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Turbo Boost only in Attack Mode?

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 9:01 pm
by 321C-Button
So after watching the first two episodes I had a thought about turbo boost. It seems to me that the way KITT is configured that turbo boost is only available in Attack Mode. After all those 4 jet exhausts are only visible on KITT when he is in Attack Mode...does that mean KITT can only use turbo boost in Attack Mode?

What do you think?

Re: Turbo Boost only in Attack Mode?

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 9:05 pm
by Lost Knight
It sure looks that way so far. But if K.I.T.T. turbo boosts in his normal mode, we might not see the whole CGI Fast and the Furious sequence because as you say, the air vents on the hood won't be there.

Re: Turbo Boost only in Attack Mode?

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 9:08 pm
by Rockatteer
Yeah it is seeming that Kitt is only going to have his "functions" in attack mode, ala Viper.

The fact that they turbo boost sequence goes in through the blowers, seems to indicate to me that they are part of the turbo boost system, so can't be used unless in attack mode.

Re: Turbo Boost only in Attack Mode?

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 9:44 pm
by 321C-Button
Well that does seem to be a "limitation" for KITT doesn't it. What happens if KITT is speeding down a road and a semi pulls across a cross street blocking the road at the last it realistic to say that KITT at a top cruising speed would have time to "shift" into Attack Mode and then activate the Turbo Boost in time? I hope that they figure this one out...

Re: Turbo Boost only in Attack Mode?

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 10:08 pm
by Army_F_Body
I wonder if the same principle worked on KI2K? I'm definitely starting to see more of a Viper connection to this new show. Maybe some one should have sat down and created a KR bible like Roddenbury did before TNG started. Don't get me wrong I'm really loving the new show, but things like this just make me think KI2K was so much better. Maybe that's the point. KI3K has some growing to do and maybe they figure they just wont be able to top the old car for a lot of viewers so it'll always remain more powerful if it ever makes an appearance (kinda like bringing out the big guns if something really big hits the fan).

Re: Turbo Boost only in Attack Mode?

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 10:58 pm
There is a Knight Rider bible, the problem is that I doubt anyone involved in the new show has seen it or bothered to even look for it.

Re: Turbo Boost only in Attack Mode?

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 5:56 am
by Garthe Knight
If I may make a comment ignoring the political correctness once:
Attack Mode is stupid. The whole idea is absolutely absurd.
I am a fan of Transformers and Knight Rider, but the combination just doesn't work for me.

I watched the first four episodes of the original series yesterday. KI2T does more stunts and tricks in the first episode than KI3T has done so far. And speech is the least remarkable of his functions (like KARR said). Turbo Boost, Sky Mode, blasting through walls, the ejector, oil, smoke...
Those are the functions that made KITT special, and those are still futuristic today. I think that's the direction they should go, not transforming into all different Ford vehicles.

So my point is: KI3T doesn't need Attack Mode. I like the new show and I can get to anything, but I think I will never like the Attack Mode. Get rid of it.

Re: Turbo Boost only in Attack Mode?

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 6:16 am
by Army_F_Body
To me attack mode is nothing more than fluff and the transformations seem to be a quick and easy way to advertise more Ford vehicles. It's been said that SPM and attack mode are (will be) two separate things so I'm sure KI3K will morph into a Ford GT (or some other flashy Ford concept vehicle) when SPM is introduced.

For me SPM represented the end of a great series and with this new show we are way to early to be getting into that kind of stuff. Hopefully as the show progresses it wont seem like more attention was put into the CGI than character development and plots.

Re: Turbo Boost only in Attack Mode?

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 9:53 am
by BlueChaos
As I said in another thread, the Attack Mode gave KI3T that steel underbody plating with the blue KR logo on it. I think that underbody plating is protecting KI3T's parts from being broken from the landing. As we see in the second episode, in normal mode, without the plating, KI3T's underbody got crushed and he got into a meltdown.

Re: Turbo Boost only in Attack Mode?

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 10:45 am
by NeoRanger
I like the Attack Mode, simply because it's customized. Thinking about it, a middle solution would be better: customize a little the normal mode and get rid of the very loud attack mode. That is, if Ford allows it. I won't die if KITT's a stock Shelby, but it really does annoy me. I want KITT to look different than most cars.

Re: Turbo Boost only in Attack Mode?

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 11:54 am
by adamtrek
GST said in a previous interview, I think at Comic Con, that KITT will eventually turbo boost in both normal and Attack mode, but that all they filmed at that point was Attack mode versions.

Can someone back me up on this, I can't exactly remember when he said it? :?: