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lets get the word out about knight rider

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 7:37 pm
by ianruk
to get the word out to people about knightrider is to set up pages on these social networking sites like myspace,facebook ect

and tell them bout the show,time and dates and what its about and how the reboot is coming add pics and clips and stuff, and just add loads of random people
maybe if its too much work for one person we could make the pages up on them and post the username and passwords on here so everyone can log onto the knight rider pages and add people and update it often,so it is basically a team effort instead of too much work for one person

what do you guys think??

since i live in the u.k i am not sure bout time and dates and stuff,since i usually download them the day after they air since it dont look like we be getting it here

but we can make this work as a group

Re: lets get the word out about knight rider

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 10:54 pm
by paulie
I think that is a great idea!!

Re: lets get the word out about knight rider

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 11:02 pm
by Sue
Great idea!
Neil has a Knight Rider facebook here

But now thanks to your suggestion he has also added a share button to all the posts on our News Page so you can add them on to your favorite networking site with just a click. :good:

Re: lets get the word out about knight rider

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 6:47 am
by neps
Getting the word out is more important right now than sending letter to NBC. When we start sending letters that should be once the show starts airing again after ep10 ratings come out, cause if they aren't better than 5 million, that's gonna be a foretelling sign. Not now.

If you guys have any ideas, please send them. Knight Rider had a nearly two month break. We need to get people to watch the show and remind them that it's on and why they should watch.

Stuff like these videos that Sue made are great, it's exactly what doubters need to hear. NBC also needs to give us access to footage to start distributing and promoting. When we got the teasers for the Pilot in February we got over three million video plays on the teasers alone and countless discussions.

That needs to happen again. If you are a Knight Rider fan and want a series based format to succeed we need to be behind this, cause they probably will never give us the chance again (at least ten years away, right). GST and his crew are willing to consider changes and adjust as evident by this retooling, this can be the Knight Rider it should be.

We need to focus our energies not on fighting amongst ourselves or sending air fresheners, but by building an army that spreads a positive message of Knight Rider to sites around the globe.

Re: lets get the word out about knight rider

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:59 am
by ianruk
ok guys here is what i did

i made up a myspace profile for the knight rider,may not be perfect and you guys may wanna change some stuff or add to it so i am going to put the email and password for the myspace site so everyone can check it out and change and add people to it

what people should do is just go to browse profiles and click the country and just add random people wether they a fan of knight rider or not,click on every profile and friend requestion them

Password: krider1

o and you can add pics and trailers or videos to the myspace aswell
please dont change the password or anything since other people wont have the chance to add to it

Re: lets get the word out about knight rider

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 12:34 pm
by adamtrek
When it comes to Knight Rider, NBC is it's Own Worst Enemy. Pun intended. And we know how that worked out.

NBC is in charge of advertising and hyping the show. Not us. I'm sorry to feel so cynical, but 30 seconds of on-air ad time for their own show can do more for their own distributed product than what we could do, IMO. I agree with the 3 million hits, etc. for the back-door pilot, and that is the type of thing that can help, but it should be a concerted effort for the entire internet community, vis a vis Knight Rider Online, AICN, IESB, etc, etc.

Just like many movies beforehand that get the major viral marketing, perhaps for Knight Rider it needs to be built up more for television, but usually that means a product with a vast Mythology in which Knight Rider has been lacking so far.

I think Obama's Infomercial really nailed the show hard and I hope that the refocus coming up with the storyline arc will change dramatically.
I just don't get why Charles is to be killed. Seems like keeping him around would be better to keeping the show closer to the old formula (aka Devon(Charles), Bonnie(Sarah), Michael(Michael). Unless Hasselhoff comes on next season or in the last episode as a cliffhanger, which would definitely give the show a turbo boost, but we know that probably won't happen.