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Leno Cuts KR Again

Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 12:48 am
by knightimmortal
Well, Leno went from adoring Knight Rider, to using it as his evil punchline.

This time around, he was talking about Trans-Fats. (the stuff in Oreos, that a lawyer is suing Nabisco for)

"Trans-Fats, isn't that what the Knight Rider drove?"

Bad. Really bad. Just bad.


Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 1:31 am
Hmm, not funny. I would've expected better from Leno . . .

Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 12:34 pm
by chadwick626
...i had to read that a few times...

his writers should have theyre hands carved off with dull pencils, shot in the head, draged through ny to be stoned by kr fans, burned, and mixed into p diddys coffee..

that was jsut horrible.. its kinda funny how not funny that actually was..

Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 3:08 pm
by KRAvenger
yet another reason for me to stop eating "Oreos." but since when did Leno ever "adore" KR?

Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 6:48 pm
by krfan1
That's pretty lame.

Anyways, I understand the lawyer's beef, but all junk food is bad for you. And Oreos have been around forever which is why I hope some news agency covers the bad effects of Oreos. (I doubt Nabisco would sell it for years if it would severly harm or kill people)


Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 7:41 pm
by knightimmortal
KRAvenger wrote:yet another reason for me to stop eating "Oreos." but since when did Leno ever "adore" KR?
Since the last real time that he spoke of Knight Rider in a good light. Before, he would use it in his monologues or side shows, as has been showcased previously on this board. One of them was 'revisiting the shows of old', another was a Bush parody where they stated 'Smart car, smart bomb...etc.'.

Sometimes it pays to look through the board further than the front page :)


Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 9:38 pm
by David Whiteheart
krfan1 wrote:That's pretty lame.

Anyways, I understand the lawyer's beef, but all junk food is bad for you. And Oreos have been around forever which is why I hope some news agency covers the bad effects of Oreos. (I doubt Nabisco would sell it for years if it would severly harm or kill people)

*LOL and rolling on the floor* That's what they said about cigarette's years ago before Uncle Sam and the lawyers declared war on the industry. I knew this was coming years ago during the congressional hearing on nicotine. All of the top cigarette manufacture CEO's in DC testified that it was a "caffine type of addiction that nicotine causes." Yeah right, but the RJR CEO predicted that the fast food industry was next.

My Grandfather and Dad worked at RJR for years and Dad quit back in 1996 and is a lot better off with out the cancer stick. I worked there during college summer breaks, but I never once and will never pick up the nasty habit, because I've seen what it does to people.

Granted I doubt Nabisco, who used to be part of RJR at one time, will be found guilty of a cover up like the tobacco companies did, but who knows.


Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 10:08 pm
by CSPilot
watch David Letterman. No Knight Rider jokes ever made on his show. And at least Letterman is naturally funny and doesn't have writers for his jokes.

Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 10:14 pm
by Skav
I think ppl need to lighten up when a joke is made about the show. so what?

he meant it in a good light. what's the point in getting pissy about it?

the show was cheese and pure camp so of course there'd be jokes about it.

i'd deal with it and move on.


Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 10:24 pm
by knightimmortal
I don't mind when jokes are made about the show, but I think everybody has their right to their opinions and reactions, or lack thereof. And couldn't we have at least gotten a semi-decent slam in? There are tons of slams that would have been more decent than that one.


Posted: Thu May 15, 2003 1:03 am
CSPilot wrote: Watch David Letterman. No Knight Rider jokes ever
made on his show. And at least Letterman is naturally
funny and doesn't have writers for his jokes.
I do generally prefer the Late Show to the Tonight Show, but are you sure
that Letterman doesn't have a team of writers, penning most of his jokes?

12 writers including himself, and he still only does a 3 minute opening monologue!
And that's not including the 2 head writers listed in the end credits before this lot!

I too have never heard Letterman do any Knight Rider related jokes, since
he's been doing the Late Show on CBS, I'll bet he did quite a few when he
was doing Late Night on NBC, in the years when KR was a first run show.

Posted: Thu May 15, 2003 1:22 am
by knightimmortal
To be honest, I would rather watch paint dry rather than Letterman, at least Leno admits Knight Rider exists, and hasn't (if you have read past posts) bashed it all that bad. All Letterman does know how to do is bash, and laugh at himself constantly, and as DJGM has pointed out, (and just about every single awards show,) Letterman has a huge staff of writers.

To be deadly honest, if you use your brain to get past the anger of being slammed, at least Knight Rider is mentioned. It is remembered. Even bad mentions are better than no mention at all.


Posted: Tue May 20, 2003 1:00 am
by CSPilot
knightimmortal wrote:
To be deadly honest, if you use your brain to get past the anger of being slammed, at least Knight Rider is mentioned. It is remembered. Even bad mentions are better than no mention at all.

Ugh just wanted to make a comment and show support for David Letterman and Knight Rider.

Sorry I brought it up.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2003 8:55 pm
by chadwick626
@&^# both em.. watch kimmel

Posted: Tue May 20, 2003 9:02 pm
by knightimmortal
CSPilot wrote:
knightimmortal wrote:
To be deadly honest, if you use your brain to get past the anger of being slammed, at least Knight Rider is mentioned. It is remembered. Even bad mentions are better than no mention at all.

Ugh just wanted to make a comment and show support for David Letterman and Knight Rider.

Sorry I brought it up.
Please don't get so touchy, I was just meaning that if you used your brain, rather than your heart, and this applies to all, that you would see that a mention is better than no mention at all.


Posted: Wed May 21, 2003 12:48 am
by jup
Just smile and remember Conan's tribute to KR with the mock American state quarter design.

Ahhhh...what a tribute that was.

Posted: Mon May 26, 2003 12:17 am
by Vchat20
hmm. never seen any of these mentionings. anyone know of a video copy of these are available anywhere on the net?

personally, I like to stay close to NBC so pretty much I just watch Leno and Conan (when I get the chance).

Posted: Wed May 28, 2003 7:52 am
by neps
Be sure to check out this thread:

Michael has posted captures of all the mentionings from the various late night talk shows, including the conan coin, and the leno Trans-Fats.