it, if it were in good enough shape. Now, as a KR fan, like so many of us here, I dream of driving KITT, but to turn a TA into KITT costs thousands of dollars I do not have. I dream, though. If I could afford a conversion, I would do it. But in all practicality, I won't be doing that for a long time.

So, how about it? Would you buy a 1982-83 TransAm?


Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 12:16 pm
by cloudkitt
If I had the money to complete a conversion, or move significantly into a conversion, I would. If not, I probably wouldn't. Let's face it, they weren't the best cars ever constructed.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 12:42 pm
by Michael Pajaro
If I had $8000-$10,000 to spend on a used car, I wouldn't even remotely consider an '82 Trans Am. Maybe if I found one for $2000 or less.

The Firebirds were fun cars, but they weren't known for their relilability. I had an '88 myself, and I had a lot of problems with it over the years. Other owners I've spoken to have shared similar stories.

There is no practical reason to buy an '82 Trans Am. Do it for fun, do it for your love of Knight Rider, but not for reliable transportation. For $8000, you should be able to get a decent 4 year old car, not a 20-year old one.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 1:32 pm
by CB2001
I don't think I could afford one, seeing that I am trying to restore a '65 Ford Mustang.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 1:46 pm
by comets78
i would buy it right on the spot just for fun then restore to its rightful shape:)


Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 1:48 pm
by KnightRider2000
I would. A restored one is at, on the for sale section. He's gunna restore it, and sell it for $7,000.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 2:00 pm
by MKnightRider82
I think it would be awesome to have a 1982 Pontiac Trans-Am. That would represent my interest for KR. I am the same height as Michael and actually have that name myself. I look like a younger version of Hasselhoff from the last season since I got short brown hair. But my face looks more like Michael Long's. So if I wore black leather clothes and went around driving the black Trans-Am, I could possibly be impersonating Michael Knight.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 2:15 pm
by msKEN

OMG, like Mike said, I'm trying to use mine as a daily driver now, and don't ever try to rely on these cars for everyday drivers, because these cars will not rely on you!! lol. Live and learn I tell ya!

They are fun cars though, when they are operating correctly.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 10:03 pm
by The Real Michael Knight
Well if you're your own mechanic, you can't go wrong. Thats what my brother does. He owns three Pontiac Fiero's. And he's knows that type of car from the inside out. And he does all the repairs and servicing for them in his own garage, saves him thousands of dollars a year.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 10:37 am
by Tony
The basic Trans Am part of my car is a real pain in the butt. (1982)
I mean I just had an electrical problem with my car, and I had to take the KITT dash out, dissconnect all the electronics.
Taking it apart was easy. putting it back together was a nightmare.
I had to do this a couple of times already.

But as a Ford fan. the Mustangs are fun and very fast (also a pain in the @$$ to own) The Trans Am out handles them hands down.
But I have to say, a 1982 -83 Trans Ams are not what you would want as an everyday driver. There are only good to do up a Knight Rider conversion. and or to restore.
That is up to the individual.

My friend Stylez had owned "many" 1982-1987's Chev Camaro's and Pont. Trans Am's he would be the best to ask about what it's like to own them.


Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 4:49 pm
by Darknight
I'd take a 3rd gen for a daily driver, but the stock drivetrain, or at least the motor would have to go. A manual tranny with a forced induction 3.8 would rock the block. There are turbo Buick Grand Nationals that do the 1/4 mile in under 9 seconds. Now, I wouldn't need that much power in daily driven vehicle, but it would be possible with the right setup to get 32mpg and do 11 or 12sec 1/4 mile. In fact, there are people at who do that with their 4th gen 3.8 'Birds, and they're reliable too.


Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:40 am
by jup
If I were to buy an '82 Trans-Am for a KITT conversion, I'd do it like this...

I'd buy that totally stripped out Trans-Am body that I know about for $50.

I'd totally build the car up with the best, brand new hardware. (engine, It would also make it far easier to install the KITT dash, interior and such.

Of course, I never did buy that Trans-Am frame, knowing that I'd never have thousands of dollars to spend on an off-road, hobby/fantasy car.

I'd want to turn it into a Knight Rider driving sim game, anyways. Stick the frame up on some complex hydraulics...

