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Re: Live Discussion - Fight Knight

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:17 am
by devox
scorbing wrote:
devox wrote:
scorbing wrote:After watching last night's episode I have to tell you that it's no wonder the series is going down the drain. KITT didn't do anything...I mean nothing. What's the point in having a super tecnologically advanced car, packed with gadgets of all sorts if you are not going to use it? Sure, KITT has developed a sense of humor which is cool and funny but we have yet to see all the marvels it has inside. They could have shown us what KITT is made of on Knight To King's Pawn and we all know how that turned out. They blew it big time. Knight Rider has become just another stupid series with boring content and not enough KITT action. The only thing KITT seems to be good for is to take people to the emergency room as this is the second episode where he does such a thing. I'm a big KR fan but this is disappointing. The original series had KITT doing more action stuff than this new series. The seriously need to get people with real imaginations to write their stories. Nothing has been explained right from the beginning. The now F.L.A.G. sucks. It seems empty and fake. Grainman should have never been killed off. I am absolutely bored with the series. The only thing that MIGHT save the series is an appearance by the Hoff in a few episodes, other than that, I am sorry to say, but they are doomed for cancellation.
LOL *?$#!! you compare old KR an new?This is *?$#!
If you don't like this new version KR, you go to watch OLD series and you will not write anything stupid about new version here.
And btw the series is not going down.Where you hear that or read? This moment nobody know what will happened
with KR so please stfu.I'm sure the NBC will tell us in the right moment, i think after the end of this season.
You are obviously an obsessed fan boy teen who doesn't understand the reality of the situation. LOOK at the ratings, they speak for themselves. The series doesn't stand a chance right now at that day and timeslot, especially with those not-so-good stories. If they don't improve the stories and give the fans what they want, they will sink. They have not impressed anyone at NBC and they know it. The KARR vs KITT story was a complete disaster. 10 minutes of action cut to 2 - mostly NBCs fault for that. They only thing that might save this series is:

1. Get the Hoff on the series for a few episodes.
2. Move the series to Syndication TV where it will have a better chance to survive and actually be watched.

Right now, the only people watching the series are die hard fan boys like you who don't care about the stories or anything else but watching KITT ride on the road with Mike and make jokes or take people to the Emergency room.

They are not impressing anybody - except you of course - and the ratings clearly indicate that. The show is a failure whether you want to accept it or not. It hasn't delievered so get a grip on reality kid.
you really got pissed of.hahah coz this is the true.Go watch old knight rider if you don't like the new one.
And get the Hoff on the series, this is's to old for this.Probably total drunken every day if you ask me.

Re: Live Discussion - Fight Knight

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:19 am
by DevonStyles
Is it me or was their more actual car driving in this episode then the rest of the episodes put togther? I liked it alot.
I thought the transformation was kinda pointless but it was not too in my face..... The truck did not go over any terrain that the car would not have been able too.

Re: Live Discussion - Fight Knight

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:28 am
by Jay
That was a fun episode - gotta love KITT's comment at the beginning and end.

Re: Live Discussion - Fight Knight

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:48 am
by K.A.C.I.
Last week, Inside Man, this week it's Fight Club. Neat stuff.
"You can't stop me."
"No, but my car can." Scenes like that NEVER get old.
-That mug shot looked hilarious.
Seriously this was a pretty great episode, and the end of it was simply icing on the cake.
Can't wait to see the ratings on this one.
I am absolutely bored with the series. The only thing that MIGHT save the series is an appearance by the Hoff in a few episodes, other than that, I am sorry to say, but they are doomed for cancellation.
Then stop watching, and quit bothering those of us that are still interested.

Re: Live Discussion - Fight Knight

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:52 am
by Stealthwalker
This was a very decent episode, the only complaint that I do have for the episode is the F-150 transformation, but other than that, this was very good episode.

Re: Live Discussion - Fight Knight

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:31 pm
What ever happened to Mike Traceur being dead, and Michael Knight being his alias? This episode he helps an old friend. I saw the episode guide for two weeks from now, and he helps another old friend. Isn't he supposed to keep his identiy secret? At least the old show the character of Michael Knight had plastic surgery, this time around why use an alias when it seems that they don't care if others find out he isn't dead?

Re: Live Discussion - Fight Knight

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:58 pm
by Avenger95
I liked this episode. The transformation into the F-150 didnt bother me one bit. Last I checked, a Mustang isnt an off-road vehicle.

But I am now beginning to wonder something. Will Michael and KITT return to base or are they forever on the road now? I'd like to see if maybe KRI gets a new mobile command much like TOS. They built it up the first season with the fact KITT needs a scan of his body to repair any damage to his systems that he himself can not fix. Now its like it never existed. Hopefully future episodes fill that gap.

If only that fight scene was above ground, then I would have expected KITT to do some kind of dramatic save by plowing through the walls. Classic Save.

