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Team Knightrider Question

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 12:47 am
by ShadowConvoy
Why didn't any of the vehicles on this show have a visable scanner like KITT? Copy right reasons?
I never cared much for most of the vehicles in this show because they all looked pretty stock. The silver SUV was slightly customized though. I'm not going to even mention the "combo car", MY GOD! :o

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 1:32 am
by ColeGrad01
All I got to say about this is that it's a stupid show that I never have seen and never will. They are only taking a really good thing and making it into a retarded thing. I am going to pretend this show was never made. Just like the TV movie Knight Rider 2010. I don't want to see that either. I got a look at the first 10 minutes of it once. It came on right after Knight Rider 2000. But it had nothing to do with the show, and looked so dumb it shouldn't have been made. I just flipped it right off. I hope any continuing Knight Rider story made acts like those stupid things never happened. David Hasselhoff himself said he was disappointed with the Team Knight Rider show.

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 2:04 am
by sofchance
Well, let me say I am with you on this. Like most KR fans, I don't consider TKR to have any part in the "real" KR universe (I don't even consider KR2000 to be in it, but that's a different story). The only decent episode was the one with KRO, and even that's a stretch.

I always thought they got rid of the scanners because the cars had them built into the cars from the inside.

Argh why was domino red and white instead of black and white?! That always drove me crazy.


Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 7:51 am
by neps
I doubt it was copyright reasons since it was being produced under the direction of Universal who owns the rights to being with. The fact that they are using the Knight Rider name means that they have received some sort of permission. It was probably just an attempt to improve and be different, but they sadly missed the boat. It could also be that they had a huge production budget as it was, to have 5 cars do various special effects, and then have to customize the front ends of each one to house a scanner, it may not have been worth it to the producers. The interior dashes didn't look all that impressive either, and probably for similar reasons.

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 8:53 am
by Michael Pajaro
ColeGrad01 wrote:All I got to say about this is that it's a stupid show that I never have seen and never will.
If you haven't seen it, then you are in no position to judge it. I don't care if people who have actually watched the show say they didn't like it, but you literally don't know what you're talking about. Watch it. Then you can tell us what you think.

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 11:19 pm
by comets78
i dont remeber this show at all, when was this on how long was this and can any get me a copy of a epispode so i judge for my self. I seen pictures on here but not on tv ?

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 11:59 pm
by ShadowConvoy
WARNING!!!!TKR SPOILER! [if there is such a thing.]

Yeah, the KRO ep was the only one I even found remotely interesting and the writing still sucked for the most part but it was still better than the standard episodes. Pluss all of the TKR cars got whooped! I never got to see many of the episodes but they would have really impressed me if KARR at least had mad an appearance in some form or another. If I remember correctly the mysterious person TKR took orders from actually turned out to be the KITT AI now installed in the helicarrier [or whatever that flying fortress was called]. I remember seeing the K.I.T.T. letters inscribed on a dome shaped computer in one episode. They didn't come out and say it from what I remember but they alluded to it in a scene.
[I don't consider it part of the"real universe" either.]

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 11:46 am
by CB2001
From an online chat with producers back when the show was still on, they said the reason why the vehicles didn't have scanners were because the scanner is what made KITT famious, it being one of the traits that people most remember. And they felt that if they placed scanners on the cars, that it wouldn't be fair to KITT. (Or something like that)

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 12:23 pm
by Michael Pajaro
This is from the chat:

Moderator presents the speaker with question #53 from kittcar:
Will any of the vehicles have the red scanner light on the front?
David Goodman: No. We decided that the red scanner light was unique to Kitt and it plays an important part in a later story.

The complete transcript is here:

Despite their "official" position that it was a creative decision to keep the scanner unique to KITT, my belief is that it was more because of budget. They didn't spend a lot of money customizing the cars (which I think was a mistake). Given more money, I think they would have jumped at the chance to add scanners and more elaborate dashes.

It's just my gut feeling.

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 3:20 pm
by CB2001
To be honest, if they wanted more eliberate dashes, they could have constructed them as models on the set. I mean, is there any shots of the dashes with the driver in it? What about shots where we look through the windshield to see something and then pan down to see the dash? From the pictures I've seen at your website Michael, they never did (I could be wrong, seeing I only got a chance to see one episode and I barely remember it).

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 11:44 pm
by ShadowConvoy
Yeah, I think it was budget too. There was nothing truly unique about any of the cars as I mentioned earlier except the silver SUV which was only slightly customized. The combo car had be the ugliest TV car I had ever seen. Even ugier than KR 2010 [which looked like a heavily customized Mustang to me.]

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 6:56 am
by Arjun
That was one overdone show. I think having 6 vehicles that could talk (including the carrier airplane) was just too much. The show was also too mechanical, looking very little at the humans. Straight out of the comic books.

Even my version of Team Knight Rider is FAR better.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 11:03 am
by Michael Pajaro
Arjun wrote: The show was also too mechanical, looking very little at the humans. Straight out of the comic books..
I've always felt that the problem with TKR was that they spent TOO MUCH time looking at the human characters, and not enough on the abilities of the vehicles. The talking cars are what set the show apart, so they should have focused on them more.


Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 4:40 pm
by ColeGrad01
One man and one talking car are just enough. That is why the original is and always will be better. No, I have not seen the show and don't ever want to. The only thing I have watched other than the original series is Knight Rider 2000. And that is a continuation of the 80's show. Five people and five talking cars? C'mon, gimme a break. I consider that turning Knight Rider into a dumb, dorky show about several young people thinking they can save the world with their super machines. That's why I don't even bother watching TKR. Technically, I've never seen anything where it comes on. But if I did, I wouldn't anyway. Have no desire to see that show. Going to pretend it was never made and doesn't exist. Same with Knight Rider 2010. Any later KR movies should act like that was never made.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 5:58 pm
by knightvision
Jordan, unless you have seen Team Knight Rider I would not judge the show. I've spoken to 3 of the cast and the executive producers and I would have to say that they did the best they could with what they had. They incorporated a tribute to Edward Mulhare in KRO, kept Michael and KITT somewhere in the storyline, created some interesting cars (Dante has such a cool voice) as well as some interesting storylines.

Don't knock it till you see it. It is 90's TV and if you take it at face value it isnt that bad. Your right it isnt Knight Rider, but then what is??


Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 4:25 pm
by ColeGrad01
Well, it is just a show I myself will never see. That doesn't mean no one else can watch it. Most other things people watch are stuff I'd never ever look at on my very own. And there are things I like some people would think is retarded. I happen to like some movies most people say sucked and shouldn't have been made.

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2003 7:05 pm
by Michael Pajaro
ColeGrad01 wrote:Anyway, five people and five talking cars? C'mon, gimme a break.
Reviews like this always make me smile. Think about how it would sound to an outsider:

"Five talking cars? That's just plain silly. But ONE crimefighting, talking car, that makes sense."

Is one talking car really that much less ridiculous than five?

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 10:42 am
by knightvision
[quote"Five talking cars? That's just plain silly. But ONE crimefighting, talking car, that makes sense."/quote]

ONE crimefighting talking car-- now that is brilliant. An EVIL twin for the talking car pure genius. A car gone mad that attacks the five cars and finds their weaknesses--pure excitement.

Watching KITT turbo boost--priceless.

Mastercard-- its everywhere you want to be (especially on Knight Rider purchases).


Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 1:44 pm
by ColeGrad01
Isn't it strange that both the actor and the voice of the car went on to do these other shows? David Hasselhoff goes from being a crime-fighting agent to a lifeguard. William Daniels stops being the voice programming for a supercar and is later well known for being an arrogant teacher/principal and next-door neighbor.

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 9:23 pm
by CSPilot
KR will always be the orginal but TKR will the best shot we have at extending the series into the future. Don't rip a show that was good but not up to your standards. It was KR any way you look at it. Enjoy it for what it was.

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 9:28 pm
by knightimmortal
Actually, that's not correct, it wasn't KR anyway you look at it. It was a good show, if they hadn't called it KR. And it's not fair to basically ask people to accept any crap thrown at them. KR2010 was KR too, but that doesn't mean people have to like it. ;)

But I do agree that you should see it before you critique it.


Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 3:09 am
by ShadowConvoy
I'll admit I never cared for TKR but it still had it's '90's low budget sci-fi TV charm. I can't even remember most of the episodes except for the KRO one which I deem the best episode simply because it is the one I remember most. [And probably the only one I deemed worthy to remember at the time.] But anyway at least if you watch the show you can say why you don't like it. TKR has it's own place in the KR universe whether we like it or not. I'll admit it was some of the best late night cheese which was on at the time. 8)

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 3:45 am
by ColeGrad01
I have said something about seeing only ten minutes of Knight Rider 2010 before. That was when I finished taping Knight Rider 2000 and was taking it out. The show came on and I got hooked to see what was going on. I felt like I was watching a cheap version of THE POSTMAN (with Kevin Costner). It also looked like THE ROAD WARRIOR (MAD MAX 2) which starred Mel Gibson. That is a corny Australian movie made back in the early 80's (two years before I was around), but it was so good to me that I used to watch it all the time and be obsessed with it like I am with Knight Rider now. Two years ago Mad Max was all I ever talked about. I was so obsessed, I once went to a friend's house and made them watch all three of them. I'm just saying KNIGHT RIDER 2010 looked to me like one of those post-Apocalyptic stories involving the Knight Rider story. It had absolutely nothing to do with the show. So why in the hell did they even make it?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 1:11 pm
by knightimmortal
1) Yep, a few of us older coots know Road Warrior pretty well.

2) Do you know how many times the original Knight Rider has been compared to Mad Max? It can be rather brain boggling at times. (Just a little tidbit of info)


3) The original scripts (for KR2010) had a lot to do with the original Knight Rider, but eventually, it was written out and the story you ended up with was pretty much using the Knight Rider name to pull people in.