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 2:07 am
by nivek
I would if I had the money.

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 2:41 am
by Arjun
I like the design a lot. But what some of you say is not encouraging.

The real problem out here is that there are no Pontiacs selling. Only a Chevrolet Optra (a.k.a. Daewoo Mugira), Forester (formerly a Subaru), a few Opels, and some Fords, but no Pontiacs. I might have to import one, but not only is it expensive, but there are a lot of strict import rules for cars.

Worth a drive, just for the car. I would not want to go in for a full conversion, just the all-black coat and the front bumper.

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 3:19 am
by msKEN
But what some of you say is not encouraging.
Would you rather we lied to you? lol. ;) I mean the cars are fun, no one is denying that. And today the cars still look stylish and stand out. But if you got an 82 thats stock, not only was it a beta car (first of a new design), but it had some of the worst technolgy in it at the time. CrossFire Fuel INFECTED (as I like to call it) is a total pain in the @$$ on a 1982 vehical.

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 7:41 am
by Knight Industries 3000
As much as I love the old Trans Ams, they're old at this point, so I wouldn't buy one.

If I really wanted to build a KITT mock-up, I'd be just as inclined to design a custom version myself than to build an exact replica of one from the TV series. I'd be more interested in making a "later model" KITT -- with a totally custom body, etc. -- like something you'd see in a feature film rather than a souped-up Trans Am (or that horrible red monstrosity from the Knight Rider 2000 TV movie).

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 10:43 am
by Arjun
Looks like the Trans Ams of the 80's have their problems, but what about some of the later Trans Ams? The nineties? The most recent one? Are these vehicles any better? Can we make any internal changes to these vehicles to improve the performance?

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 2:06 pm
by Tony
Arjun wrote:Looks like the Trans Ams of the 80's have their problems, but what about some of the later Trans Ams? The nineties? The most recent one? Are these vehicles any better? Can we make any internal changes to these vehicles to improve the performance?
To make any internal changes to the 3rd gens would help, but it would
cost you a lot of money. My friend Stylez owned a 1994 Chev Camaro
and that seemed to be a fairly decent car. Although he never owned it very long but it was a good car. The newer ones are alot better on fuel then the older ones. But that goes for any fuel injected cars vs Carbed cars.
But don't get scared on buying a 1982-1984 Trans Am's They are still good cars, but they do need some TLC just like any other car.
If you own one, take care of it. it will last you for many years.


Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 4:49 pm
by 86chvs10
i'd like to have have a 82 TRANS AM but they don't as good in engine as the 87 TRANS AM i want. 82 are ok i don't like the shows it can only go to 80 mph. 87 model is is the last year that they have for the regular 82 TRANS AM. the gas pedal same seats i think. but the cool engine 5.7 liter.i read some biograghs on 82 TRANS AMS and when they came out i heared that they only started out all most less then a 100 horse power.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 9:30 pm
by Claudia_K
From what i have seen my brother Tony go through with his 82 Trans AM (KITT) especially the electical problem he had ya i have to say that was scary but other than that the car aint bad and for an 82 the body is in really good condition but if I had the chance to get a Trans AM i would rather have one in the late 80's like the one that Stylez drives but thats my opinion. :D

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 12:36 am
by Arjun
Actually, I read a letter to an auto supplement of a local newspaper from an owner of a Ford jeep. He wanted to replace his vehicle's engine with that of a Gypsy (a local jeep), so I thought something similar could be done with a Trans Am.

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 4:09 pm
by Tony
Arjun wrote:Actually, I read a letter to an auto supplement of a local newspaper from an owner of a Ford jeep. He wanted to replace his vehicle's engine with that of a Gypsy (a local jeep), so I thought something similar could be done with a Trans Am.
It can be done.. But with alot of welding and other sorts of modification.
I have seen Ford engines replaced with GM, and vice versa. But lots of work goes into doing something like that..


Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 9:45 pm
by 86chvs10
it's not a 82 model but it's car that really nice. ... egory=6427

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 11:37 am
by Claudia_K
what happened to the posts that were here?

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 3:21 pm
by Army_F_Body
We were censored as well as the trouble maker.