Re: Live Discussion - Fight Knight

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 1:22 pm
by cazman101
I thought the episode was good but like many the transforming was pointless the reason i give for this is this car is supposed to be an improvement on the 2000 that went off road plenty of times and never needed to change into a truck.Leave the tranforming to the Transformers or the Power Rangers. If anything the car should have just extended its suspention not that the road it was driving on warrented that because it seemed to be a pretty smooth road.

Don't forget that its the Knight industries 3000 not an actual mustang anyway shifting that aside the episode in general was quite a good i enjoyed it.

Re: Live Discussion - Fight Knight

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 1:23 pm
by larmindy
All and all I enjoyed last night’s ep, until the very end. The little outburst from KITT mimicking the sergeant did not fit and seemed forced. I know they are trying to add humor to KITT’s personality but this didn’t work for me. My opinion, I know, but I wanted to voice it since others seemed to like it.

It is nice to see the relationship between Michael Knight Jr and KITT develop. This is really great, but we need to get Sarah, Zoe, and Billy mobile. Having them at the SSC is a waste.

The transformation in the ep was done well and for once it did not bother me. I am not a big fan of this angle but it did fit in well with the story here (as well in some previous eps). I think the reason it didn’t bother me, aside from a functional need, is that the shot of the actual transformation was quick and from a distance.

All in all I was happy with this once, didn’t catch the trailer for next week yet.

· Loved it when KITT closed the door on the girl
· Enjoyed the banter between Mike and KITT
· KITT making his own decisions was great
· Mike making KITT leave was okay, needed KITT to push back a bit more on it as he is supposed to protect his driver
· Only real complaint is the line from KITT that I mention above

One man can make a difference!

Re: Live Discussion - Fight Knight

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 2:38 pm
by Knight4life
I think the episode was so-so.Not bad but not as great as compared to the previous 4.

Re: Live Discussion - Fight Knight

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:35 pm
by lunchmeat
PVKR wrote:What ever happened to Mike Traceur being dead, and Michael Knight being his alias? This episode he helps an old friend. I saw the episode guide for two weeks from now, and he helps another old friend. Isn't he supposed to keep his identiy secret? At least the old show the character of Michael Knight had plastic surgery, this time around why use an alias when it seems that they don't care if others find out he isn't dead?
The episodes got moved around, so the continuity is a little out-of-whack. Last week it was Michael Knight - that was the season finale. This week, and next week, and possibly more episodes, it's Traceur.

Re: Live Discussion - Fight Knight

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:56 pm
by Rockatteer
Yeah but they killed Mike Traceur in the first episode.

Re: Live Discussion - Fight Knight

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:57 pm
Jay wrote:That was a fun episode - gotta love KITT's comment at the beginning and end.
my favorite was the "about time kitt" and he said "actully i impressed myself with how fast my processing was". LMAO.

Re: Live Discussion - Fight Knight

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:54 pm
by Knight2000
When it all started out as CSI:Knight Rider, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. But at least it wasn't too cheesy IMO.

Didn't quite understand where Sarah suddenly got glasses from. IMO She looks better without them.
On the whole, the ep felt good, felt like something TOS could have handled.
Lost Knight wrote:It should've been the Mustang doing that.
I agree, but at least they paid homage to TOS.
GT500KR wrote:No horny Zoe and Billy....
I was so happy that their parts were minimal.
PunkMaister wrote:I loved how KITT began to take charge of the situation in many instances
There are times when I wished KI2T would take the initiative, so it was nice seeing KI3T do it
KITTKARR85 wrote:This episode once again hit the mark, classic KR action. Had the cruising scene with music,
I still wish they had more of the theme tune in it, bit like when TOS would use variations of tune.
tmtcnya wrote:This week we have yet again a great plot and storyline, but a snap of a finger ending.
I'm still waiting for a car chase. Any car chase. Even a quick five-second one. In the bank robbery ep, Mike followed the crooks to their car. It would have been the perfect ending to have a car chase then.
Victor Kros wrote: #3. If KITT is so friggin sophisticated why couldn't he just follow the GPS in Mike's fancy cellphone or does his phone somehow magically not have that ability? It felt like it made KITT's abilities weakened again.

#5. Digital (I'm assuming DV) tapes give off radiation? Really? Also "magnetic" radiation so apparently substantial that a car can detect them from outside a building? This is news to me.
When the patched Mike through to KI3T, he should have been able to lock on to his signal, so when it later bugged out, at least KI3T had something to go on. Plot device IMO.
Mike Knight wrote:High Traction Drop Downs.
They weren't HTDD's - just inflated tyres. In TOS, HTDD were meant to be a set of huge wheels for KI2T to go offroading on, bit like a monster truck. Never happened. I still don't like the transformations, and I don't like the truck ones but it was necessary for the situation, so I'm not going to say anything.
knightriderfan123 wrote:see what im saying thats why a wrist watch is better
I've grown used to the earwig. Even the wristwatch had its limitations and could be broken, lost or removed all three of which I recall happening in TOS.
Rockatteer wrote: One thing which didn't please me very much was Mikes comment about how he placed the plastic bag on Kitts hood and he had "surface tech" so he could scan it... I would have though that Kitts scanners would be able to scan that bag regardless of where it was?
Again, this is something I agree with wholeheartedly. KI3T should have been able to scan the stuff as soon as Mike was in range of the car.

As for talk of the 80s, I feel TV has gone the way of computer games. Less about gameplay and interaction and more about "wow look at thos graphics" with shockingly poor gameplay.
scorbing wrote:KITT didn't do anything...I mean nothing. What's the point in having a super tecnologically advanced car, packed with gadgets of all sorts if you are not going to use it?
And there was me thinking KI3T diagnosed the COD, found a location for Mike to investigate, told Mike about the basement, told Mike how to fight, transported an injured person to the hospital, rescued Mike, and helped catch some criminals. Where you watching something else?

Re: Live Discussion - Fight Knight

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 6:38 pm
by CJaguar442
screw the earwig. the FBI and secret service have earwigs. The comlink watch also had a micro camera and scanner that KITT could access to gather information. Plus the watch was alot cooler.

The earwig is oldschool as well. Stop hating the 80's and TOS.

Re: Live Discussion - Fight Knight

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:04 pm
by Lost Knight
PVKR wrote:What ever happened to Mike Traceur being dead, and Michael Knight being his alias? This episode he helps an old friend. I saw the episode guide for two weeks from now, and he helps another old friend. Isn't he supposed to keep his identiy secret? At least the old show the character of Michael Knight had plastic surgery, this time around why use an alias when it seems that they don't care if others find out he isn't dead?
He never got facial reconstructive surgery, therefore every old friend (and enemy) will immediately recognize him, thus negating the entire reason for the identity change in the first episode. That's the consequence of terrible writing.

Re: Live Discussion - Fight Knight

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:43 pm
by Rockatteer
Yep it was terrible writing. Kind of explains a lot really doesn't it. :(

Re: Live Discussion - Fight Knight

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:02 pm
by Q..
To All Fans:

It seems that the writers are finally getting into a rhythm as they are beginning to develop a proper founadational structure for season 2. I believe that the team will become mobile (they have over a billion dollars to work with). So be patient. It will get better.

The writers ARE listening.


Re: Live Discussion - Fight Knight

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:02 pm
by Q..
To All Fans:

It seems that the writers are finally getting into a rhythm as they are beginning to develop a proper founadational structure for season 2. I believe that the team will become mobile (they have over a billion dollars to work with). So be patient. It will get better.

The writers ARE listening.


Re: Live Discussion - Fight Knight

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:12 pm
by KRAvengerII
Q.. wrote:To All Fans:

It seems that the writers are finally getting into a rhythm as they are beginning to develop a proper founadational structure for season 2. I believe that the team will become mobile (they have over a billion dollars to work with). So be patient. It will get better.

The writers ARE listening.

Yes, but are they actually WORKING on a second season? Isn't it a bit premature for that?

Re: Live Discussion - Fight Knight

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:18 pm
by pat329
i think the episode was awsome and can't wait until next week' episode,the show is getting better and better every week. :kitt:

Re: Live Discussion - Fight Knight

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:07 pm
by Dirty Sonchez 3000
when is the series finale?

Re: Live Discussion - Fight Knight

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:15 pm
by kenick
this is by far the best episode of kr i have ever watched
(kitt vs karr was more of a disapointment coz it shows for few minutes before it is destroyed)
i like ki3t sense of humour which reminds me of KI2T.
i do like the twisted story line which is quite nice
the transformation part is very clear and looks much better as it looks clear from a distance(the vfx guys di a great job)

Re: Live Discussion - Fight Knight

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:56 pm
by lunchmeat
Lost Knight wrote:
PVKR wrote:What ever happened to Mike Traceur being dead, and Michael Knight being his alias? This episode he helps an old friend. I saw the episode guide for two weeks from now, and he helps another old friend. Isn't he supposed to keep his identiy secret? At least the old show the character of Michael Knight had plastic surgery, this time around why use an alias when it seems that they don't care if others find out he isn't dead?
He never got facial reconstructive surgery, therefore every old friend (and enemy) will immediately recognize him, thus negating the entire reason for the identity change in the first episode. That's the consequence of terrible writing.
Sorry...I've got to refute this. Michael Long was shot in the face. The reconstructive surgery to change his face was just a bonus - if he hadn't been shot, he mightn't have had it.

Old friends knowing Mike could lead to very interesting storylines....we just have to wait and see. Hopefully his friends can keep his secret. Even if they can't, he's legally dead if I remember correctly, which means that he can't be traced. I'll have to watch the first episode to confirm this.

Re: Live Discussion - Fight Knight

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 12:16 am
by Rockatteer
lunchmeat wrote:Sorry...I've got to refute this. Michael Long was shot in the face. The reconstructive surgery to change his face was just a bonus - if he hadn't been shot, he mightn't have had it.
If I remember correctly the reconstructive surgery was part of the plan all along.

They used Micheal Long because he was presumed dead and therefore the reconstruction of not only his face, but also his life could be carried out.