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Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 12:34 pm
by Michael_Knight
Knight Rider: The Return (PG-13)
Starring Linda Cardellini and Cole Hauser
Also Featuring Hal Holbrook
Directed by Gore Verbinski
Screenplay by John Carpenter

Projected Budget Range: $80 - $90 million
Planned Release Date: May

Projected Box Office Receipts:
$14.54 million (Opening Weekend)
$75.53 million (Total Domestic Gross)

Chance of getting Oscar Nomination: Slim to none
Chance of winning at least one Oscar: Slim to none

Critic Most Likely to Praise: Jack Garner, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Critic Most Likely to Skewer: The CAP Ministry, CAP Alert

Or, perhaps...

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 12:37 pm
by Michael_Knight
A Shadowy Flight: Knight Rider Returns (PG)
(Action/Buddy Cop)
Starring Freddie Prinze Jr. and Angelina Jolie
Also Featuring Patrick Warburton, Seann William Scott, Erika Christensen, Fairuza Balk
Directed by M. Night Shyamalan
Screenplay by David Ayer and John Pogue

Projected Budget Range: $120 - $130 million
Planned Release Date: March

Projected Box Office Receipts:
$10.01 million (Opening Weekend)
$52.11 million (Total Domestic Gross)

Chance of getting Oscar Nomination: 3%
Chance of winning at least one Oscar: 1%

Critic Most Likely to Praise: Kevin Thomas, Los Angeles Times
Critic Most Likely to Skewer: Rita Kempley, Washington Post