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Devon Miles Knight Rider Canon

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 6:50 pm
by KnightRiderKITT1982
Is his death part of the KR Canon, because if I remember reading from another website, that his death wasn't part of the canon?

Re: Devon Miles Knight Rider Canon

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 10:43 pm
by jup
Here's the basic issue. In Knight Rider 2000, which was a pilot movie for the restart of Knight Rider in a futuristic kind of world, Devon Miles was killed in a kind of merciless way. Which does make it cannon.

However, since other KR shows have come along and completely ignored KR 2000's reality where US cops only carry stun guns because guns in general have been almost successfully removed from the face of the Earth and prisoners are put into hibernation chambers and a ton of other sci-fi concepts, it kind of undoes that cannon fact. So...your call, I would say.

Re: Devon Miles Knight Rider Canon

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 3:00 am
by KFCreator
My take on KR2000 is that yes, it is canon, and it really isn't that hard to explain away some of the plot points like the cryo-stasis prison and the stun guns. For both of those, you could easily say that they were both just pilot programs that the city was trying out (and in fact, they even mention some of this in the meeting room in the beginning of KR2000). There is no evidence in the movie that the rest of the country had adopted either of those things. And even if they did, the pilot programs may have simply come and gone and the city just reverted back to regular prisons and handguns for whatever reason later on. But the character arcs that they established for Michael, KITT, and Devon all seem pretty concrete and I don't see a problem with any of that fitting into continuity later on. Team Knight Rider was the only series that completely ignored KR2000 and as such, it doesn't fit in to the KR universe well at all if you try to make sense of any of what it established. I tend to think of TKR as the alternate reality of Knight Rider in 1997. Anyway, that's my two cents.

Re: Devon Miles Knight Rider Canon

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 6:35 am
Question is, if KR200 had been commissioned as a full series, would the cryogenic prison concept still be used, or as
mentioned above, would it be mentioned briefly in an episode as a pilot program that wasn't continued any further,
or as an experiment that ultimately failed? Same goes for the police stun guns. As we saw in KR2000, both these
projects were doomed to fail. Watts was still a criminal, and regular guns were still being used illegally.

As for the bit about releasing Charles Manson ... given recent news, he's still up to his old tricks in real life!

Other questions - Would Michael pop back every so often to help out? Would Maddock stop being a arrogant sod?
Would KITT decide his new outer shell should be black like his original shell, instead of "tomato on wheels" red?

Re: Devon Miles Knight Rider Canon

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 12:15 pm
by jup
There's the spirit I would have used as a fan fic writer to merge all KR visions together. ;)

Re: Devon Miles Knight Rider Canon

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 1:15 pm
by blowersho
KR 2000 is a direct continuation of the original with the three main characters, unfortunately it is canon even though most fans wish it was never made.

Re: Devon Miles Knight Rider Canon

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 2:28 pm
by jup
I was wishing that it was never made about...10...15 minutes into it's original airing date.

Re: Devon Miles Knight Rider Canon

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 11:25 pm
by KFCreator
Huh, am I an unusual KR fan in actually liking KR2000 (for the most part)? Sure, it had it's issues (was never a huge fan of the Knight 4000 design and wished Bonnie and RCIII had been in it), but it seemed like a pretty solid story that was in the same vein as an original series episode, it had plenty of comedic moments, the stakes were certainly high from the villain(s) (they killed Devon!?!), and it introduced some interesting new characters and showed the evolution of FLAG and the KR universe. It doesn't hold up to the test of time as much as I would like it to but overall, I don't think it was bad. Certainly it was leaps and bounds better than TKR in many ways and even better than the 2008 series in some regards too.

Re: Devon Miles Knight Rider Canon

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 3:53 am
by jup
If the pilot had become a series, who is to know how it might have evolved. Or, even if the show would have been modified from the pilot in various ways. (After all, I've seen a few TV pilots that saw an overhaul by episode 2. Perhaps, the biggest example I have ever seen was in MANTIS. )

On a different note: Did you know that the Knight 4000 and the original KITT have something unexpected in common? The 'tomato on wheels' can be seen every now and then in the original series! It's just a picture on the wall of the semi's interior and has always been open for debate on if it really was the 4000. But, the similarities are a darn close match. One could watch the entire show over and over and...maybe never notice it, hanging back there. But, it sure seems likely that the creators of KR2000 sure took a few notes.

Better question is: Why in a semi that was dedicated to the Knight 2000 with equipment designed to service said vehicle...would a totally unrelated vehicle be on display at all?

Re: Devon Miles Knight Rider Canon

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 2:30 pm
by blowersho
jup wrote:I was wishing that it was never made about...10...15 minutes into it's original airing date.
I know what you mean, I had a few buddies come over on the day it aired and we were all very excited to see KR return. We were disappointed to see Michael washed up, finding out that K.I.T.T had been dismantled made us very sad and by the time Devon was murdered we were all trying to hold back the tears. Once it was over we all just looked at each other, no words were necessary because we knew we were scarred for life.

Re: Devon Miles Knight Rider Canon

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 6:09 pm
by jup
Exactly. It felt like they were tearing down a classic, beloved building to make room for something gaudy.

Re: Devon Miles Knight Rider Canon

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 8:02 pm
by aussie muscle
jup wrote:The 'tomato on wheels' can be seen every now and then in the original series! It's just a picture on the wall of the semi's interior and has always been open for debate on if it really was the 4000. But, the similarities are a darn close match. One could watch the entire show over and over and...maybe never notice it, hanging back there. But, it sure seems likely that the creators of KR2000 sure took a few notes.
Got any pix?
I thought the 'tomato on wheels' was the Torino in Starsky & Hutch? :twisted: I'm just disappointed they couldn't use the actual Pontiac Banshee they originally wanted. it was so much cooler looking than the lame looking Stealth they ended up with. (no offense to Jay Orhberg, he did his job).

Re: Devon Miles Knight Rider Canon

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 12:02 am
by jup
Some years ago, someone had a picture posted on this board. But, who knows if that's still locatable in the archives. Probably was before this modern forum was installed.

If I can ever find my four seasons of KR on the DVD's, I should be able to make my own picture. Alas...

Re: Devon Miles Knight Rider Canon

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 5:19 pm
by Michael Pajaro
semi-concept-car.jpg (205.94 KiB) Viewed 24203 times
Not a great shot, but I think the car in the background is what people think is the Knight 4000. It looks very very different to me.

Re: Devon Miles Knight Rider Canon

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 3:34 am
by jup
Hmmm...that isn't what I am remembering. It was way off in the back corner on a couple shots and was of the exterior. What made it so eye catching was the red shell. I remember this one picture because it was a red shell and so distinctly different from KITT in many ways that it looked very out of place.

In fact, I've always thought of that particular picture as being a conceptual structure drawing of what KITT was meant to be at some stage.

It's frustrating that I have no idea what has happened to the KR 4 season set of disc's. I did find the cover to season 2, yesterday. Just no discs inside. The move has left so much in storage...

Re: Devon Miles Knight Rider Canon

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 7:25 pm
by Michael Pajaro
I scan through the episodes quite a bit... I'll keep my eye out for other images on the walls. We'll get to the bottom of this, jup!

Re: Devon Miles Knight Rider Canon

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 1:08 am
by Michael Pajaro
image.jpg (384.78 KiB) Viewed 24091 times
How about these Jup? Are these the pictures you remember?

Re: Devon Miles Knight Rider Canon

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 3:17 am
by jup
Aye. There's that red car photo.

Hope this works.


Image source: ... -tv-movie/

We've got the wing. The overly exposed tires. The roundness of the body and windshield. That red shell. It's not a hundred percent match. But, there is usually some adjustments from a concept car that would be drawn to the production line version.

Re: Devon Miles Knight Rider Canon

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 1:32 pm
by Michael Pajaro
image.jpg (397.91 KiB) Viewed 24034 times
Now you've got me obsessed with the red car too, jup!

While I don't think the Knight Rider 2000 production team used the pictures as their guiding force for the new car, I'm happy to go along with retconning it to say that withing the fictional FLAG world! those are early KIFT designs.

Re: Devon Miles Knight Rider Canon

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 4:34 am
by jup
And, I'd go along with that notion for a story line, too. After all, for a tiny work place in the back of a semi that's all about the Knight Two Thousand, just what is the story behind that/those mysterious red car pictures??? Artist projections towards a future K-line car makes sense to me.